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Bring Wendy Back to the Forums Please

Topics: General: Bring Wendy Back to the Forums Please

Christopher Michael

Sunday, May 6, 2012 - 08:24 pm Click here to edit this post
I would like to request that Wendy be allowed back into the forums now please.

I miss her, and I know others do as well.



Sunday, May 6, 2012 - 10:38 pm Click here to edit this post


Monday, May 7, 2012 - 03:22 am Click here to edit this post
I gotta agree to with scarlet.

I just had my second ban(which i still don't agree with but whats done is done and i'm glad to be back). So i do plan to watch my tone much more, as for Wendy shes been banned MANY MANY times. I would expect it for myself and anyone else to see repeat offenses lead to a removal of forum privileges. After you've been banned more then 3times you show an unwillingness to be a productive member of the forum. This forum is a privilege of SC not a right. And to be honest wendy proves frequently both in forums and in chat she lacks a willingness to a productive member of the chat/fourms


Monday, May 7, 2012 - 03:28 am Click here to edit this post
agree with super and scarlet


Monday, May 7, 2012 - 11:23 am Click here to edit this post
Do get over yourselves.

Yeah she might upset the GM at times, and they respond in kind. Their decision.

To say she is not productive is BS, she understands the game better than you ever will SS. Who was the noob who sold nukes to every Tom, Dick and Harry and destroyed the years old policy of players being responsible and experienced before they obtained them? yes SS, it was you. The most counter-productive thing I saw in a long time, and your advice in chat has been more than counter-productive, some has been pure suicidal had the newb followed it.

Scarlet, you just have have a personal grudge, so your opinion is voicing your own desires, not what is best for the game and community.

Wolskyj, with respect, unless you are one of these players who goes by different names and have been here a long time, then you really dont know the facts/history, so best not try to influence things huh?

After my rant, I'm not saying either way, but its GMs decision and if they reckon she's messing up the game then there you go. If they think she's done her time, and does have a place here, then so be that too.

Tom Morgan

Monday, May 7, 2012 - 01:55 pm Click here to edit this post
I will disagree with someone when they say something, but I will fight for the right for that person to say it.

Bring Wendy back, I say. She makes the forums interesting, to say the least.



Monday, May 7, 2012 - 02:15 pm Click here to edit this post


Monday, May 7, 2012 - 10:07 pm Click here to edit this post
Can we bring back LH to the forums please.


Monday, May 7, 2012 - 10:17 pm Click here to edit this post
I agree. Bring in the people.

Maybe I can start writing like LH...

When HEAVEN's Gates open, I see U PIGS FALL.

Tonight's supper ist bein chilli fried patotoe fish.


Monday, May 7, 2012 - 10:23 pm Click here to edit this post
I would like to see Wendy back because she fights for the players. In an increasingly unfriendly climate between GMs, who are changing the game towards some distant unseen company goal, and the players, who have increasingly less rights around here, it's nice to have someone speak up. There have been more threads deleted lately and anytime anyone speaks up they run the risk of being banned for no reason other then gm retribution.

I want someone fighting for us.


Tuesday, May 8, 2012 - 01:47 am Click here to edit this post


Tuesday, May 8, 2012 - 04:01 am Click here to edit this post
i dont miss her a bit

Bad Dukes

Tuesday, May 8, 2012 - 04:15 am Click here to edit this post
As one put it above "she makes the forums interestng" and I agree. Another one made a good point that she should be able to voice her opinon and I agree. But wendy needs to tune it down a little. With that being said I agree bring her back.

Christopher Michael

Tuesday, May 8, 2012 - 05:17 am Click here to edit this post
LOL Jack..........I guess you don't miss her since you guys are at war ;)


Tuesday, May 8, 2012 - 06:50 am Click here to edit this post
You need to bring her back to maintain continuity in the game.

Ya know.....She goes, she comes back, she goes, she comes back......
Would be just spooky if she went and didn't come back.

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