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Question to the GM regarding the latest changes (Fearless Blue)

Topics: General: Question to the GM regarding the latest changes (Fearless Blue)

SuperSoldierRCP (Fearless Blue)

Wednesday, January 25, 2012 - 06:14 pm Click here to edit this post
I'm for the smaller unit numbers personally but i don't understand the ammo reduction. I was hoping a GM can comment on this.

You have chosen to build a corporation that will produce Anti Aircraft Missiles.
The maximum production of such a corporation is 1,308 missiles per year

But when you make a garrison of 100Anti Air units it requires you have 12K missiles.
120Targets(Forts, Cities, Bases) * 12K missiles = 1.5M missiles
200Anti air per target = 3M
300Anti air per target = 4.5M

Even in C3 warring you need 20attacks with 300fighter planes to clear the inters(6missile per plane) = 36K missiles per war @ level 7.

You have chosen to build a corporation that will produce Offensive Air To Air Missiles.
The maximum production of such a corporation is 692 missiles per year.

Maybe the GM didn't know of this or overlooked it but i personally think ammo should have higher production so that those who want to make/supply themselves with ammo much more possible.

Player/GM comments?

KHxC (Fearless Blue)

Wednesday, January 25, 2012 - 07:54 pm Click here to edit this post
Maybe it will fix the oversupply of ammo on the market.. Time to start investing in ammo corps? lol.

I don't think the changes will have that drastic of an affect on the market will they? My Navy Fighter Missile corporations only went from 40 missles per month to 38.. A loss of 24 missiles per year. It was only a 5% reduction for these corps.. I'm guessing it was the same for other weapons corporations?

SuperSoldierRCP (Fearless Blue)

Wednesday, January 25, 2012 - 09:16 pm Click here to edit this post
It would be beneficial with some minor tweaks
Defensive weapons move to game level 3
Offensive to 4/5
Nuclear to 6.

Maybe even throw in a boost to the defensive market
During a C3 war all weapons just POOF out of thin air, The GM should see how much weapons/ammo is used. Then after the war anything used/destroyed is removed from the world market.

A level 7C3 uses 210,000 Anti Air missiles per war to supply all its targets. People war them alot for cash. It would take only 15 level 7 C3 wars on FB to drive the markets into the red. This would only use up more materials. Plus the GM if need be an always increase the amount of materials used in production slightly well increasing profit. Point being that.

C3 using world weapons and High Ammo production would be very good for the markets.
Right now to make 1 inter wing it takes
4 inter wing corps and 7 inter ammo to make 1wing a year. I can understand the weapons but ammo? should only be 1-2.

To attack a Capital it takes 2attack of 1000tank/1000artillery. The docs say they use 35shells per attack.
Yet the corp only makes 72K shells a year. Meaning every year it only makes enough ammo for 2attacks?

Plus higher ammo production means cheaper ammo (thats the main cost is war anyways) make it more plentiful, easier to make more, and cheaper. Along with more then just players buying them and i bet money youll see a redder weapons market

SuperSoldierRCP (Fearless Blue)

Wednesday, January 25, 2012 - 10:09 pm Click here to edit this post
---Side note i just found this---

Ordering Anti Aircraft Missiles
This product is ordered per missile.

Base Price 12.94M SC$ per missile
Market Price without Quality Effects 5.99M SC$ per missile

plus if i want to by 300Q that's 36M per MISSILE!!!

a garrison of 100Anti Air units it requires you have 12K missiles.
120Targets(Forts, Cities, Bases) * 12K missiles = 1.5M missiles

now means it costs 21T for 100Q???

I really hope this was a mistake on the GM part becuase to spend 21T for just 100Q anti air is very outragous

Sunny (Kebir Blue)

Thursday, January 26, 2012 - 03:23 am Click here to edit this post
Super, i love you.

Psycho_Honey (Fearless Blue)

Thursday, January 26, 2012 - 06:50 am Click here to edit this post
If only we could arm the rest of our youth with math, we'd be exploring the nearest star system :S

Andy (White Giant)

Thursday, January 26, 2012 - 09:02 am Click here to edit this post
The standard number of missiles required per battery is in most cases 40.
having 120 such garrisons with 480.000 missiles seems overdone and there are very few buying such quantities (7T).

There is too much product on the market and although it may take long for one corporation to produce the numbers you need, it seems that world wide (5 worlds wide), there are too many and with the decline in the size of units, smaller numbers are needed.

Once the dumping of products stops (most of it is behind us), we will see real demand and supply.

SuperSoldierRCP (Little Upsilon)

Thursday, January 26, 2012 - 07:42 pm Click here to edit this post
Thank you for your response Andy that was what i was looking for.

Knowing that most the ammo "dumping" is behind us does the GM have any plans to have other uses for the Defensive ammo?

As i said above C3 don't use world market ammo. It makes sense the game should minus all the weapons/ammo used in a C3 war from the world market. That would drive the defensive market into the red and in which the offensive market would follow. A country uses 4000 inters in a level 7C3. Constant losses of 4K to the world market would only stimulate its growth in all the materials the corps use. It would easily double the weapons market meaning more products being used more as a hole.

With the rising cost of ammo (due to the shrinking) will the GM be lowering the amounts of ammo used per attack? as stated firing 6 missiles per attack when each can cost 10M per means that a player throws away 60-180+ Million per attack with 1battery. 100batteries would use 6-18B in just anti air missiles. This means players would easily see 50 to maybe 100B worth of ammo just fly out the door. We are speaking also of 100batteries remember that garrisons are 1000+ in size. If the costs go up will there be a reduction in ammo usage in weapons, or will Q play even more an inpact?

SirSmokesAlot (Fearless Blue)

Thursday, January 26, 2012 - 08:15 pm Click here to edit this post
If its not required to keep that many missiles in a garrisoned unit then why do we have the option to do it? Also when you upgrade garrisons to 350Q and your country gets hit with auto deactivations and those garrisons get taken out of the targets and forced back into reserves you lose the upgrades you just spent T's on. Thats not fair. I just lost so much money from wasted upgrades its not even funny. So now if they go back up they will be @100Q and i'd have to start over again.

SuperSoldierRCP (Little Upsilon)

Thursday, January 26, 2012 - 08:35 pm Click here to edit this post
Thank you smokes i forgot about that.

Also Andy will Weapons/Ammo effects do more. Right now they only upgrade 1point a game month.

120-350= 230upgrades (every 20 upgrades you need 1more for Q fall) so really its 240upgrades.
You can only upgrade once per month meaning that you need to wait 240month(divided by)6months per day = 40REAL days. 40real days is a VERY time time. In that time i could have contracted a weapons corp and gotten 20years of production of the same item @ 350 or higher Q.

The GM should also look into letting Q of upgrade have the effect of 350Q= 3.5upgrade this would only take 11real days to upgrade drastically reducing the upgrade time needed. I did mention that it would be very helpful(this was in a poll to) that we should be allowed to pick/choose/upgrade weapons inside the base to allowing use during times of peace to upgrade are ammo/weapons to prep for the next war

Jo Salkilld (White Giant)

Thursday, January 26, 2012 - 10:05 pm Click here to edit this post
Agreed that the upgrade quality should have a positive effect on the upgrade gained, otherwise there is no point in buying quality upgrades over 120Q.

It would be nice to see the same applied to other products ... atm it's just weapons and ammo.

Hugs and respect


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