Simcountry is a multiplayer Internet game in which you are the president, commander in chief, and industrial leader. You have to make the tough decisions about cutting or raising taxes, how to allocate the federal budget, what kind of infrastructure you want, etc..
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State of the World Address

Topics: General: State of the World Address

King Hezekiah II

Wednesday, November 21, 2012 - 10:13 pm Click here to edit this post
Greetings My fellow Little Upsilonians.

The State of the World is incomplete!! We have no organization as of right now per say. We have through the nations and Empires who love LU build a semi functioning World Government on LU. There are 3 Branches to this government.

There is an executive Branch, which is the Secretary General, Secretaries of State, Justice, Treasury, & LU Security. We thank the Heads of State who participate in this executive Branch like King Lord Arbuckle, who is the secretary of Treasury. Chief Jackseptic who is the Secretary of State. President Slayerofgods who is the Secretary of Justice, and last but certainly not least King Herod VI who is the Secretary of LU Security. This is one of the branches that is fully functioning and has average participation.

There is also a Tricameral Legislature consisting of the Committee of the Joint Chiefs of staff, who are the chairmen and members of federations who represent each region in which they reside. There are 85 regions, so there are 85 seats. Members do hold multiple seats in this body. There are 15 Expansionist Party member seats, and 10 Isolationist Party Member seats. and the LU Defense Organization hold the most seats with 4 as a federation. There are also 14 seats up for grabs because they have no large empires. I am still federalizing the rest of the continents, and I have 6 left. The second body is the LU Security Council which has 15 members, but 8 of them are in the World Government. This body is fully operational is an below average participation. The 3rd body is the Committee of Common Market founders, and there are 85 seats here as well. This body is not functioning at all right now.

We also have a Judicial Branch called the LU International Criminal Court. This body has a Chief Justice, but is not fully operational as well. It consists of a Chief Justice, 4 Associate Justices, an Attorney General, and a Public Defender. The LU Security Council also acts as a Judicial body as well.

These governmental bodies are not hard to use, and once people get used to using it, the politics can get very interesting and fun, while at the same time running LU efficiently. I have only 20 something LU Years left as Secretary General, and I plan to call one General Assembly, and do one more State of the World Address. Once the government is fully operational and full participation, the Secretary General should be required to speak live.

This is the State of the World of Little Upsilon. If we want Peace, Prosperity, Growth, and interactive international politics, we must participate, or just sit in your cubby hole and build your empire to yurself. May Peace be with you, and may be Peace with the World of Little Upsilon. Thank You.


Thursday, November 22, 2012 - 02:18 am Click here to edit this post
Will you move this to the LU forums?

King Hezekiah II

Monday, November 26, 2012 - 05:25 am Click here to edit this post
WHy are you worried about it. Mind your own business.


Monday, November 26, 2012 - 02:17 pm Click here to edit this post
Hezekiah, the LU Defense organization is hostile bidding one of my corporations.

Perhaps this would be a good time to send someone to convince them to retract the bid before I go off the rails and wallop one of them silly.

That is irresponsible of world government 'leaders' or ambassadors of the Tricameral Legislature to allow members of their federation to hostile bid player corps. That is a big no no. Where are the ethics? Where is the leadership?

New Little Upsilon Order

Monday, November 26, 2012 - 09:27 pm Click here to edit this post
I will make sure this information get's to the Secretary General. These 2 branches are equal Branches of government. Hezekiah is in the Executive Branch and he is also a Joint CHief of staff of the Tri Cameral legislature: The Joint Chiefs of Staff of Federations of Regions Decambra region. Do you President who are attacking your economy are in?


Monday, November 26, 2012 - 10:45 pm Click here to edit this post


Do you President who are attacking your economy are in?

I couldn't really understand the question.


On a serious note though, the bid went through. I'm currently mulling over an appropriate response.

King Hezekiah II

Monday, November 26, 2012 - 11:28 pm Click here to edit this post
Herod just inboxed me. What region are you in Wendy?


Monday, November 26, 2012 - 11:30 pm Click here to edit this post
Continent: Lynx Minor
Region: Menlo North

King Hezekiah II

Monday, November 26, 2012 - 11:32 pm Click here to edit this post
ok. I will alert the Fed of that region, and the Economic side of the Legislature to pass a resolution on the Matter. General Chief Jackseptic would handle these things because he is the Secretary of State on the Executive side. He would generally handle diplomatic matters after the act has been committed. Also I will contact the Secretary of Justice if he has personally been involved in something unethical.

King Hezekiah II

Monday, November 26, 2012 - 11:37 pm Click here to edit this post
Oh no. The LU Defense Organization represents that region. I am contacting their chairman right now.


Tuesday, November 27, 2012 - 02:35 am Click here to edit this post
I spoke to some of my players about bidding on Sweetpea most have stated they haven't bidded on corps so i'm not sure what she means. IF she can provide names id be happy to speak to them. Also the bidding of a corp either it be a country or CEO wouldnt that be the position of a Common Market to address. I personally would like it to be noted to LU world Government that "Federations"(Groups of war players) SHOULDN'T be held accountable for the actions taken by an economic member.

That's like an Econ player saying a war player didnt destroy a C3 power corp cuasing the prices to drop.

As stated id be HAPPY to speak to the offending member and work out a deal. But id like to state that just because they might be known to deal/in a Fed that donest mean its the Federations issue. Id suggest contacting there Common Market when an economic issue arises


Tuesday, November 27, 2012 - 06:17 am Click here to edit this post
I have messages from the bid, and the bidding player.

The thread is on the LU forum titled Fair Warning

Federations are ALWAYS responsible for the actions of their members.

I do consider LU Defense fully responsible. If they didn't direct the player to do it intentionally, they failed to explain that players should not violate the NUMBER 1 Sim Commandment.


Thou shalt not hostilely take another player's corporations.
Thou shalt read the game documentation, though it appears out-dated.
Thou shalt not be an asshat.
Thou shalt not sell nukes to noobs.
Thou shalt not use sneak attacks.
Thou shalt not cuss at anyone, except asshats.
Thou shalt not piss off veterans.
Thou shalt not betray one's federation.
Thou shalt not covet thy neighbors lands.
Thou shalt not disobey the Game-God for he wields the mighty IP ban.

The bid went through. I was patient, and I was kind. Now it is time for a resolution. If I am disrespected or ignored and this trespass swept under a rug by the leadership of that players federation....

There Will Be Blood

King Hezekiah II

Tuesday, November 27, 2012 - 06:46 am Click here to edit this post
SupersoldierRCP has assured me that he will take care of the issue. I also agree with him in reguard to the federation Legislature handling a common market Legislature issue. The next time something like this happens, we will be sure to make this happen. So, Wendy I don't know if you can hold off, but I gave the details of this issue and it's resolution in the LU forum.


Tuesday, November 27, 2012 - 01:32 pm Click here to edit this post
Wendy if you could tell me exactly who bid on you i will talk to them but at this time i have no information on the specifics of the matter, (who did, what corp, what country etc.) No players in our fed has been directed to hostile bid or attack you in anyway, The LU Defense Org was started by me, not exactly a vet so most of my fed mates are very new players with only a couple recently reaching war lvl 3 and you know this. I do know it dont take much for you to find a reason to attack other players you have already attacked me several times for reasons you deem suitable. Dispite my attempts to befriend you or atleast be reasonable in future gaming you insist on directing attacks in my direction I personally dont appreciate the threats and will protect my fed mates to my full capability. I hope we can teach these players the rights and wrongs / etiqette of the game without destoying their countries. I will do what i can to avoid any confertations with you but as you know wendy the game master has changed the rules in the war game again so now lvl 6 cant fight lvl 3 i went to lvl 6 when you could still fight lvl 3 and stayed their so i could fight at the same lvls as you but now do to the change that now only lvl 5 can fight 3. I would ask of you before attacking my new to the game fed mates that you come on up just one war and fight me instead if you do feel you need to make some one bleed.


Tuesday, November 27, 2012 - 02:27 pm Click here to edit this post
I was being courteous by giving you all a chance to reverse this numbskull move. I linked up to it just 2 posts above. If you click it, you will have all the information you need.

Click the link that reads, "Fair Warning". Make note of the time and date. 36 hours was more than enough time to str8tn this out.

And no Jack, you went to level 6 after I took your country in our last war. You moved up, your problem.

The game master didn't change anything, you knew how it worked when you moved up, and you know how it works now.

As far as calling me out to go up a war level. Nah, I'll pass. I taxed that @55 already. no incentive for me to move up.

However, since you seem intent on playing the victim.

I will not be moving up. I've already stated this many times and have never changed my position. You should not have run up the levels to get away from me taking mor of your countries. On top of all that poor you victim nonsense, I gave you a chance to create an atmosphere of peace. But you proceeded in your folly, assumed you would win, and paid a price for it.

Honestly, I would get about the business of moving your fedmates up to war level 6, and I am only going to say that once.


Tuesday, November 27, 2012 - 03:43 pm Click here to edit this post
It seems to me that we are getting proof that the war levels regarding federation play are not working.


Federations are ALWAYS responsible for the actions of their members.

from sweetpea.


the game master has changed the rules in the war game again so now lvl 6 cant fight lvl 3

from Jack.

It can't be both ways can it, or else you are going to get abuse of the war level system.

Andy, please have a think about this issue.


Tuesday, November 27, 2012 - 04:28 pm Click here to edit this post
You think changing anything will solve the problem?

The problem is players use the levels to escape an unfavorable war. Then turn around and ask for changes when they feel it suits their personal needs.

I hope they change it actually. Then there will be nowhere to run, and they'll scream louder.

What is there to think?


Tuesday, November 27, 2012 - 05:27 pm Click here to edit this post
You know the issue wenders. Why cant fed mates defend each other with more than fed-air? Like you say, federations are always responsible for the actions of their members, and going hand in hand with belonging to that societial, responsible organisation should be mutual defense. Else it's a mockery of the whole federation reason d'etre.

I dont think its right that you can attack one of jacks fed members now because he went up a war level and you want to war with someone.

It's not about jack and you anyway, its about anyone being able to do this. You attack a fed member, you should have to face the whole fed.


Tuesday, November 27, 2012 - 05:56 pm Click here to edit this post
I'm sure the gms took your concerns into consideration when they planned announced and implemented the war levels.

The simple, non GM spamming solution: is to be a responsible fedmate or chairperson and...

a) do not leave members of your federation vulnerable to attacks, while you tuck yourself out of harms way by moving higher in the war levels

b) make sure your fedmates understand that hostile bidding and other actions that are frowned upon should not be done, and inform them of the potential risks.

c) train these individuals to get to the war level where you can help them. so if Super and Jack jumped up war levels, they can guide their recruits to that level as well.

This isn't a GM issue, it is simply a matter of making a choice of leaving your fedmates to lower war levels, or having them rise to the occasion.

Don't you think the GMs have enough objectives to accomplish at the moment?

It all boils down to choices.

The player chose to bid on my corp

Jack chose to move up war levels

Super chose to move up war levels

Jack and Super chose not to instruct their fedmate of the potential consequences of bidding.

Jack and Super chose not to bring their fedmates up the war ranks with them.

The player chose not to retract the bid after I was patient.


Tuesday, November 27, 2012 - 05:57 pm Click here to edit this post
There should be a middle ground war level were you can dec on anyone, 3 or above.


Tuesday, November 27, 2012 - 06:10 pm Click here to edit this post
There is Gaz, it is on FB

The war world.

At any rate, I'm sure these suggestions will prove to be just as unpopular as war levels.

At what point are we going to just play the game and quit trying to mold it to fit your own shortsighted objectives.

You see, it sounded good at first. But really, the players asking to be able declare down, went up in war levels to avoid war.

If it is changed, what will they complain about next? So all this discussion is a circle of infinity... Nothing will ever be enough for some people.

I mean comon, obviously what pisses me off is that a player can just come and bid on your corp,cannot be declared on, and probably a free member at that.

Have I asked for bids to go away? No. I never spammed the gms when I took my hits for being hardheaded. Look at me now, I can fight on my own two feet.

Let the players play already.


Tuesday, November 27, 2012 - 06:45 pm Click here to edit this post
Yes I know that but FB is dead.

Im sorry but war levels has completly ruined part of the game for me. I'll always have something to say against them.

I dont get why you seem in favour of them?


Tuesday, November 27, 2012 - 07:02 pm Click here to edit this post
Where did you get the idea that I was in favor of them?


Tuesday, November 27, 2012 - 07:03 pm Click here to edit this post
Your post above gave me that impression.


Tuesday, November 27, 2012 - 07:18 pm Click here to edit this post
You mistake me being tired of players whining for changes every time something in the game isn't to their liking(which is how we got war levels) for my being in favor of them.

I am wholeheartedly against war levels. always have been, and my position has never changed.

What I am for is stability. I want to play the same game for at least 30 days at a time,with the same rules for x,y, and z before another change comes along.

Jack and Super are trying to manipulate the system and get the gms to change it for them so that they can actually sidestep war levels altogether.

If both these players moved up the war levels to avoid warring a level 3, how can they be justified in being able to declare on a level 3, when they feel like it? Fed or not, that doesn't make sense.

If their members don't want to be attacked, they can start moving up to the level where Super and Jack are.

It really can't be that hard. They did after all find out how to hostile bid player corps.


Tuesday, November 27, 2012 - 07:49 pm Click here to edit this post
Im all for stability but if something is broke fix it.

What there asking for though is something you say you want? That's why I got the impression your for the levels.

Something has to change about fed's in war. The current system is no good.


Tuesday, November 27, 2012 - 08:43 pm Click here to edit this post
wendy it is a fact that after i chased you off LU, taking FOUR of your countries and you only taking ONE of mine in 3 wars that youve made up excuses to attack me in. Only after you were gone over a real month i went up war lvls to get 6T in c3 wars instead of 5T and then the game master did change the rules that you could only fight within 2 war levels instead of 3. If your so tuff why do you stay at war level 2 on FB THE WAR WORLD ,what a joke Im not afraid of you one bit and im not or never did run from you, the way i see it its 3 to 1 in my favor as is . If you want to war meet me on GR where you are war level 3 and i am war level 3 :).. i do find suspicious how you waited for me to go to war level 6 before you came back to LU ?? wendy your an economic power house you have many other option other than war to exact your revenge, if a noob hostile bids one of your corps (which im sure you have thousands of and wouldnt be hard to do if you were new) then you could easily bid on 3 or 6 of his til he got the point, i dont think its really about the hostile bid i think this all steams from super and i being products of scarlet and the IDC and your hell bent on wipeing out all remenances of it :( .


Tuesday, November 27, 2012 - 08:45 pm Click here to edit this post
excuse me FOUR to ONE ....Bring It !


Tuesday, November 27, 2012 - 09:19 pm Click here to edit this post
if you want a challenge wendy move up to war level 4 on LU and youll have a chance to take back one of the countries i took from you, APACHE TRIBE :)


Wednesday, November 28, 2012 - 12:40 am Click here to edit this post
Jack, you have quite an imagination. But let me get serious with you for just a minute.

Not a soul here other than your DeDmates believe a word of what you said.


Wednesday, November 28, 2012 - 10:25 am Click here to edit this post
whatever, you know im right.


Wednesday, November 28, 2012 - 05:36 pm Click here to edit this post
i believe jack


Wednesday, November 28, 2012 - 07:07 pm Click here to edit this post
I believe in Santa.


Wednesday, November 28, 2012 - 09:50 pm Click here to edit this post
Well Well, Josias. I'm not surprised.

However, you can believe whatever you want, it doesn't mean it is true. Lots of Kids believe in Santa, but we all know the truth on that.

I have some logs, based in reality to verify my claims. I carpet nuked Jack's empire twice. The last time, I took one real country(with real swag in it) and flattened the rest.

I don't have to fabricate stuff or pass pom-poms to players like Josias.

May 2,2012

5:15:39 PM) {Ru}>Victim: I have offered Jack terms once, but he refused to agree to them. Which is why I have continued these hostilities
(5:15:59 PM) redman: Were they fair terms?
(5:16:16 PM) Victim: Maybe when he visits the chatroom. You can convince him. To entertain my terms once again.
(5:16:37 PM) Victim: They were more than fair considering he could keep his once fruitful empire intact.
(5:17:05 PM) Victim: Now all he has are 8 c3s, 1 stripped country and the two he just bought from Crazyeye
(5:17:55 PM) Victim: Hm, It appears Josias is positioning himself to interfere in the war....
(5:18:39 PM) Victim: I think I have a copy of the terms somehwere
(5:18:40 PM) redman: Is that orbiter?
(5:18:45 PM) Victim: yes
(5:19:01 PM) redman: Maybe you have beat jack up enough?
(5:21:21 PM) Victim: he hasn't surrendered.
(5:21:28 PM) Victim: I doubt he will.
(5:21:39 PM) Victim: Ask him how he feels when he comes to chat.

(5/2/2012 9:49:39 PM) jackseptic: hello
(5/2/2012 9:49:40 PM) wolskyj: hows it going jack
(5/2/2012 9:50:10 PM) jackseptic: just checking in ..looks like im still getting nuked lol
(5/2/2012 9:51:00 PM) wolskyj: lol
(5/2/2012 10:16:25 PM) wolskyj: same here
(10:18:42 PM) wolskyj: cool
(10:54:09 PM) Victim: Jack... The solution is not more interceptor missiles.
(10:54:21 PM) Victim: Terms Foo...
(10:55:27 PM) Victim: The interceptors and their missiles are only an expensive form of prolonging the inevitable...
(11:07:59 PM) Victim: I would think of a new strategy soon. Like perhaps coming to terms foo! I would hate to have to scrape you a third time.
(11:10:17 PM) Victim: well. Have a good night. And don't forget, despite the hostility, I am always open for negotiation.



Wednesday, November 28, 2012 - 09:52 pm Click here to edit this post
And Jack in his own words...

May 4, 2012

(3:04:21 AM) Victim: Now, for the last point. I'll need a public condemnation of corporate partner and his hostile bidding. Then we can seal this bad boy up.
(3:04:38 AM) Victim: Oh, you want me to compensate you?
(3:04:57 AM) jackseptic: yes please
(3:05:46 AM) Victim: Hm, well now we would definitely ask that you take much stronger measures than the present terms. I wasn't aware that we were negotiating for compensation, but rather for peace.
(3:06:23 AM) jackseptic: oh this is true
(3:06:47 AM) jackseptic: so kick that last part right out to
(3:08:50 AM) Victim: Well this interests me. How much do you think you have lost, in weapons, ammo, corps and population.
(3:08:56 AM) Victim: Throw me a number.
(3:09:08 AM) spacegeneral: 30T
(3:09:10 AM) Victim: Let me consider a counter for compensation at least.
(3:09:21 AM) Victim: silence super.
(3:09:54 AM) spacegeneral: im not super
(3:10:11 AM) spacegeneral: im spacegeneral, please its space or gen
(3:10:16 AM) jackseptic: lol
(3:10:17 AM) Victim: errrr yeah you are
(3:10:36 AM) Victim: I'm not wendy :s
(3:11:23 AM) Victim: give me a number jack.
(3:11:53 AM) jackseptic: 100T
(3:12:13 AM) spacegeneral: maybe i should keep talking
(3:12:26 AM) jackseptic: quit super
(3:12:39 AM) spacegeneral: :( ok
(3:17:40 AM) Victim: 100T?
(3:17:52 AM) Victim: I was thinking more towards super's end
(3:19:04 AM) Victim: okay you can talk now super
(3:19:09 AM) Victim: lol
(3:19:35 AM) Victim: Can you break that down so I can possibly see how you may have lot 100T
(3:19:40 AM) jackseptic: are you conidering all the damage ive inncurred in your last TWO conquest ?
(3:20:29 AM) Victim: Wow. I see. No I was thinking about this one.
(3:20:53 AM) jackseptic: ok well ive lost a hole lot wendy
(3:21:05 AM) jackseptic: you may not realize
(3:21:22 AM) Victim: I think the repurcussions will have to be a lot stronger against CorporatePartner for you to get 100T out of me.
(3:21:36 AM) jackseptic: and was at game lvl 7 going for 8 when you attacked this time
(3:21:45 AM) Victim: But yes I do know you have lost a lot in this war. The high Quality Weapons, The ammo.
(3:22:38 AM) Victim: I'm going to be honest though. You'll have to do a 180 on CP to get me to release that kind of funds


Wednesday, November 28, 2012 - 10:09 pm Click here to edit this post
And... more Jack..

May 7, 2012

Gravedigger is me lol.

(4:01:36 AM) GraVeDiGGer: lol, its cool I'm the only one who needs to read them so no biggie
(4:01:44 AM) GraVeDiGGer: type away
(4:02:18 AM) falcien: Well their arogant
(4:02:38 AM) falcien: Scarlet and jack septic pretty much was talking about nuking both of us in the kebir blue chat room
(4:02:44 AM) falcien: I steped in on it and surprised the,m
(4:02:45 AM) GraVeDiGGer: lol
(4:03:00 AM) GraVeDiGGer: Do you know what I was doing all this week falcien
(4:03:06 AM) falcien: ??
(4:03:17 AM) falcien: War on LU
(4:03:30 AM) GraVeDiGGer: Taking Jacks two best countries on LU. I took one but left him the other as I had nuked it so many times it was worthless to take
(4:03:41 AM) falcien: LMAO
(4:03:52 AM) GraVeDiGGer: they are just desperate lol
(4:03:59 AM) brainmuncher: Omg


Wednesday, November 28, 2012 - 11:26 pm Click here to edit this post
Just thought I would add


If both these players moved up the war levels to avoid warring a level 3, how can they be justified in being able to declare on a level 3, when they feel like it? Fed or not, that doesn't make sense.

which is NOT what those two are saying.

The point is about being able to defend your fed mates, not dec on anyone at random at different WLs, just a fufilment of the fed dec rules. No one was saying that should be able to dec first, just respond to a dec against one of their fed mates. A big difference.


Thursday, November 29, 2012 - 12:28 am Click here to edit this post

Wilhelm II Hohensteinburg

Thursday, November 29, 2012 - 12:34 am Click here to edit this post
I honestly believe in Wendy lol, I've witnessed her wrath and fighting here in White Giant.


Thursday, November 29, 2012 - 12:49 am Click here to edit this post

i removed my posts, because i really am trying to be mellow. anyways, i still believe jack.


Thursday, November 29, 2012 - 01:28 am Click here to edit this post
@Crafty, it still doesn't sound right.

The war levels were made to separate. If you moved yourself into a higher class, you should not be able to move down, counter-dec down. If not the whole system is pointless.

And then after all is said and done, it still won't be enough. They'll demand more changes and have you on the sideline trying to justify their righteous cause.


@Orbiter... no one cares lol. And uh.. Merry X-mas to you too?


Thursday, November 29, 2012 - 04:22 am Click here to edit this post
Thank you crafty

I know and accept that i should not be able to dec a war level 3 when im war level 7. When "DECCING" someone i should follow those rules. When i "SIGNED" the war dec for a fed that should be he only time a higher war level should fight a lower.

What if it was the other way round what if 2 higher levels where fighting and a LOWER level wanted to help, should he/she be told.

No your to low a war level so we deem you to be to incompetent to fight these people?


Thursday, November 29, 2012 - 04:34 am Click here to edit this post

Super go start a vote.


Thursday, November 29, 2012 - 10:59 am Click here to edit this post
Dont thank me Super, I'm impartial in your issues with Jack and Wendy.

I was just trying to see things from an outsiders point of view. I'll try to keep my nose out of it now.


Thursday, November 29, 2012 - 12:07 pm Click here to edit this post
anyways, i lost a game of chess, the guy forced the stupid bishop knight thing into the corner, and i got both for my rook, with the right pawns outta the way i was in command, and i out thought a pawn move, and vola, i lose... i do love that chess server, thanks bunches!!


Thursday, November 29, 2012 - 08:10 pm Click here to edit this post
like i said im war level 3 on GR if youve got any problems with me ILL MEET YOU THERE !! cause im pretty sure that i caused alot more damage in taking your 4 countries then you did to any of mine ..never got below an 90 war index fighting you so like i said im not scared :) oh and i landed alot more nukes than you did forget to talk about all that thou lol


Thursday, November 29, 2012 - 10:51 pm Click here to edit this post
Its not CREEPY AT ALL that people save chat convos from 6months ago...


Friday, November 30, 2012 - 12:23 am Click here to edit this post
Super, the client is called pidgin, and IT saves the logs. I just like the fact that they are there so when you or Jack attempt to twist history, it is there to stare you in the face.

That story was pretty cool until I popped those logs out huh? Took you all day to respond. Poor Form children, poor form.


ArCUK, before joining your fed Jack, was a member of Sons of Light. I left LU after beating your empire into a pulp, and then he joined you soon after. Not sure why, perhaps he felt pity for you.

He actually gave me the ground access to Crazyville, CrazyEye and watched me take one and level the other.

So the nonsense about never going below 90 WI, is pretty funny. When you take a country, obviously the War index hits 0. You must be pretty desperate to save face, the lying route isn't working try another approach.

Keep smoking whatever it is... must be some good ish :s


Friday, November 30, 2012 - 05:22 pm Click here to edit this post
It is very interesting that in the start of this, my intention was to avoid a hostile bid by a member of JackSeptic's federation from going through in my CEO.

Initially, I thought it was done intentionally. I can see that following the posts in this thread that my initial hypothesis is supported after all this posturing by Jack and his inability to address the problem and instead trying to provoke a negative response from me.

Indeed, there will be a response, on LU where the infraction occurred, FIRST. And then in other worlds as I see it fit. I understand that need for redemption Jack, but you have lowered yourself to a level below a simply defeated presence, and instead have occupied a station of further self-inflicted humiliation. Which again, in turn fuels an even stronger desire for some semblance of redemption.

Let me remind you, there is nothing wrong with admitting a loss. You would not be in weak company, in reality many a president more powerful and skilled than yourself share your station there in those ranks. You are certainly not alone.

Indeed, you did take 4 c3 countries from me, if you can call it taking. My child, if you don't learn the insignificance of these battle staging grounds you will never progress to a level where you could challenge me for the crown I do wear so proudly, given to me by the late great Tattooed Priest. A match with you and I would not truly be a challenge, it would be likened unto a swatter, utterly swatting a fly.

If you can justify bragging about conquering a few insignificant c3s while losing your entire empire, save your main, including two war slaves recently acquired from crazyeye, you have much to learn then grasshopper.

I will indeed offer you a chance at redemption. BUT, it will come as a surprise to only you yourself that the end result may very well end in further embarrassment. With such a challenge, you couple senseless boasts when the entire world of sim knows the truth.

Yet, how can you come into an armed conflict, ruled by your emotions, willing to twist reality to give off a certain appearance of strength when in reality you operate from a platform of weakness.

In my mercy, I try to reconcile your actions with your heightened state of emotion. Truly, I say to you, as a woman, I do understand your current dilema, trying to tame your emotions and transferring those feelings into rational thought. No one person here identifies with your situation more than I.

I have tried to keep these considerations in mind when I contemplate a just punishment for your actions. After all, you are only human. I can relate with that. However, you have acted foolishly and filled your mouth with big words and a tall order that you know in your heart you cannot deliver. Nevertheless, when the time comes, I shall spank thy buttocks again, this I promise you. Hardheaded children never learn.

Have a nice day. And think before you type in the future.


Friday, November 30, 2012 - 05:38 pm Click here to edit this post
I have no stake in this, but since Jackseptic asked for my advise in chat the other day, I have a couple of questions.

Where is the "noob" in all of this, who caused this conflict? Surprising...very quiet indeed.

Jack, per my recommendation, has any attempts been made towards making retribution to Wendy for the "hostile" bid?

I recommended an attempt towards diplomacy in this conflict, but I'm not seeing this from your posts. I see them as further flaming the issue, not coming to any peaceful resolution.

Therefore, I'm confused from our discussion the other day. Just saying. I'm taking no sides, as utlimately, this IS the game, whether you agree with Wendy or not. As a leader, she has the right to decide whether she feels wronged. Just as you do, Jack.

I wish you both well and hope it can be settled peacefully, unless you wish to just have a good old fashion fight. *winks


Saturday, December 1, 2012 - 12:43 am Click here to edit this post
I'm soo scared


Saturday, December 1, 2012 - 02:57 am Click here to edit this post
We know you are. Now tell us more stories.


Saturday, December 1, 2012 - 05:04 am Click here to edit this post
have you heard the one where i take every county you have that isnt war protected and at a war level i can fight you ...its really good.

Colonel Mahamar Al Gaddafi

Tuesday, December 4, 2012 - 04:38 am Click here to edit this post
Congratulations to Chief Jackseptic. He is 5 seats in the Committee of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, which makes him the Majority Leader for the Expansionists because they hold the Majority. Also his federation represents 10 Regions on LU, which makes them the most powerful federation on LU. Also another congratulations to Chief Jackseptic because he also is the Secretary of State of the LU World Gov, which oversees the Joint Chiefs, and he is the Majority Leader gives him complete control of that branch of government, and also makes him the most powerful man and empire on LU. Let us all give him a big congratulations, and hope that he uses his great power wisely. I am the Chief Justice of the LU International Criminal Court, and I am a witness here this day on feb 23, 3071.

Colonel Mahamar Al Gaddafi

Tuesday, December 4, 2012 - 04:41 am Click here to edit this post
On a personal note does anyone know how to get my pic to show up on the forums?


Tuesday, December 4, 2012 - 08:46 am Click here to edit this post
lmao, @most powerful... paper tiger RAWR!

Jiang Hu Warrior

Tuesday, December 4, 2012 - 01:28 pm Click here to edit this post
@ mr m al gaddafi, on the main portal page click the account & membership link then click the public profile link, on that page near the top left side, click the change button and click the accept conditions button then upload a pic.


Tuesday, December 4, 2012 - 03:08 pm Click here to edit this post
Hey, gaddafi, no, you're wrong. Stupid boy, having more entities on your misleading, incorrect and illegal list does not make any president the most powerful. You have very little idea how things work around here, mind how you tread, fool.

King Hezekiah II

Tuesday, December 4, 2012 - 04:34 pm Click here to edit this post
Why are you threatening my fedmate Crafty?

King Herod VI

Tuesday, December 4, 2012 - 05:16 pm Click here to edit this post
They would not be threatening anyone if it were not for you Hezekiah.


Tuesday, December 4, 2012 - 05:25 pm Click here to edit this post
They are threatening Hezekiah for lack of any other way to showcase their manhood.

Just my guess.


Tuesday, December 4, 2012 - 10:00 pm Click here to edit this post
i dont think in anyway that i am the most powerful of anything but i do appreciate your efforts to organize and unite a world King. i do believe with enough support and the right people backing this it may succeed but there is some concerns of other players that should still be considered.


Tuesday, December 4, 2012 - 10:04 pm Click here to edit this post
Well, you know that aint my style wenders.

I think Herod has some sense. One only need look at the history of Hez and his NLUO to see the dangers of associating with him. He will eventually annoy enough people to get himself pawned, liked he did before. It may be a longer process due to the awkwardness of the war game now, but it is inevitable.

Hell, even laguna welcomed him back as soon as he rejoined, but with the request not to spam the forums. But what was the first thing he did? spam the forums.

So, no, no one is threatening these people, just trying to give them the heads up that going along wholehearted with hezs' ideas could get them, how shall I say, in a spot of hot water.

Anyone have Stuarts email? LMAO!


Tuesday, December 4, 2012 - 10:11 pm Click here to edit this post
i actually, didn't offer one threat!

this is what i see.

i see an organization that doesn't really give me the option of being in it or not. it doesn't not except critizism, and tells me i should just go along with it for my own good. it refuses transparency, and espouses an isolationist view point. and when an external power requires some accountability, when it becomes clear they can't play him off, they attack him

i guess the next appropriate line would be...

don't drink the cool aid.


Tuesday, December 4, 2012 - 10:46 pm Click here to edit this post
I told Hezzy today......... hmmmmmmmmm

One World Government
Next be One World Currency
He is speaking of peace.......

Yup He's the Simcountry LU Antichrist, I'm sure of it! ha ha ha ha

*flips to Revelations and reads

:P Trying to put forth some humor.


Wednesday, December 5, 2012 - 12:10 am Click here to edit this post
i wouldn't go so far as calling him the anti-christ.

i mean, seriously, he's really just getting caught up in trying TOOO hard to do his thing. their are people that have spent years building and growing, and learning, gaining power. and this guy waltzes in and in a matter of weeks, claims to run a planet...

in the past, i've seen some really ugly stand downs, over just a single continent. but for some reason, this guy seems to think that every one should fall in line!

i've worked really hard in this game, to be indepentant, to be able to stand up and say what i want, with out fear of reprisal. but this guy wants to by pass the entire process, and go straight to the top.

i don't really have a problem with the NLUO, i just think that they would be better of to slow down. embrace transparency, and settle in to grow into the roll he wants. and to be prepared to meet resistance, rather than the farce of diplomacy and leadership he's shown so far.

as far as i'm concerned, i can't really for see them ever meddling in my affairs enough to really bother me. i'm not really trying to stop them, but rather slow them down. i mean, from what i've seen, hezze just doesn't have enough game knowledge to run his thing at the scale he want, at this time.

i'm not saying that he should give up. but rather, recognize the fact that his government, does not have the power to exert their will outside of their own turf. and their attempts to do such, will only provoke powers that would be better left at rest.


Wednesday, December 5, 2012 - 12:16 am Click here to edit this post
I've been watching too much of da history channel and Nostradamus 2012 and Mayan calendar junk. ha ha ha ha

King Herod VI

Wednesday, December 5, 2012 - 12:45 am Click here to edit this post
I agree with Mr. Orbiter. I joined the NLUO federation and government because Hezekiah came to me and told me about this great game. I started playing and I was hooked. He showed me all about the game, showed me how to use the government, and gave me all this hoopla about how people were going to love this government, and we will be seen as bringing together a wilderness called LU. I joined his Expansionist party, and found that they are nothing more than a bunch of ruthless thugs in sheep's clothing. I flipped to Isolationist because when I finally read what an Isolationist was, this was what my political views really mirror. I was manipulated, and I have now got the courage to stand up and say enough is enough. But now I am being evicted from my fed. Hopefully there are enough people who will reject this. I might as well come out and say it. King Hezekiah I am running for Secretary General in 3088!!!!


Wednesday, December 5, 2012 - 12:53 am Click here to edit this post
(next time i would put state of LU address) instead of state of the world (so i know its not pertanent info for my to flip through b4 clicking on it and i get caught up) i never realy said this earlier welcome back hezzy seems like you got your act together this time

King Hezekiah II

Wednesday, December 5, 2012 - 01:12 am Click here to edit this post
Ty youwillfall. I am not trying to cause any probs. Herod. We need to speak in private.

Jiang Hu Warrior

Wednesday, December 5, 2012 - 01:53 am Click here to edit this post
ive had ENOUGH OF THIS starting to get angry ENOUGH...LET this thread die


Wednesday, December 5, 2012 - 02:22 am Click here to edit this post
I would like to refer everyone to the holiday thread under general. :P It's a warm and fuzzy thread.

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