DarkOne (White Giant) | Sunday, January 15, 2012 - 03:57 am When I was trying to take over a computer controlled country I could buy no Air 2 Air missiles... So i set a couple of factories up now I have a few missiles to sell but .... Now the situation is.. The demand for this product was 29,779,159 last month. The supply was 11,385. So that is a shortage of about 30million... But the price remains the same and even though I have some on the market, yes at a high premium, they dont sell.. Can anyone explain this please... Thanks |
Psycho_Honey (Little Upsilon) | Sunday, January 15, 2012 - 04:19 am I tried to figure this one out a long time ago. I tried and tried until my brain froze and began to hurt and melt into a particularly uncomfortable ooze. Then I gave up, and started using my navy and said to hell with fighter planes and offensive air to air missiles. Oh, and if you can read between these lines you are most welcome |
Atlanta (Fearless Blue) | Sunday, January 15, 2012 - 04:27 am I have the same problem, too. I am thinking to change to Nay and say NO to FP and its missiles |
Tom Morgan (Kebir Blue) | Sunday, January 15, 2012 - 01:50 pm Boy, the supply fairy is a bit late today... |
Crafty (Golden Rainbow) | Sunday, January 15, 2012 - 07:59 pm Look around and you will notice lots of products going into deeper red with no rise of price even though they arent greatly over base price. Prices used to rise to twice base ish I seem to remember. Funnily enough I've seen some products getting more expensive as the demand/excess supply diminishes. Go figure. The market model doesnt work as it did before. |
SuperSoldierRCP (Fearless Blue) | Monday, January 16, 2012 - 12:06 am The GM needs to look into the markets something is wrong |
QueenBikini (White Giant) | Monday, January 16, 2012 - 07:12 am I have noticed the lower the quality of your product the less you can sell it for, so if you have an air to air missle at 120 quality it would not let me sell it for 30 points over that at 150. It let me sell it for 135. When my quality got up into the 160 range, suddenly I could sell it for a max of 31 points above, but not 32. Finding that odd I tried to sell my quality of 110 missiles at 20 points over and could not even do that. The game allowed my only 10 points over. Funny for something 39 million in demand. |
Psycho_Honey (Fearless Blue) | Monday, January 16, 2012 - 07:56 am /vomits... I was talking about this a year ago... All I got was nausea enduring Scarlet's pointless arguments about how this wasn't happening. Excuse me while I finish vomiting some more.... |
Crafty | Monday, January 16, 2012 - 08:03 pm Wow, never seen what QueenBikini is reporting, does this really happen? Or maybe its an economic protection automation thing as actually these limits seem pretty fair for the quality produced, saves the corp not selling anything from over-pricing. |
Redman (White Giant) | Monday, January 16, 2012 - 08:12 pm Queens statement is true. I've watched her while she was playing at it. The thing that gets me with the limits is, sure it's a good thing to have should demand not be there but if demand is as much as these fricken missiles then those limits should release until supply catches up. If someone wants to sell these missiles at 60 points higher then quality with the demand as it is then they should be able to sell them for the 60 points higher amount. When supply catches back up then the limits should engage and you would no longer be able to sell for 60 points higher then quality. Just more logical to me that way. |
Crafty | Monday, January 16, 2012 - 08:55 pm Yes Redman, but if you're trying to sell Q120 missiles and the worlds demand is mainly very high Q (which I imagine OA2AM are) then you're not satisfying much of the huge demand, not many people want your Q120 missiles. |
Redman (White Giant) | Tuesday, January 17, 2012 - 02:25 am In this case i'm just referring to basic demand needs for this product regardless of quality. For example, country A wants to take out country B's Air defenses and simply needs ANY quality of OA2AM to get the job done. Since supply is so low atm then quality is not the issue, just getting any product at all would be. You are correct though, normally world demand is for higher quality weapons products, but in this case just getting any OA2AM would make many happy. This is just one case where people with lower quality product could make a killing if limits didn't prevent it. |
Tom Morgan (Kebir Blue) | Wednesday, January 18, 2012 - 01:01 am Well the Supply Fairy just visited. Almost no shortage here on KB. |
Crafty (Fearless Blue) | Thursday, January 19, 2012 - 06:59 pm So take advantage and shuttle them to where they are in high demand and high priced. |
Tallisabeth Selis (White Giant) | Thursday, January 19, 2012 - 10:10 pm I understand your pain. I had to wait to start my war on a c3 so I could get enough OA2AMto supply my Air Wing. Had to readjust my strategy for that one, because I wanted to use my navy for something else. |