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Getting ready for war

Topics: General: Getting ready for war


Thursday, November 22, 2012 - 08:42 am Click here to edit this post
Hey, just wanted to say thanks for the help so far from everyone!

I just reached the point where my corps are profitable and I can start to support a military.

I watched the tutorial videos and I am still unclear on how exactly war works. You just order your land forces to take each town and city individually until you occupy the whole country?

How much is automated? Can invaders bypass fortifications?

Are the default builds for units useful or are there better ones?



Thursday, November 22, 2012 - 10:18 am Click here to edit this post
If this is your first war, the default units are all you need.

There's a good tutorial on the first attack in the documentation. AFAIR it's even build into the game.

And yes, you can go wherever you want. In some cases land units can, however, get stuck on enemy units. In that case you can usually just back off and go another way around.

The tricky parts only come in your second war.

My advice would be to closely inspect your stocks of weapons, ammo and fuels before your second war.

I ran out of a lot of stuff because war #2 lasted longer than the ½ hour war #1. And I hadn't really stocked up on what I used in the first.

Note also that if things for some reason take longer time, the bottle neck in your operations is likely to be your supply units.

Again, this probably won't be an issue untill war 2, but for that occassion I had to build a 3rd supplyunit becaue they are so damn slow at getting stuff to the army and airforce.


Thursday, November 22, 2012 - 05:19 pm Click here to edit this post
When you are in the war, you will find an explanation of all the war index points you have scored and what for, and all the index points left and what target is worth what. It should be pretty obvious to you with that info.

Your units, or at least one of them, should cover all the enemy territory, called painting as you will see the map change colour where you have been, and you'll get good points for doing that.

Put more ammo in any land units that you use than the blueprint suggests, saves re-suppling and you shouldnt be losing ground units. Be as quick as you can, begin war beginning of game month, if you let it carry on more than a game month enemy stuff will rebuild meaning you have to blow it up again.

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