Sunday, May 20, 2012 - 07:19 am Well, let me take all of you great up and new comers, free players, veterans, all alike, as players of this game back a year or so ago. They didn't have to give away accounts to fill their countries, There were always wars, and rivalries, Forum drama if a vet attacked a newbie, or an econ player, and one of the other vets that was around would always step up for those of you who are new when we got a little greedy with this thing that is now known as "declaring" C3's don't count as declares. The most fun part of this game, was the teamwork, was staying up and chatting together while at war with 20 other countries on 2-3 different worlds. Back when federations, and your 'swagger/earned respect/and intelligence played a roll. Community/Ingame 'swagger/finance/rankings': We have players that have been here twice as long as me, selling 92Million pop countries to new players or whomever will buy them for 200gc (since thats the base price, then are giving virtual asset coins back to them to give it to them for cheaper than the game actually will allow. which makes me sick to my stomach. a year ago, I remember a vet who left (SOON AFTER THE WAR LEVELS BECAME THE NEW SC)sold his main so a guy with real money in his pocket could become 'a HALL OF FAME player' and paid nearly 4000gc for it, for one month of being ontop of a world.... We have feds like Laguna's fed, like WGC, LDI (rip), The Mob, Wendy (she's a fed in herself lets be honest), scarlets fed, all of the great GR feds of the time period, that arent feds anymore, because, once we couldn't actually fight each other, whats the damn point. the actual community feeling has done the opposite of what this game has intended over this time period. What's left for us to do? attack our friends/ some foes back then that now you consider friends because all the time of no war game, no fed game, no strategy, we've all come to an agreement, upon one thing, and one thing only. The game you think you enjoy to play for free, wasn't offered as freely then, You paid, you either kept paying, or you faught for earned time on your account via assets, and GC for registration days. and Game levels, War Rank 1/econ rank 1 players, and the ' top 10 of a world actually were respected and congradulated for not with the GC rewards (which back then we're only like 110gc) it was the respect of having, for instance me on LU, for 10 straight months held finance rank 1. People noticed, and began asking questions on how to make good money, their are players who are good at both, their are players (or were rather...players that is) that didnt give a crap about econ, and we're war lords, that we're either feared, respected, or you hoped for you're sake, we're on your side, or liked you, or even took time to help you. It's hard to get people trained and in chat, because they enjoy the fun we have in there and how quickly they learn by asking, because though I may be logged in alot, but thats so they don't feel alone, I always mail their account if they left a message when I return. And the in game friendships and loyalty (and disloyalty *coughwendy* lmao) All I'm saying is the game needs to evolve again, space yes its nice and all, but it's also highly expensive to own as much as some of us do, who can control the space market with just wealth, space is nothing, if someone destroys your empire, what can you honestly do? be a space pirate? or ' tradesmen in space ' WTF. it's called SimCountry, not SimEcon, not SimSpace...however im sure godaddy will sell you the URLS for those if you'd like them too. space worked well when it first came out, (as did automations, and initial player boosters, and a certain livelyness that most of you who actually read to this point or respond too, will agree, is gone. on all worlds...no 'elite federations, or (well i guess WGC is still here and huge but..what do they honestly do as a fed now days, the last war they had, 3 of the mob members pretty much bought a c3 on WG built up as best they could while declaring and ended up taking half of their fed out...(which should have been against all odds from the WGC history they used to defend very well.) oh wait, thats right, auto declares and war treaties dont work anymore with the stupid levels so pretty much, if you're a higher level, you get to sit and wait for someone to want to fight you to get declared, or have a member of your fed who is war level 3 declare them and you just play defense via air D or something..lol yeah, wow... Sorry, I felt the urge to post this, I just feel Simcountry needs to reset the game to a year ago, and compare how many people actually would come back and play and how many new comers and free players, would become vets in years...to come. I guess this is a rant, or perhaps my say it how it is statement for the current game, and what it used to be (which sounds like years ago, but really, only 18months or so ago..) I just wanted to see, how many people would reply, or feel the same, or the exact opposite you know me, I just speak my mind and sometimes, that makes all the difference when you want something to change... and SC..needs a huge game update again. (for the better this time).. Sincerely, Wild
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Sunday, May 20, 2012 - 07:25 am +1
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Sunday, May 20, 2012 - 08:02 am but wild, you are the game's downfall. got bored with you're rant after the first sentence. (yawn)
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Sunday, May 20, 2012 - 08:10 am No It wasn't as if I acted alone. Hell, I'm sure people will say "yes I got a little greedy back then" at least then there were countries worth taking that werent you're fed memebers, or long time friends.. Heck It'd be nice to actually play the game again, whom ever you may be in hiding... its people like you, that are the downfall. Not me. I couldn't be bothered to care. I give most of my assets to new players, and helping them get started and interested. Funny how karma works out, if I am the so called 'downfall, to be the one, giving away countless GC's and Trillions of dollars to new players, not because of my conscious we all know I don't have one of those, nor a soul. lol, but because, I loved to play the game, not sit and decorate my countries and adjust settings to whatever is broken when the game does updates...
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Sunday, May 20, 2012 - 08:13 am @Tom Morgan, appreciate the +1 ;)
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Sunday, May 20, 2012 - 08:16 am itll be you're only +1 ;) i give you a -1000
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Sunday, May 20, 2012 - 08:40 am Aww. If only I gave a damn about your point system, I got my point across, 'nuff said.
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Sunday, May 20, 2012 - 09:05 am i'm with ya, like i even need to say so
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Sunday, May 20, 2012 - 09:23 am gregg, you've got no idea. Shhh or I'll nuke you to the stone age.
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Sunday, May 20, 2012 - 09:24 am See... I can make this game fun again! Also, I think the player has a big part to play. Open a fed and poach as many newbies as possible. Leave for 3 months, and you have lots of fully grown players causing all sorts of horrors. And make use of the forums. Create interesting threads and encourage discussion on anything. This forum has been a little bleak recently. If we all promote a strong community, the game will retain more players. Player numbers need to grow if the war game is to survive. T
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Sunday, May 20, 2012 - 10:44 am +100 to everyone but gregg (sorry, dude, but I think you're out of touch).
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Sunday, May 20, 2012 - 02:46 pm I think along the same lines as Wild. It was part of the fun to know you were always in jepardy of being taken out. It added excitmate to the game and gave incentive to learn faster.
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Sunday, May 20, 2012 - 03:09 pm +1
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Sunday, May 20, 2012 - 03:25 pm Wild eyes, thanks for your contribution, for your support for beginners and for your worries about the game. at least you care a lot. It has been a bumpy ride for many experienced players and the ride continues because we have to make the game attractive for beginners and easier to play for them. In the process, it probably became a little harder to keep huge empires but you could also say that the differences between starters and very large players may have become a little smaller. In the past years we have also made it harder to kill all new players immediately after they started. This used to be a popular sport here and it is now quite hard to do. This was a very important change that was hard to accomplish, involved many features and took some time. Some of the early measures will probably be relaxed in the future as other changes, later, made the hunting of beginners quite hard. Long time players are the group who generally dislikes changes because some of the changes have an influence on the profits they make. Also war levels, the higher ones, are not so easy. much harder than fighting a beginner. But what we also see is a growing number of beginners who do understand what to do when they start, who are successful and who also become premium members. We are now working on many more features and tutorials that will guide them through the initial steps and "force" them into higher levels, even into winning a war if they want to play the war game. once all this is in place, there will be many more war features, resources game and missions. We hope that long time players will stay with us. Simcountry is a game people play very long. They will see new exiting features and we hope they too will like them. but everyone should understand that simcountry must evolve, become easier and more fun for beginners too, and in the process, some old features will become obsolete and will be removed. we do not have a shortage of features. we have enough. In my opinion, we just have some that are not relevant any more and need some fresh ones.
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Sunday, May 20, 2012 - 05:01 pm Andy, it used to be my sport, lmfao let's just be honest, between me and EO, and Pink and Barney, we we're pirates of the Caribbean back then. Had i known OUR actions, would have led to the war level acts, i would have slowed down to know what I know now...was partially caused by my greed, well that and, war has always been war, few actually know it. New players get cocky, and dont know what war is like fighting c3's.. That's why i've always wondered about you guys adding a feature for players like me, orbiter, crazyeye (who in general just love to war) and would probably all do it, as a err, "paid in GC per war trained" but i came up with this a while back and of course, it was ignored...haha... Why can't we have 'trainers' and who setup training wars, with new players given, they want to learn it, and then at the end of the war, no matter who wins or loses, the countries like, reset to having all of their military assets back they had, cash etc..and perhaps an added +5T for training or whatever you'd even call it, I'd just call it fun, because tbh The War engine hasn't changed that much, just its rather hard to war and figure things out ourselves, to even help people who don't know the 'inner' mechanics of it, as in explain it to them, I miss the federation part of the game too, we vets who were once as one fed, already agreed to split off to seperate feds, (given 1 or 2 per fed) to train new players, Andy I love you dear, but seriously, I used to use a kitchen timer to take them just to make it exciting. lol Now I've hardly bothered, sold off ALOT of my assets, to get some more vets, to come back and have more to give to new players..Even though they never write my name in when they register > But, it's okay I guess. so much for the 'affiliates' button. Or my ignored emails for me to just become the security council for you guys through chat, Do you realize, how annoying it is to have to go vote 100 times per day per world, when i could literally, just virtual asset it in 1second, which is what I did for quite some time, til I found those people soon left their after. so I've been a bit more picky in my selections. I understand evolution, Look at me, lmao I think you did this as SC Rehab for players like me and Psycho Honey, and CE, Orbiter, etc. BTW, you guys still owe me 91K 250 quality navy fighter planes from the war on WG when orbiter and I nearly got our tails handed to us by an inactive with just 3 wing response... > but, I'm just giving you a hard time and you know that. I'm excited for changes, but ones not as often like the old days would be nice, where we used to see Game news, and got excited about it. Don't think we're against change, but consistent changes, and seeing the effects on not just the new players, but ALL players, I've been trying to write up a finance guide for new players, so far I've revised it 31 times. (by revised, deleted, and started over. within the last 8 months or so. So, no Don't think I dislike change, I dislike my countries that held themselves together on their own, after god knows how long of setting it up, and to show up, and be in debt...with like, 20 indexes for health ed, everything, 1400 corps that we're ASQ'd selling things to corps, and countries, yeah, I'll be the first to admit, their were a few times I wish I could just declare you all for that. it's one thing when you have people with 200 corps, what about maestro, LG, me, Orbiter, Kitsune, Wendy, with massive CEO's and ASQ (given I and a few others were the only ones to use it) If you give us back 100 quality items, it will work better, and make new players more money If something economically would stay constant for longer than 30 days. My once massive empire on LU is now 2 countries and 1 ceo. my WG empire, wiped out by the 3 wing response testings, and war setting changes, the whole purpose of FB...'fearless' has just turned to a place of memories, GR, has potential, once the garbage gets taken out ;)..*cough* Anyway, Shortage of features, hell we have too many. I can't even keep up with them anymore haha. We have some that need to be consolidated into one feature, etc.. Transfers of all and any product should be allowed to be done through the empire menu...etc.. I'll stop there. I knew I wouldn't get banned, as I'm not here to bash SC, im here to try to fix, what I feel as if, I am (certainly not souly myself) but played a large part in how its changed today. The DT Market Andy..really.. :P come on, put that back together, Look at real world, Our government is printing us 100 dollar bills out of paper, when we're in 13 TRILLION in debt, (Not SC money) lol :P If the supply of GC, and or the DT market is completely now controlled by what the market price is ' set ' at, not what it natural arises too..seriously, not to mention supplying 100,000's of coins over the last 6 months or so, then just stop..that's like Obama saying, "hey..we're giving out 100,000 dollars to every person, then we wont have a government system, we'll officially change our party to anarchy, check you later America" Im sick of all the mails i've been getting, for asset loans, and or just hand me outs :P I don't get paid enough for that..haha (or at all)... Glad you saw this as how I meant it, just alot of things i've not said, for a long time, and seeing HUGE empires disappear and great players disappear..I felt as if I had to say something Since no one else was saying WHAT was going on, only yelling and cursing about it to you..I think most of us that are in chat very often, would rather be part of the solution the point fingers at you guys and cause more problems... I'm pretty sure I caused enough problems in my time here.. Time to be part of the solution, besides we oldbies, are you're best ideas, all you have to do is ask, or send emails of ideas you have or something to a few of us, we'll tell you or even give input to the idea to make it easier for players/and yourselves... Now, Get your arse to making Happy faced Game News Updates please, haha <3 Wild PS: Where is this 'greggwalken' disappeared too, just 'walken' away from his cause?.. *sorry guys, I couldn't resist.*
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Sunday, May 20, 2012 - 05:05 pm Wow, I hate your and You're..Im not even going to attempt to correct my grammar in my previous post. -1 for me lol
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Sunday, May 20, 2012 - 05:13 pm Homerdome, clearly, Blaming andy for everything changing.. that's really going to help get a game we enjoy and love to play to work in our favor..That's like telling God his shirt doesn't go with his tie... When you go after the GM, there is no, "I WIN HE LOSES" it's always, "****** Im banned or ***** why cant I do..." trust me seen it happen to too many, myself included in my 'Wilder' days. Now I'll just train mini-me's with sharks with laser beams and such to take over my old role..mwhaha..
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Sunday, May 20, 2012 - 05:39 pm I would like to thank the vets for helping new players and giving me tips and instrumental assets. Wild, you are for sure one of the most hated players because of past actions, but to me, you are one of the most helpful and I appreciate your efforts and offerings. Keto has been another great vet that has made this game so fun for me. Chatting with you two makes things fun for me. I see your point on the "community" of friends that can make this game fun with having to co-ordinate attacks during war and just plain getting together and having a group fun with something. I can see that part of the game is just about gone if not forever history. Discussions in chat about tactics, econ, strategies and the "leave my fed alone" type stuff is part of what makes me want to play. We can figure out a way to bring something back in some way shape or form I'm sure. We just have to want to and actually try. Thanks again, Redman
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Sunday, May 20, 2012 - 06:06 pm Dearest Evil Sister, I love the Avatar of you and that is by far my favorite. Since the game has changed so much, when people can find the time to play such in depth parts of the game like war and coallition raids, it must not be the same as back in your happy times. What can we do as players to make that fun again? I can declare on you if you want. : P I am not sure how that would go for me. : P You would need all of your friends to help defend against me. Four "quad" air defense is nothing(whatever that means : P) against my QueenBikini over 18 but under 21 swimwear teams and pilots. In all seriousness, with the game changes unfortunately we have to find ways to make it fun again. I have fun, I just do not have allot of time to play. Even with multiple emails to the gm's never being answered and being deflected away as spam without a second thought. I spent time on those emails and nothing. Just to be explained away as spam. Even with the master of deflection gms I still play. I do not think that the gms realize just how valuable the vets are. You are the ones that help new players. YOu are the ones that shape how some of us play. You are the ones helping with monies if we crash and burn. You are the ones taking us in to your feds and teaching. You are the ones that offer up advice. You are the ones explaining the complex econ. You are the ones on chat. You are the ones doing all to "HELP" new players. IT is NOT the gms and it is NOT the game changes. I have been shown neither the game nor the gms care about me in the least through past actions or lack there of. It is solely the players and the veteran players that have helped me. Vets actually answer my questions, unlike the gms who neglet to even respond. Cheer up, QB Yay!
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Sunday, May 20, 2012 - 06:10 pm Indeed, repeating the same baseless accusations does not help. WildEyes, Too much text and for me, unclear. We discussed this before in mail messages. We like constructive criticism because it is helping us to improve the game. many features in the game are the result of discussions here and are based on players ideas. However, we need it short and clear without the history and the "really" and the "Come on" stuff. mails should be short, but on the forum, the messages should be even much shorter and very very clear or no one, including us, will not read them and for sure not understand what is actually meant. "Bring us the past back" is what? THE past? we are very busy here and decrypting a page of your text takes a very long time and then explaining it around here, even more and then we are not sure if we really understood the message.
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Sunday, May 20, 2012 - 06:37 pm Tom Morgon, go ahead lol You will nuke me to the stone age? Can't because of war levels! My opinion is this. I was a former player in a solid fed on White Giant. Wild and her band of misfits chose to gang up and try to wipe my fed out. Several players left the game as a result of this, myself included. Wild has a history of game bullying as does Orbiter, EO, her whole band of misfits, who get real life egos built from some sense of power from a game. She and her fedmates wiped out players and ran paying players off. She really contributed to the game, let me tell you. Great for building the player base, kudos to Wild!!! Where are all these new players in the game? I see the same old, same old. She may have you small time players fooled, but I have been around for 7 years in this game. I know the history. I know this player. Lousy choice for a game moderator, lousy choice for anything to promote Simcountry. I would like to add one more thing. I am also a strong advocate for Simcountry past, the day of federations and good natured fighting. Player misbehavior is what has ruined the game. Wild was a big component of this as was Orbitor, so his opinion doesn't really hold here. Maclean, don't know who you are, but as you don't know me, you can't really state what I know or don't know. I stand behind my opinions. I just find it rather amusing a player who so took away from the spirit of the game, advocating to rebuild it. It is she and her fed that prompted most of these changes to the war game to protect the player base or what was left of it. So please, continue to applaud her. You support the contributor to your present game, Simcountry, and your current complaints. BRAVO!
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Sunday, May 20, 2012 - 06:55 pm To QB - why are your multiple emails to the GMs not answered when Wild's are? According to a past post by Andy, there were no conversations between players and the GMs, except through game mail, despite claims of personal convos on chat clients such as skype, MSN and the such, but yet this one was awarded a Moderator position. I came back a week ago when one of my WGC mates told me this. I had to see for myself. I would almost see this as a smack in the face for any player. Makes me wonder. Does it you?
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Sunday, May 20, 2012 - 07:00 pm an interesting point to made about the changes of the war game. i'm left really wondering where W3C is trying to go. I mean, i see the evolution of the war engine. But i'm seriously confused about the future of the war game. the event that brought on all the changes... was when a large powerful fed, that dominated their planet, and was founded to help protect new players, (from the very newbie bashing mentioned above.) SO when a serious threat occurred... the game was changed prevent that... a larger fed, with more long term players, that bragged about defending themselves... some how it was wrong to attack such a group. so what confuses me... is it seems if a player or group looses, it has become a moral issue, as to whether the war was "justified," ok, then when the game masters step in, and say its not fair for one group to beat up a larger sized, long term fed, with equally experienced players (years played,) that was found to protect newbs... it really makes me question W3C's entire concept of the war game. READ THIS PART IF NOTHING ELSE honestly, the sympathy, for defeated players, especially for long term players, out weighs any ones right to actually use the war features... i'm wondering how you plan to change that?
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Sunday, May 20, 2012 - 07:26 pm Orbiter, there were many ways that you and your game buds ran players from the game. Not just in war aspects. Game ethics maybe? or do none exist here? Chat bullying, forum bullying. I would advise any new player in the game to go back and read ALL the old logs of the game conversations. They are ALL in the forums for you to see. See the threats. See the ugly, fould names. See the misconduct of players. See who is doing it. Figure out who is good and who is bad in the game. Don't be suckered in by those who give you gifts, advice, countries, gold coins. Besides what they give you is what they have amassed from years of bullying and taking advantage of weaker and undefended players.
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Sunday, May 20, 2012 - 07:37 pm shrug and the people that promised to protect the innocent... and built their power base around that... dramatically dropped the ball ya, plenty of people willing to step up gather masses of new, and moderate players!! while promising them protection. then take the combined stats and brag about their military prowess. And even go so far a use these inexperienced newbs, to further their own political agenda. But don't you dare challenge them with a war dec... its not fair. the fed i mentioned above, loosely fits into that mold. as far as the "bullying," well, if we just setup, and attack, its an "ambush," so yes, we are REQUIRED to forum bash, to give your opponent a heads up, and entertain the bystanders. If you want to move away from the "uglyness," you need to give us an outlet.
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Sunday, May 20, 2012 - 08:18 pm I don't understand why there are so many restrictions placed on declaring war when any reasonable person would not attack someone who was polite and diplomatic I would only attack some prick and there's a lot of them so all the diplomatic players are safe adding war levels just creates a better environment where annoying assholes can thrive
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Sunday, May 20, 2012 - 09:07 pm Gunther, the restrictions were placed because of game bullies who wiped out players. They wanted to make it fair and equitable for all. New players would have a decided disadvantage against any player who has played and built up for years and years and years and years and years. Diplomacy doesn't always work to your advantage, not with some of the players back in the past.
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Sunday, May 20, 2012 - 09:10 pm Gunther, players aren't reasonable. It's stated so many times in the documentation. I'm new so I'm looking at this with different eyes then some. I can understand the war levels - to some extent. To make sure someone knows what they're doing, and to curb multiple account issues. But as far as anyone leaving the game from combat - I wouldn't give two hoots in hell for any player that can't take a beating, pick themselves back up, and come roaring back with blood in their eye and a dagger in their teeth. If someone doesn't want to ever be attacked, that's really easy. Play on GR and don't take a slave country. Instant invulnerability. And I guess the forum bashing ran both ways? One side goading a fight, and the other reciprocating afterwards? There should be a line drawn for both sides, with being booted out of either a good possibility for stepping over it. Attack the character, not the player. Anyone that wants to try that with me, is going to find out that while everyone has the right to be stupid, some abuse the privilege. I'm learning in GR now, as I want to know a lot more of what I'm doing before I segue into the real game. (that's my opinion). Guess I'll have to start reading the forum threads there in advance, to see if it's even worth it, or if it's simply GR flavor all over again, perhaps with a sprinkling of nuts.
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Monday, May 21, 2012 - 12:25 am haha, I'm working on a compiled list, here Im just joking around and yapping, its getting people to post on the forums so hey, and we have members in chat for the first time in a few weeks *dance*.. Served its purpose. lol I'll mail you shortly Andy
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Monday, May 21, 2012 - 12:28 am Nah, just join chat, I'll happily answer any question you may have (that I have an answer too) if not there is always someone in there usually.. Marshal Ney: I like you, stick with it. I'll happily give you all and any advice I can, as well as help you out with getting your country started, if I had any countries left to sell on GR or LU i'd give you one if they werent in such rough shape. He's going to be a killer! Look out!
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Monday, May 21, 2012 - 12:32 am @ Andy, Perhaps this evening in Chat, around 8PM EST I will gather all the things from everyone and just type a bulletin email then you can do the "question 1-10 for each as I always think way to in depth with everything...I did mention I'm highly ADHD, if you didn't already assume that haha. I apologize. :P
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Monday, May 21, 2012 - 02:02 am Appreciate it WildEyes. Country is going good. Making over 30 billion/month over beginner's income now in my main. Now to double the pop, and get the corp welfare up to 150..... Most of what I need to know now, I don't even know that I need to know it - yet. But you will see me in chat tomorrow (got sidetracked with napkin math). And of course in the forums. Good luck and good hunting, Marshal Ney
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Monday, May 21, 2012 - 03:11 am Contributions: 1) I used to help new players like you, then I took an arrow in the knee... 2) Sometimes, I wonder whether I should bother with large stockpiles of weapons and ammo. Shortly afterward, I sell off the large stockpiles of weapons and ammo I just conquered.
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Monday, May 21, 2012 - 03:44 am I have lost countless countries to vets 4 times to be exact, and each time was a blessing, it made the game fun and it made me a better player, to those who complain about vets taking their countries, man up or women up whatever you may be and keep going, if they bring you down you are stonger for it and it just means you can rise even faster the next time. The first time i started a country it took me 3 months to get it to 100M pop, the second time it took me 1 1/2 months 3rd time 3 weeks, now it takes 1-2 weeeks to get a country to 100M. And each time I lose a country I am better at the war game. I am now war lv 7 and know how to attack c3s from far away. The vets make this game fun becuase it shows the new players just how much we got to learn, and without them it would take longer to get their, I have had help from many players, vets donated to me over 500 gold coins just in the past year alone to me. Thank you all vets for your help and i hope you all stay and make this game more enjoyable. Also a quick note to the GM: A good way to make this game better would be by changing the forum interface, introducing better communication tools and allowing better communication between players while playing simcountry. CHANGE THE FORUM to something better, the key to a better game is player communication.
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Tuesday, May 22, 2012 - 12:16 am 8 PM EST? 2 AM here.
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Tuesday, May 22, 2012 - 04:05 am mmmmm this game has become dull and boring the war engine may as well be removed entirely it dosent exist
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Tuesday, May 22, 2012 - 01:51 pm Andy I think the complexity of this game breeds long and analytical responses. I think it is also impossible that the GMs are able to respond to player suggestions as we think you should. You are out numbered. That's just the way it is. As you suggested above on being brief... Why the war game suffers?.... There is no reason to go to war! I think it is just that simple. Nothing strategic to war over. No continent, region, or country would be considered strategic. No sea lane nor supply route is strategic, or even exists. Every country is a entity unto itself that requires no logistical consideration or support from anyone. Nothing you can produce, manufacture, mine, grow etc. can be done any better in a different country than your own. You can float a navy from a landlocked country, so there is no need to contest a coastline. My opinion: Create regions that should and would be contested. Regions with 2X manufacturing, 2-3X agricultural output, 2X mining output, etc. Then keep them that way. Supply routes, sealanes etc. that could be contested. Empower Federations with a common market that is useful, by setting their own prices within limits. Just as important...Create a world where you can fine tune your war game without loosing your country in the process. That is keeping a lot of players from jumping in to the war arena. Have it be pay to practice. 1,2,5 GC/day, whatever. Two, three or more players could sign into countries full of every kind of weapon and ammo there is and go at it untill they were confident they could handle the war game. In the process, I think war levels would reach an obvious conclusion. Thanks for listening Andy Rick
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Tuesday, May 22, 2012 - 02:05 pm Ladies/ The games called Sim Country. Not command and conquer. Back in the day thieves were everywhere. You invested you were a target. You tried to learn the game and before you knew it some one robbed you. The game started loosing players, the forum was one of hate and new players were unwilling to invest because what was the point. I have been playing for about 4 years. I never attacked anyone that did not attack me. I'm not a bully or a game wrecker. So due to your lack of respect for others war levels were introduced to give players the ability to take on you thieves when they felt ready. That works well for me as thieving off people is not my game. You robbed people and you now moan cus the pigs patrol your street. LOL I guess the phrase 'thick as thieves' rings true ;)
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Tuesday, May 22, 2012 - 02:34 pm Just to explain my opinion a bit more. I've always liked a good PC war game, but I love em when they have a great econ component. Yet, I've never even gotten into the war game here. Because I didn't feel I needed to. Every type of war game I've ever played has had a strategic goal in some form or another. The player then developed the tactics to accomplish the goal. Recall how you used to play a bit in a war game then save it over and over. Until you were confident you had it mastered. Then you would just go at it. Being able to do that here would be a big help for everyone. One other thing I've noticed in this game. People may disagree with this, I don't really know. I haven't participated in any wars. Seems to me most wars, even the large Fed wars, were wars between personalities, that were eventually blown all out of proportion. Someone eventually crushed someone else, had the bragging rights, gained a lot of booty, and spent a ton of money in the process. At the end of the day the ground they gained wasn't worth a nickel more than the ground they held. Not that these players were not great at making war, some of them had it down to a science. I just really believe this game needs some geography that is worth going to war over.
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Tuesday, May 22, 2012 - 02:53 pm Well Rick, you may be glad to know that not too long ago it was announced that resources were going to be introduced, like oil rich countries, plutonium etc etc and also possible space mining. Space wars for these mining rights are also on the cards. So some of what you are advocating is already on the drawing board, I just think we can't expect it to all appear all of a sudden. PvP wars were about bragging rights (and swag) a lot of time, nothing wrong with that... Good old one-up-man-ship. Seems I remember very few people that carried on a grudge or got all bitter and twisted about it. Most my enemies became ingame friends with mutual respect gained. After all it is a game, hard to remember that about SC because its such an involved game, unlike platform or shoot 'em up', that you can get attached to what you've built. But you have to remember the 1's and 0's and its people from the ether that may as well not be real.
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Tuesday, May 22, 2012 - 04:08 pm The mining game. Going to be interesting seeing what economic model the game goes for - Botswana or Zimbabwe. Who gets the resources and how? Are you going to need to prospect/prove the fields? Will mining companies be simplified down? (extraction of minerals isn't that different). Will C3's have a possibility of getting them on a restart? (those don't need an official response). Could be very interesting, militarily and politically.
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Tuesday, May 22, 2012 - 06:06 pm No one was in there, but a set time for sometime this week would be great Andy, If you just wanna post the time, I can be there, assuming it isnt like 4 in the morning on the East coast of the US. which is the issue with communication, But arent most users from Here? It doesnt matter to me, if you wanna do that, I think that would work well.
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Tuesday, May 22, 2012 - 07:00 pm Speaking of the war game, is there any concise document that details all the new changes/features? Like weapon quality and these war levels? I like the war but I don't know how now ...
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Wednesday, May 23, 2012 - 07:11 am Crafty, I'm aware of what has been proposed and that it can't be done over night. I'm just illustrating a larger issue, that a war game needs something tangible that players will contest.
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Wednesday, May 23, 2012 - 08:20 am Jabberwock, I'm working on it. Currently, the bugs gotta get gone from the War Engine first, especially this one we just discovered. It allows bullying, which as stated previously in this post, was the whole reason it was introduced. :P See even some things backfire, I feel bad for the guy declaring, he's going to lose his arse on every world, every CEO, afterwards reguardless of the result of the glitch. Hope he enjoys owning what (thats a big if actually) he gets anything..,, I just hope its fixed prior to this happening. But yes, Stealths and ground are a whole new thing with the unit sizes, otherwise, its pretty much to the ratio of the old guide.
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Wednesday, May 23, 2012 - 04:01 pm Thanks Wild; I've still got plenty of build-up before anything interesting anyways. Happy Hunting
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Wednesday, May 23, 2012 - 06:09 pm Saturday at 10:00am EST (16:00 in Amsterdam) will be OK with me if you want to chat. please let me know. It might be me or it might be Jozi and me.
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Thursday, May 24, 2012 - 04:43 am Jabberwock...the real Jab?
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Thursday, May 24, 2012 - 05:27 am Omg is that him jojo?
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Thursday, May 24, 2012 - 06:27 am There are always the 'haves' and 'have nots'! Which do you want to be?
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Thursday, May 24, 2012 - 11:34 pm Wow! Man I'm new to this game. I'm on white giant. There is hardly any real activity there it seems. I've been in and out of a couple feds, but they were either isolationists or just plain un organized. I love the concept of this game in its potential to be great. But it just seems people are worn out on things and have no real vision for any future in the game. Id like to find a fed or group of people intersted in exploiting this game for its possibilities on all levels. Economically, militarily, politically and so on. Really liked the idea suggested about making land worth taking. Strategic water posession as far as being able to control sea ports and such. A lot of good ideas on here. I personnally think it would be a lot better if we could just find a way to get people excited about playing. Personally, the best way to do that is through good old fasioned interaction. People want to feel like they belong and like they are important. We need to work on beefing up the political side of the game . Maybe expand the UN concept to include all major feds with so many players and put more of a personal interaction element to it, with ambassadors and such. Giving the players thee ability to steer the direction of the planet. Just a thought. :-)
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Friday, May 25, 2012 - 01:27 am My point exactly, there should be a new forum that makes all this possible, friends lists, enemy list, fed list, make the forum more intigrated into the game, or just take down the forum and make a new one that intigrates with the game..
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Friday, May 25, 2012 - 01:34 am I think Rick has a Great Idea. Some countries should have more oil or other commodities that make the country more valuable. Then players would want to take it for the increase in profits that it could make. Thus causing more wars for assets that are linked to the country.
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Friday, May 25, 2012 - 04:31 am Creative war incentives would be really cool. Hey JoJo! Smokes! I sent you guys messages. Good to see you guys are still around.
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Friday, May 25, 2012 - 04:58 am hey shave if your looking for an old premier Federation on WG that is consistently organized and active check out NATO what's your country name
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Friday, May 25, 2012 - 04:10 pm Wild, should I spend my valuable time editing and restructuring your sentences in your posts? They are full of rambling statements, gross misspellings, and poor grammatical structure. Should I point them all out? No, it would be a monster post. Perhaps MY misspelling was one on purpose? I doubt that yours are. LOL I have come back to play the game and spend money. Are you threatened by me being here? You seem VERY defensive in your posts. If what I posted didn't hit a chord, you wouldn't really be bothered, would you? Tsk tak, you aren't being good for Sim business! You should be encouraging me to play the game and spend money. :-) BTW where are my ingame welcoming messages from you and assets given freely to help me rebuild? LOL
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Friday, May 25, 2012 - 09:16 pm Lol someone's got a chip on there shoulder. All you bitches whinning about getting bullied and so on have runied this game not the other way around. It's thanks to you's lot all these restictions are in place. Complaining about being bullied on a war game is just pathetic. Bring back the old days of SC. Im talking the days with 30- 40 country empires. These days there's no variety. I look around and every empire is a copy of another. My point is there's nothing to aim for when everyone's the same. There's no great empires to try and topple, no inactive empire's to plan and build towards taking down. Well there is but there all protected. What im trying to say is im building for the sake of building with no end game to it. Were's the fun in that? Anyone who says you can war with C3's will get a slap in the face. Fighting c3's isnt a war. It's a unavoidable, mind numbing hardship for very little reward. The game needs a change of direction. It should be encouraging large multiplayer wars not restricting them. Massive armies should be the norm not in decline. Yes this gives longer term players an advantgae but why shouldnt they have. The GM thinks there loosing buisness from these players who've been attacked in the past but they've lost a hell of alot more buisnees with the resulting restriction put in place. My new account is evidence of that. Im only 3 weeks old and im ranked 19th place on LU. That's without much effort either. The number 1 war ranked country only has 2.6 million man army. I could have that in under a week. On a game like this were guys have been here for years that should take months. Thats part of the fun and a reason to log on everyday to try take that spot. Wargames make money. I wish the GM's would realise that because they have a unique setup here with the econ side aswell. Anyway rant over. Like I said im back 3 weeks and im bored already.
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Friday, May 25, 2012 - 09:57 pm PLUS 1 ima free player with one small country but I'm active maintain a large army for my size and keep good friends that will help protect my country the restrictions just decrease politics...the war game also needs to change the way it is now is just how much money the attacker is willing to spend the defender should actually be able to halt the attacker like in Stalingrad it also needs to be slowed down so you don't wake up one morning and your country is gone if here were tactical decisions to be made by each side in an attack it would slow it down and make pvp more plausible and in depth
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Friday, May 25, 2012 - 10:55 pm Been there done that Gunther. I wasn't impressed with Nato. They had a lot of potential but they were really unorganized. Most of there leadership was in shambles. Their leader was 14 tril in debt, had a negative 1.6 trill cash flow, and a 5.6 bill monthly defecit, and said he was doing good because he was able to slow the progression of his debt slightly. Lol I left a fed peacfully do to a difference in the type of game that the leader wanted to play and joined nato. That leader got a hold of nato and started stupid crap about me so I went ahead and left nato as I could tell they were taking his side. All because I voiced my opinions about the way nato was being led. Sorry but I just don't think a guy with the worst economy has any buisness trying to tell others that they need to get their affairs in order. Lol a lot of stuff just made no sense. I'm ranked nineteenth atm. I can't see taking orders and putting up with stupid stuff from those that are no where near me in rank. Don't need the drama. I wanna get with people that know what they are doing and are less concerned about being boss, especially when they doing worse then me. Lol
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Friday, May 25, 2012 - 10:59 pm Oh to awnser your question I'm. The democratic union of Padren.
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Saturday, May 26, 2012 - 12:11 am Sylar, be sure to thank Wild and her misfit gang for Sim being what it is today. I wasn't the cause. LOL They are why the game is dudsville today. You all have allowed the game to be what it is by not having the balls to STAND UP against the gross wrongdoings of these players and the Sim game masters for allowing them to get away with it. LOL Enjoy your game. You've earned it. Oh and who might YOU be, Sylar???? If you tell me who you are I will tell you who I am. LMAO Anyways, I am not whining about anything that I've lost to this game in war. You miss the point of my issue with these players. Some players pay good money and play by the rules, these misfits did not and more than likely still don't. Come on, wise up! LOL
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Saturday, May 26, 2012 - 12:59 am @greggwalken and anyone else interested: Be aware that the WildEyes active today is not the same person who wrote the WildEyes' Leaving Guide-to-Everything which was pretty well done and gets bumped once in a while. She left the game as a prominent player almost three years ago. Go look up anything written by author WildEyes (aka Petra Arkanian aka Siva) from July 2009 or earlier, and compare to the writings of the current imitation.
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Saturday, May 26, 2012 - 01:34 am I agree i talk to her a lot back then and she was a very prominent player and very helpful. I went by different name then
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Saturday, May 26, 2012 - 02:56 am "You all have allowed the game to be what it is by not having the balls to STAND UP against the gross wrongdoings of these players" GW jeese. coming from your perspective? thats laughable. truly! as i feel the same!! had the method of defense been, well, defense, rather whining, we wouldn't be having this discussion. i'm amazed at what sylar has to say. "All you bitches whinning about getting bullied and so on have runied this game not the other way around. It's thanks to you's lot all these restictions are in place. Complaining about being bullied on a war game is just pathetic. " sylar i can't say i agree with all you said Sylar, but i follow, and agree with your concept. I'm not sure we need to make this game a blood bath. But powerful feds should be prepared with a real defense, rather than whining to get rule changes. (That ironically, in the long run destablize their own power base, lol)
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Saturday, May 26, 2012 - 03:58 am JoJo, I am quite aware that the current Wild is not the original WildEyes. It is quite apparent that the original Wild was an intelligent woman, while the current one is barely coherent in her writing, and "out there". It doesn't really matter, though. Everyone or rather long-time players are quite aware that she is not the original. This was a calculated game move on her part to dupe players and use the reputation of another player to build hers. Maybe this one is trying to help the game along now, and if so, then great, but I disagree vehemently with this player as a moderator in the game, given her past game behavior, which is ever present in the forum. It puts a cloud of doubt about the integrity and fairness of the game. I have never been one to present in chat, as our fed members for the most part were discouraged from going there, but we do keep up with postings in the game forum.
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Saturday, May 26, 2012 - 05:06 am K, it sure bugs me to see people even talk to him or her while he or she is maintaining this fraud and harming the reputation of the old WildEyes. I'm kind of out of the loop...what is a game moderator, anyway? Is that a forum or chat room moderator, or something different? And do the GMs know that she/he is pretending to be someone she/he is not?
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Saturday, May 26, 2012 - 06:10 am oh yah I remember you shave I was the one that recruited you I'm the fascist kingdom of monto ya I understand where you are coming from I was the same way but the leader was active and a very longterm player and we have free elections so that's who we chose a lot of our members are really bad economically right now even me and I consider myself quite good top 50 usually but we still have a good time keep in touch man you seem like a good player
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Saturday, May 26, 2012 - 07:13 am I had the privilege of serving with the 'real' WildEyes in a fed (TGC) for a short period, along with Tendo, EO, Kitsune and a few others. No personal attack intended, but there IS no substitute for the original Wild! Jojo, thanks for bringing it up. I think it is important for people to know the difference. Gregg, I'll have to say your identity is intriguing . Maybe you'll tell us who you were originally one day. ;-)
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Saturday, May 26, 2012 - 08:25 am After an evening with J daniels, I AM the real WildEyes!
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Saturday, May 26, 2012 - 12:55 pm What I would like to know is why this charade keeps on going.
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Saturday, May 26, 2012 - 03:06 pm Im just someone who knows what the game used to be like Gregg. I dont blame the aggressive players for the changes. Like I said without people maoning to the GM's we wouldn't be having this convo. What wrongdoings are you reffering to? How is it wrong for people to go to war on a wargame lol? I agree it should be up to the player base to stop these players but if they cant then keep quite and build until there able to do something. That's what SC is all about. Well for me anyway, but no you guys ran crying to the GM's and now look were we're at. So I lay the blame at them for ruining the game for everyone. I dont want a bloodbath all the time either Orbiter but the choice would be nice.
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Saturday, May 26, 2012 - 03:11 pm New meme just for you guys.
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Saturday, May 26, 2012 - 06:47 pm To be fair, the problem of the war game, is 3 fold. not in any particular order 1. Overly aggresive players, have certainly played a part in scaring more timid players away from the war game. (many of who would gain confidence, if they could safely learn how to defend themselves,) 2. Powerful players that would prefer to do nothing to maintain their influence, have choked out most new war players, by refusing to teach them war, until they've built up more than they can defend. and then they have to rely on less than forth coming leaders. 3. W3C, needs to take a very large portion of the blame. how is a new player expected to learn how to war when the game documentation is largely outdated, and inacurate to the point that it is dangerous to rely on the very documentation provided by the game makers? So we have an environment, that war is some what complex, time consuming, filled with bugs, inaccurate information, spineless leaders, and the few war players that find their way through that maze... become as resented as they are powerful. So even though the agressive players are shouldering the blame, the problem wount be fixed unless other steps are made. the coming C3 tutorial will, i think, in the long run, change the demographs of SC. unfortunately, its gonna take a couple years to change the player base, over all, to a stronger war enviroment. and many of the old leaders that have built up for years, are going to find themselves as dinosaurs, useless, unless they change their ways.
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Saturday, May 26, 2012 - 07:25 pm Sylar, you would never be able to build up to take out these players. They have amassed too much over the years through multiple accounts and just plain cheating. The GMs are aware. Perhaps they like the drama that has unfolded. WildEyes stated above that this thread got people in chat and talking on the forum. I have one question and one question only, and I will address this to Andy. Why was WildEyes given the privilege of Moderator over any other player in the game? How did this happen when you have stated that no player has any advantage over any other and no private conversations take place other than communication through email. Sorry, but I don't buy it. It's a straight forward question, deserving of an honest, straight forward answer.
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Saturday, May 26, 2012 - 09:09 pm From Orbiter's post" 3. W3C, needs to take a very large portion of the blame. how is a new player expected to learn how to war when the game documentation is largely outdated, and inacurate to the point that it is dangerous to rely on the very documentation provided by the game makers? For the sake of all noob's (most prominently myself), I send an urgent plea out to all the vets. Spend a few minutes examining the documentation, and propose changes to the outdated portions in the Suggestions thread. I'm doing what I can when I run across errors. But I'm simply too new to spot the errors. Until they rear back and slap me in the face. Many thanks for your time and consideration, Marshal Ney
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Saturday, May 26, 2012 - 09:37 pm Will do gunther. :-)
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Monday, May 28, 2012 - 02:47 am Idea. This is just a off the top idea that could be fun and could help newer players learn the war game a bit. And when I say it "could" be fun I mean for the player defending and the player or players attacking. This would required the time and funds of vet player with an empire to set up. It works quite simply. Find a vet or player that is willing to set up a country in their empire specifically for the purpose of being attacked by a newer war player or players. This country would be away from their empire and set up as a challenge country to be taken in war. This vet would set up all defenses, weapons, ammo etc etc. Setting up like they would set up their own main. That player would post in the forums that the country is ready for war and have players "sign up" to attack this country. The vet would choose either by themselves or the security council vote for that planet. Once the attacking player or players are chosen they would set a day to declare war. The new players or new to the war game players would then attack said country trying to take it. The Vet would defend against this attack. The War would only be between these countries and no other countries in either player's empire. This could be fun for the vet players because they get to defend against attack for a change and not be the attacker, but they also get to teach as well. The attacking player or players would do all they could to try to take the country. If they do then they get the spoils of war. Perhaps a nice SC$ amount within that country as a prize. If the vet successfully defends then they get bragging rights or whatever. War games in general, but a way to war and learn and war and teach. And a way to do it in a controlled way. Perhaps the Security council could lend the "prize" funds to said country or not. I'm sure some of these monster big vets with huge armies might go for something like this if for no other reason then just bragging rights about how big and bad they are after the defense the country against an attacker or two attackers. Just an idea to mull over and pick apart. Maybe the GM's could even be involved. Get them to play war with us and see the war engine first hand. Plus we could get some aggression out on them. Muhahahaha! Any idea at this point is better then nothing. Time limits and rules could be put in place for this to make it fair and balanced, maybe in even a pool where funds can be used to put together said country. Sound corny or no? red
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Monday, May 28, 2012 - 09:30 am Two days running, Andy, and still no answer to my question above. It's a simple question. If there is no wrongdoing, there should be no avoidance to answer. I await your reply.
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Monday, May 28, 2012 - 10:51 am Come on gregwalken. I saw this message and thought the question must be about your country going down the drain and you don't know why. We have a nice long weekend and our offices are closed. I just happened to be here for a short while. Being a moderator is no advantage, it costs time and it is a commitment someone takes upon himself. W3C will decide if it wants a moderator, how many, when it starts and when it ends and we are grateful to the players who in the past years helped us by moderating the chat and forum. We do not care who the moderator is, old player, returning player, rich or poor. We are happy he is moderating and as long as this is taking place, we are OK with it. Wild eyes offered to be a moderator and answered our questions. we were looking for a moderator and had no reasons to turn her down. There was no one else offering it. This is no special relation. We do not discuss any subjects but if it will become necessary, we will. There are no complaints what so ever about the moderator, (one at the start, we mailed and it has never reoccurred). Laguna was moderator for a very long time. He too offered it to us and did great. He helped in other ways too. No special relation before, during or after. When we did not like what he did, we told him so. We don't have any special relations and never talk to anyone by any other means than the forum, chat, mail and in "Jozi chats". Not "buying" is baseless.
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Monday, May 28, 2012 - 01:27 pm Anyone happen to notice that this "WildEyes" has the exact same picture as "BrokenAmbitions" had in 2010? Coincidence? Maybe or maybe not.
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Monday, May 28, 2012 - 02:04 pm Er, that is BrokenAmbitions. I guess people forget.
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Monday, May 28, 2012 - 02:38 pm Be very careful greggwalken what you put here. Especially when you do not know. we have no tolerance to lies and unsubstantiated nonsense when it is about our actions. We have never talked to any player on MSN. I just summed up today all the possibilities for communication between W3C and players. We don't know if Wild Eyes is the same player today as it was before and we really don't care. I did not count one offer from a player who cheated on us before. No other offers. Maybe tom had some before. I don't know of.
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Monday, May 28, 2012 - 06:55 pm What is your problems here? Someone like the name Wildeyes way back in the day and when the first Wild left, this one got the name because she liked it. Big deal! This Wild is the same from when she got the name from the first Wild. Sheesh Drop it already. Who cares who Wildeyes is? It's a player. Get over it. Not being mean, just tired of hearing this same ole "OMG, where is your birth certificate for verification?" crap. If you think someone is a multi report it to the gm's and be done with it already.
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Monday, May 28, 2012 - 08:28 pm Redman, I like your challenge idea. It might take a fair amount of promotion or prize money to convince someone to be the defender. re:LyinEyes. She/he bothers me because she/he is not just using the same name that someone else used to have, but is actually pretending to have been that person. She claims to have written the forum posts of the other person, claims to have fought with the same players, to have had the same victories, the same conflicts. In short, she's claiming someone else's reputation, that of one of the game's best former players. And since her own words and actions are of much lower quality than the original's, she is damaging that reputation.
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Monday, May 28, 2012 - 09:26 pm There is one way to establish whether the current Wildeyes is the original Wildeyes or not. Years ago, the original Wildeyes was (briefly, for a few weeks) a member of WGC. I am one of a very few people who know what ingame name she was using at the time (she was swapping names regularly at that point). If the current Wildeyes can tell me what that was, then I'm prepared to believe she is not an 'imposter', as some people are claiming. If Jojo wants me to send him the name in advance, so that he can act as an independent adjudicator, I'm more than willing to do so. Although I doubt anyone believes that I would want to cheat this one. The only way this could be cheated is if Josias or Serpent knew the name and decide to help an imposter continue the charade, but I'm not sure they did know it, her stay was so brief, and it was well before the mob / WGC war ... Hugs and respect Jo
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Monday, May 28, 2012 - 09:58 pm I was never in WGC i'm at a loss as to what i was doing at the particular time Jo is talking about, much less know the ranks of WGC josias ttfn
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Monday, May 28, 2012 - 10:05 pm You are exactly on point Jo! I also know a name (may be the same one) that would tell if this person calling themselves Wildeyes is the true Wildeyes. As I stated above, I too served with the 'real' Wildeyes, and the one parading around now is not the same person. The entire thing about the name isn't just about someone using the name; as Jojo said, they are taking credit for some very insightful and skilled writings of a revered veteran player.
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Tuesday, May 29, 2012 - 12:09 am Josias, I can confirm that you were never in WGC. Unless you were the original Wildeyes ... I never suggested you were in our fed, although I know you had very friendly relations IRL with at least one of our members. I said that you may know which name Wildeyes was using at the time she was a member of WGC. She may have told you that she had joined our fed, and you may remember which name she was using at the time. Or maybe not ... I'm interested to see if Wildeyes responds to this. She and I had a conversation at the time about the name she was using, which I still have on record. She would also remember the name that Christopher knows, and both together would be pretty conclusive. If she is the real deal, she has it in her power to clear up the suspicion very easily. If she doesn't, I'm sure most of us will draw our own conclusions from that ... Hugs and respect Jo
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Tuesday, May 29, 2012 - 01:07 am i think what i meant to say, is that i'm not sure time frame we are talking about. because their was a point i just stopped keeping track. so i don't know the answer.
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Tuesday, May 29, 2012 - 02:11 am I'm pretty sure BrokenAmbitions isn't WildEyes, but like I don't really care. The name change was so long ago that I don't even remember why I'm pretty sure of this.
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Tuesday, May 29, 2012 - 03:23 am Will the madness ever stop? Sigh.
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Tuesday, May 29, 2012 - 07:04 pm Those of us who played at the time of WildEyes's heyday and knew her at all will know if BA or the current Wildeyes are the same people. To those who didn't know her it doesnt really matter. As for her reputation, if you knew Petra Arkanian and believe her to be different from Jess, then Petra's reputation cannot be sullied, only Jess comes out looking foolish. If you think the two are the same, then there is no reputation for you see sullied. Either way, the only consideration really is if anyone gains unfair advantage from such actions.
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Wednesday, May 30, 2012 - 04:45 am Well, Crafty, you put it all in practical terms very well. It still bugs me, and I'm not sure why. I was an antagonist of the real WildEyes, after all. I guess that seeing someone lying out of her teeth just seems wrong to me in a way I can't reduce to anything simpler.
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Wednesday, May 30, 2012 - 05:43 am BrokenAmbitions a.k.a. Wildeyes still has a challenge that she has not been willing to address. We are waiting.............
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Wednesday, May 30, 2012 - 07:00 am And maybe she never will, those who stay in secret and attack are the ones who will always win.
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Wednesday, May 30, 2012 - 08:43 am Back on topic, it would be really cool if there was a war game function the admins were willing to implement. Allow players to act out various 'scenarios' to get the feel of the war game and boost their confidence (without actually risking the loss of their countries - good for new players). It would also allow rivals the opportunity to settle their differences, and if someone wasn't happy with the way something panned out... they could go to war for real.
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Thursday, May 31, 2012 - 05:22 pm Wouldn't that be the "war missions" already mentioned, but not implemented?
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Saturday, June 2, 2012 - 01:21 am Don't waste your time waiting for an answer from the current Wild to the challenge, as it will never be answered. We know the answer, as jojo stated above. Besides brokenAmbitions has already admitted to being the current WildEyes or vice versa. So no question that the current Wild DID go by the name Broken Ambitions. She has said so numerous times, had the same countries, types the same, same pictures. No BIGGIE! I don't know why Orbiter is being so CLUELESS or "dumb" on the question. OH WAIT! he is clueless and dumb. Or maybe he has hung around Wild/BA for so long and finally all that weed smoking has killed brain cells!!! It is rather laughable. And, really it doesn't matter. We KNOW this Wild is not the creator of the leaving guide or the "game great" of old. But if it feeds his/her delusions to be so, let's let him/her have their fun. It IS just a game, after all. Up to each individual player what lies and such they buy in to as it pertains to the game. It IS just mind games, chat games...forum games... games games lies lies lol Part of the game! PSSSSST, I'd be suspicious of everyone with a pciture of an "EYE" on their countries....such as Psycho Honey and Queen Bikini!!! LOL (That raised my eye! Pardon the Pun!!! Must be a female thing!) Oh by the way, returning player here from two years ago. Uh that's what everyone maintains. The question is, do you believe it? LOL
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Saturday, June 2, 2012 - 01:55 am o tampa bay rays rulz!!!!
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Saturday, June 2, 2012 - 01:57 am Redman you remind me of EO.
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Saturday, June 2, 2012 - 02:12 am the reason i haven't responded to it, is that it isn't my issue to address. but what i know of this, i will stick with my friend
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Saturday, June 2, 2012 - 03:03 am An absolute derailing. Beautiful.
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Saturday, June 2, 2012 - 03:38 am Let me deal with my Evil Sister. I will take care of Wildeyes in ways she may enjoy entirely too much. : P Just stop picking on her. She is mine! : P And No orbiter, you can not watch. : P No player bashing anymore on the forums. This is a place of peaceful butterflies and Jo SalKilld hippy herbal tea. : P Redman, If I catch you looking at another woman I will take you over my knee! Regardless of how much you would enjoy that. There. That is my comic relief to this thread. Peace love and hairgrease, QB
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Saturday, June 2, 2012 - 05:24 am I'd like to hear more on the war missions from the developers. Just a few more bits and pieces would be great. Being able to get the feds back in some type of community that actually works would be great. The handicap now is that warlevels prevent help from your fed in many cases in the event of hostilities. This actually makes it easier for bullies. I suggest raising the limit of countries allowed in one fed. Help make feds a real part of the game again. A part War Levels destroyed. More members allows for a better chance on someone being able to help attacked fed mates. More members may be able to use economic tactics. If fed bullying is an issues then limit the number of fedmates allowed to attack together or limit the number of members one fed can use to attack members of another fed. Something, anything to bring back that sense of community. That would help the game and not hinder it in my opinion. Anyway, QB you need professional help luv. You are not quite right. : D PS. If you promise a spanking I can be really, really bad. Muahahahaha!
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Saturday, June 2, 2012 - 05:34 am Do we have to, Queen? Wild is so much fun to terrorize!!!! Forget the butterflies! BASH!!!!!
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Saturday, June 2, 2012 - 05:35 am Redman and Queen, if I were Jo, I'd kick you out of the fed for your ties to Wild. She did attack your fed, you know. LMAO I think you are SPIES!
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Saturday, June 2, 2012 - 05:38 am PS I have returned for the sole purpose of Jo's herbal hippy tea. BURP!
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Saturday, June 2, 2012 - 05:43 am According to the fake Wild, she/he intends on attacking WGC again (her/his own words). I forget what thread it's in, but I remember making the statement that I hoped WGC kicked her/his arse.
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Saturday, June 2, 2012 - 05:57 am Odd that Jo harbours Wild supporters in her fed.. Well Wild won't be attacking WGC as she is involved with the game as a moderator. Laguna was restricted of this as well when he held the seat. BUT, as we know it is all talk. War game is dead and not really worth while. When he/she spouts these ramblings, it's just to see themselves type LOL Much like me at the mo..... I want to spread the message TAMPA BAY RULZ!!
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Saturday, June 2, 2012 - 07:19 am Supporters? Oh noez! Wait. Me? Hahahaha. I like everyone. I like the game most of all. : D
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Saturday, June 2, 2012 - 12:31 pm +1 Redman
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Saturday, June 2, 2012 - 12:36 pm PS Orioles bite!!!!
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Saturday, June 2, 2012 - 04:12 pm Is it me or is that WildEyes avatar just gross! What is it??? Some ugly chick as a satanic sacrifice???? Queen, yours looks HOT! *licks lips* Personally I like my own... Unknown and mysterious! It really isn't me. I'm not fat or bald.
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Saturday, June 2, 2012 - 04:14 pm You make a good point Tampa....didn't think about her/his moderator position.....though she/he does have the option of quitting the position. But, then, that would take her/him out of the limelight. Hmmmmmm......don't see that happening! lol
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Saturday, June 2, 2012 - 04:20 pm Nah, but my guess... he/she very involved in the game in another acount somewhere... hint hint
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Saturday, June 2, 2012 - 04:40 pm Ahhhhh......now the plot thickens.
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Saturday, June 2, 2012 - 05:19 pm Indeed. *Munches on popcorn* Someone pass me a pop, please!!!!
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Saturday, June 2, 2012 - 05:32 pm Ugh... sometimes...
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Saturday, June 2, 2012 - 07:43 pm The key to a good defense 50M in defensive army at a grand total of 600+ defensive index.
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Saturday, June 2, 2012 - 09:28 pm War missions - caught something in another thread about it being tied into the new extractive industries scheme (fancy word for the mining companies). It looks like it's going to follow the economic model of countries like Zimbabwe. I'd like to know if anything along the lines of Botswana will be used - especially in the secured mains of Golden Rainbow. Or your own or Federation members countries. (i.e. will war be the only way to get those goodies.) Posting that here, as this seems to be the most popular thread. Good luck and good hunting
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Sunday, June 3, 2012 - 11:42 pm Ugh, I go away for one day, and this thread turned boring!!!! BTW wanted to spread the news.... Redman is EO reincarnate. lol ha ha ha ha and I am Bobo reincarnate. Queenie is KissOfDeath. THE VETS ARE RETURNING!!!! omg i'm dying laughing over here!!!! We have returned to RULE simcountry!
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Sunday, June 3, 2012 - 11:44 pm Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah COBRAS!!!!!
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Monday, June 4, 2012 - 01:45 pm General Bobo.... KoD..... Is it true o__0
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Monday, June 4, 2012 - 10:07 pm No, Jabbers. I'm just funnin' wif ya. However, I am KoD, just poppin' in to say hi to everyone. I'm Lorelei to others. I can't come in and disclose who I am. Last time I did, Wild banned me immediately from chat. Borrowed Bobo's name here... we were having some giggles over it. I won't be back to play again...too much work and I'm too old now and too unhealthy to continue wif long term drama. (winks) I just like stopping in to say hi every now and then and to stir up a lil drama for old times sake. (winks) The forum, I have to say was BORING..needed some spice. Me and Redman were laughing over it last night in chat....told him he and QB should maintain it for giggles sake. Then again, it might get em decced! ha ha ha ha Well wishes to all even my nemesis WildEyes. I'm about to undergo a major surgery and thought I'd stop in just in case I cash out. ha ha ha If you see Blueserpent, tell him hello. I've lost touch. And good to see you again, Jabbers. Long time no see. Good to see that old players are returning. Bobo and I were laughing last night. He asked me, "Whatcha doing?" I said "I'm in simcountry as you (Bobo) threatening to kill everyone. ha ha ha I said all I have to do to make them think I'm you (Bobo) is Ugh, Burp and Fart a lot. ha ha ha Y'all be good to each other. Jan
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Monday, June 4, 2012 - 10:12 pm PS. Jo, I still maintain..... Redman and Queenie are SPIES!!!! ha ha ha ha j/k Oh, Redman..... Orioles bite!!! :-P
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Monday, June 4, 2012 - 10:18 pm My well wishes on your up and coming procedure. Get healthy and rejoin us. Regards, M.Ney
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Monday, June 4, 2012 - 10:42 pm Thanks, Ney.
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Tuesday, June 5, 2012 - 08:41 am I hope you stay well; enjoy your life ;)
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Tuesday, June 5, 2012 - 12:31 pm Thank you, Jabbers. I ran into Smokester today, I was so excited. You 3Ms gonna regroup and reclaim FB? Hope you enjoy the game. Thanks again.
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Tuesday, June 5, 2012 - 12:36 pm Hello Jan. Dont let it get the better of you girl and hope to see you here again one day. CC.
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Tuesday, June 5, 2012 - 12:41 pm I really do miss all of you and the good times we used to have. I have a long road ahead of me, but i'm too feisty to let it get the best of me. he he he You take good care of my long lost friend. Let him know I really tried to reach out to him.