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America's Problem

Topics: General: America's Problem

Border C

Saturday, September 1, 2012 - 09:35 am Click here to edit this post
Is the lowest common denominator....

Stupid mother *@^#%!* do stupid $htuff and now they (Goergia Dome) will likely get sued and have to build some new barrier to keep dumb f@!&*s from doing stupid $@&%.

Maybe it's just me and the Sailor Jerry talking, but for Christ's sake, could we accept some mother f@(&@*(&!@(#@(&*%^@#%!%& Darwinism in a case like this or will we continue to say "oh poor chap, he's got X kids and maybe a wife and we need to make sure this never happens to 1 more of the 300 mother Friggin million people living people in the good ole US of A.....*

It's about time we just let nature take its course, let stupid frackers prematurely end their gene pool and move on as a society..... rather than spending $xxxx dollars to fix the "deathtrap" that 1 in 300 million fall in to, chalk it up to Darwinism, and say tough assholes motherf(^*!^@%*&%*!^!^*%@(^#)&kers.....

God, I'm annoyed, pissed-off, very drunk, agitated, and a big fat etcetera to the way our culure is today.,.... If you are this ( f@(&^!*&%k@*^i@&n&g stupid, don't let it propogate through to further generations; let Darwinism take its course....

F(*^((*^&()*^to the *(!(*)@(*^U to the 08^(*@^CKY FUCk FUCK.


* Yes I'm drunk, and maybe I'm missing an end quotation but F@&*^ity F!@(*^ F(*&^....


Saturday, September 1, 2012 - 10:53 am Click here to edit this post
See BC, you couldn't leave SC, where else could you vent like that :)

Good luck to ya Dawg.

Border C

Saturday, September 1, 2012 - 05:49 pm Click here to edit this post
Woohee..... I was plastered last night. :)

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