Simcountry is a multiplayer Internet game in which you are the president, commander in chief, and industrial leader. You have to make the tough decisions about cutting or raising taxes, how to allocate the federal budget, what kind of infrastructure you want, etc..
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Corporation Sales ??? Do they work? (White Giant)

Topics: General: Corporation Sales ??? Do they work? (White Giant)

DarkOne (White Giant)

Monday, January 23, 2012 - 04:36 pm Click here to edit this post
Was wondering how one of my fully upgraded corps could be making a loss well hope someone can help on this...


Qty Produced 1594244
Products sold in Month 7,125.68M
Product in stock left 1 item ( :) )
So each product sold for 4575 $ ( 7,125,680 / 1594244 )
My quality was 370 and has been for the last few months

Market price is 1588 $
market price when sold 1541$ ( Estimated from graph)

Sale Strat is start at 391% of market

So Price sold per item should be 3.91 x 1541 = 6025

So reduced by 1450$ per product ( 6025 - 4575 )

or 2,312M sales for the month ( 1450 x 1594244 )


( Its my calculation that must be wrong i guess but where? )

Many Thanks

DarkOne (White Giant)

Monday, January 23, 2012 - 05:31 pm Click here to edit this post
Small addition to the above.. :--

I have a Boat making corp and this again appears not to be selling according to the strategy applied.

Now again i probably am wrong but as boats are only supplied to countries, and most of these don't specify a required quality then all sales should be at the price requested every time.

Crafty (Little Upsilon)

Monday, January 23, 2012 - 08:01 pm Click here to edit this post
You're not going to get 391% of market for a product for starters. The game tries to match orders to offers so you probably recieved around 296% of market. This figure is basically the highest price you will nearly ever get paid (there can be exceptions in cases of extreme shortage).

OOOOOOhhh looky looky, doing the math:

4575/1541 = 2.96. Basically its pointless making product over 266 and charge 296 for it.

Item 2 - Boats. You will probably find just about all countries order there supplies at Q120, not any quality. Otherwise it will cost you a fortune. Of course we are told now that buying a higher quality for your population will increase their welfare a bit, but I've yet to try that out or heard of anyone trying it yet (unless you know better......?).


Monday, January 23, 2012 - 08:19 pm Click here to edit this post
thanks for the info crafty..

was thinking of computer controlled countries as these never seem to have quality specified when taking them over.

Now have to change all my spreadsheets lolol

Matt Patton (Golden Rainbow)

Tuesday, January 24, 2012 - 02:18 am Click here to edit this post
Don't produce stuff over 300Q
change your supply quality don't buy whatever

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