Monday, January 2, 2012 - 04:35 pm One of Crafty corporations in my main country on LU was losing money, and I nationlized it. This corp has 720 Land Based Cruise Missiles in it. Its market value was $150B. I paid almost $300B for that corp. I knew that deal included those missiles. I don't know why he keep telling me that I stole his missiles. You guys be our judges.
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Monday, January 2, 2012 - 04:40 pm Did u tell him u would nationalize it first? No, then u stole his missiles.
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Monday, January 2, 2012 - 05:10 pm That corp ran at a loss because it supplied me with cruise, you cant buy them on the market. Not only did you steal them, you also stole the corp, its called hostile bidding. A normal corp I guess I wouldn't say too much, after all you are paying over the top for it, but I'm sick of new people coming along and thinking they can just buy up any corp they want. Always ask first, always, then there would be no problem at all. Its just common manners anyway.
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Monday, January 2, 2012 - 05:10 pm Weapons corps arent the best at making money. players use them to contract to themselves, even if at a corp loss. regardless of if it was losing or not, it wasnt your corp so you should have asked him and not just taken it.
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Monday, January 2, 2012 - 07:01 pm This is the very same conflict that Corporate Partner got involved with and he claimed he "liberated" some corp I stole or something to that effect. Umut Deniz bid on my lbc corps claiming I was inactive. He wouldn't apologize and began spewing hollow threats vowing to "do me in" with his whole reserve of 200 coins(lmao) and threatened to continue bidding and he didn't disappoint. He continued bidding on my strategic corps. I responded by share buying control of almost 80% of his economy for pennies on the dollar. I gave him many chances to stop the cycle and by this point a lesson was in order. I set all the salaries to 100, to start. He got ticked. Market Value increased as the salaries went down and my superior settings grew the corps value. Bidding his economy back was not an option. He then got some bad advice and turned up tax to 75%. That then allowed me to move all the corps out of his country free of charge. Once I recouped my money through share market trading and making this endeavor cost free, I then sold off all the shares and got back to even, I made about 40Trillion after selling back the outstanding shares I had controlling his corps. He began replacing these corps he lost with electric corps and lookie now. The Electric market is in shambles and hes drowning in debt. I hoped he learned his lesson. Corporate partner then began bidding and producing make believe stories. I just thought I would share that lesson for you all who should not be bidding on players corps without permission. I made several attempts to help Umut understand the game and make money. But blinded by numbskull fools and that foolish troll corporate partner, he had it all figured out. Corporate Partner stopped bidding a while ago. His Enterprises were in debt in no time. I guess he taught himself a lesson. He doesn't have the cash or wit to wage an economic war with me on his or anyone else's behalf, especially in this case of an original hostile bidder named Umut Deniz. Dumbasses. My advice is to stay away from these 2 or 3 players. They give out mediocre and sometimes seriously pathetic advice that Corporate partner copy pasted from John Fires site onto CP's sim Blog. They are terrible war players and although they may appear knowledgeable they are not. On every level, economic, or war. And please. Never share your account info with them because they were "watching" an account for someone and got their hind parts tossed up for nuking me, and I would hate to see the same happen to some poor innocent naive newbie.
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Monday, January 2, 2012 - 08:21 pm I do not seeth any reason for objecting when a corporation be nationalized. 'Tis the responsibility of the CEO to make profit as 'tis a privelege to open the corp in one's country, not a right. The Ceo has privelege granted by the nation and must reward the nation with sound governance of the corporation. As for Umit, his name hath become synonymous in the Byzantine Empire with the word idiot. As in "why art thou acting like a Umit". I tooketh 3 inactive countries from a player named "Alterd Carbon". The player hath left the Fearless Blue planet quite some time ago. The nations were allied with the great candy confectionery federation known as Three Musketeers. The nations were completely useless to this federation. Yet Umit, an agent of the Three Musketeers, decided to defend this empire. He delareth war on mine only nation at the time. He declared war too late and was unable to prevent mine very easy conquest. However he appeareth to have powerful military and I assumed he would easily take my nation. I took a c3 before his war declaration taketh effect to make up for mine expected loss. Thence I left my nation (named Armenia) open and undefended for his easy conquest. It should hath taketh him only one or two simcountry days to taketh the nation. Instead he unleashed evil weapons upon the hapless populace. The fiendish weapons killed millions. His Turkish empire was merciless. But he did not take the nation. Instead he merried in the destruction. I raided his nation called Yeliz in hopes he would stop and taketh the nation. But he continueth. I thence decided to end the affair. My military spies reported he hath not defended the cities of Yeliz. I ordered that these fiendish weapons be used against Yeliz. Alterd Carbon hath many of these weapons in the nations I conquered. Just one weapon not only wrought havec upon the nation, but also destroyeth half his corporations. Umit now understood, but since his wicked weapons destroyeth Armenia's cities he suffered diminished returns whence he finally decided to end the war due to his fear. It taketh him 3 (real) days to subdue the undefended nation of only 13 million. I spent nothing defending it.I had ample opportunity to taketh his little nation of Yeliz but decideth against it. Twas not worth it. He taketh the now dimished Armenia and had to deal with it's debt. He faileth in his effort to stop my conquests. Yet, he nameth this one obliterated nation "3M Winner". Thus, his name is ridiculed in mine empire.
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Monday, January 2, 2012 - 08:42 pm Psycho, i demand we be partners lol
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Monday, January 2, 2012 - 10:18 pm I would STRONGLY encourage everyone to NOT subscribe to Renegade's pro-nationalism philosophy. Nationalization of another player's assets is an economic act of aggression. It is a tool that should be used sparingly, and only against enemies of state. Whilst it may be a privelege for a CEO to build or maintain in your country, it is just as much of a privelege for your country to get the investment at all. There are multiudes of countries that show more respect for property rights in which a CEO can choose to invest. Profit alone is not an indicator of a corps health, nor of its purpose within a CEOs chain-of-supply. Many corps necessary to run other corps run losses. These corps still pay your country hefty Country Resources Used fees, and employ your population. You could nationalize the corp and eat all that cost yourself. You're also burning a whole mess of bridges! There are many fewer CEOs than presidents! Don't upset those few that can and happen to be interested in investing in your country. No one else will.
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Monday, January 2, 2012 - 10:31 pm Crafty. If you know that I had paid for those missiles in the corporation, why you keep telling me that I stole your missiles? When I bought this country from another player, I have a right to make decision for the country. I nationlized it in order to close it, and build another corporation.
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Monday, January 2, 2012 - 10:35 pm Can I buy those missiles?
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Monday, January 2, 2012 - 10:38 pm It would have looked better on yourself if you had ASKED him to move the corp instead of using a hostile bid. You would have still got the worker back to build your corp and Crafty would still have his corp. Trying to justify your action makes you even more of an arsehole
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Monday, January 2, 2012 - 10:43 pm Let it be said that mine emporor Justinian hath never ordered a corp be nationalized. I speak only of those corps that be unprofitable as a general rule. Mainly those war making material corps. Thou speaketh of employment offered by such money losing ventures, but faileth to note the highly skilled workers such corporations taketh from the labor pool and thence be denied to the profitable corps which be in need of such skilled workers. I hath also seen many profitable nations who hath not had to rely on other CEO's other than thine own. I only defend the principle of a nation having it's national rights not infringed upon or questioned. You speaketh with two tongues. One sayeth corporations have only priveleges and thence claim they have property "rights". Nay.They haveth no rights. Thou must end your internal debate. Art thou a republicon?
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Monday, January 2, 2012 - 10:51 pm another tit climbs out of nowhere.....*sighs
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Monday, January 2, 2012 - 11:30 pm I'm quite liberal, but still have respect for others and their property. Act as you wish within the confines of your country, but I think CEOs would be well served to stay far from it.
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Monday, January 2, 2012 - 11:46 pm Oh, and with a little proper management you should be able to avoid high skilled labor shortages. Nationalizing corps because you dont have enough workers is an aggressive act and indicative of extremely poor labor management skills. (Again, a president CEOs should avoid doing business with.) If you aren't going to extend respect to the CEO for the money they pay to build the corp, make upgrades, employ your workers (which would otherwise be on your unemployment rolls) then don't court or accept CEO requests. Nationalizing corps because you dont like it's performance (all the while, not fully appreciating why it's performing as it is) is not a liberal idea (as you imply, Renegade), it's a communist one.
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Monday, January 2, 2012 - 11:47 pm This is the reason why CEO needs some form of protection. Countries are able to nationalize up to 24companies that cant be bidded. It would be fair to let CEO have some form of protection much like this. CEO can make space/weapons corps without the constant fear of being constantly bidded on. There should be a warning for before nationizations take place. Give the player 24hours to move after which if they haven't they are bidded on.
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Tuesday, January 3, 2012 - 12:07 am I agree with the time-cushion to relocate before a nationalization bid becomes effective. However, CEOs have to educate themselves as well. Get to know the presidents they're doing business with. Research which presidents respect free commerce, and those that don't. Sadly, most CEO-president relations consist of nothing more than build/relocate requests. Those relations should include some exchange of information about the stability of their tax rates, nationalization policy, approach to dealing with worker shortages, etc. Not to toot my own horn, but I'm posting that type of info for CEOs, so they can feel more confident investing in Athretvari and her dependencies.
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Tuesday, January 3, 2012 - 12:42 am The way this guy is writing and speaking sound, I don't like him. Renegade.
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Tuesday, January 3, 2012 - 01:08 am so you mean that Atlanta can't explain for his action or decision, BLUESERPENT ? You should not cross the line, dude
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Tuesday, January 3, 2012 - 01:15 am Advice to anyone reading this thread forget it - its for noobs, asshats, multiplaying wannabe's and anyone else who has too much time on their hands. you took his corporation you took his missiles end of story have a nice day its up to crafty what happens next!
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Tuesday, January 3, 2012 - 01:46 am Discounting the fact that someone must consider himself a member of one the above mentioned categories of players since he decided to read the thread, internalize its contents, formulate an assessment, and plop down his own two-cents.... This thread is important if for no other reason, in that it's meant to inform new players of the disruption and resentment they can cause with nationalizations. They're not taken lightly by CEOs and new players should be aware of that.
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Tuesday, January 3, 2012 - 01:55 am MikeHonda....if u click on your name it says....... Message to Atlanta is?..LMAO.......FAIL dude. Gotta be up very early to catch ol Blue out .......next
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Tuesday, January 3, 2012 - 01:57 am That's funny. =)
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Tuesday, January 3, 2012 - 01:58 am Whats even funnier is these idiots think they are good at it and are undetectable
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Tuesday, January 3, 2012 - 02:03 am It is me. I just change my nick. If Crafty wants that corp back. He can bid on it, and move out of my country. The thing is that I don't get it why you guys can't tell the difference between buying and stealing. My country has paid for all materials already.
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Tuesday, January 3, 2012 - 02:06 am only one that isnt getting it, is you and any other hostile bidder......WASNT YOUR CORP
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Tuesday, January 3, 2012 - 02:12 am Did I pay for the bid, Blue? If you want to buy those missiles, then tell me. I will sell them all to you( i have no need for using these missiles). Don't pretend to be a nice player. Also, I can change my nick whenever I want to.
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Tuesday, January 3, 2012 - 02:32 am jeez - gimme a break you fraking name changing Multi's,monkey hopping players - im off to bed!
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Tuesday, January 3, 2012 - 02:32 am dude i am a nice player, your the one out of order... you would be better selling the missiles to crafty, then refunding him the T's thro asset package plus compo for the corp
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Tuesday, January 3, 2012 - 02:36 am we kisses our own ass when its blue
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Tuesday, January 3, 2012 - 02:42 am The moral of this story: If you don't want an enterprise's corporation in your country, just ask them to move it out. Most will do so. If they don't respond in a reasonable amount of time then consider nationalizing. Weapon corporations, by nature, do not always turn "profit." However, take note that countries are paid "Country Resources Used" income whether the corporation is profitable or not.
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Tuesday, January 3, 2012 - 03:07 am And I decided to not check the forum for half a day, and this thread turns into gold. Sunny, I'll be in touch
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Tuesday, January 3, 2012 - 03:24 am Gothamloki, now I know that art a republicon. Anyone who disagreeth with a republicon is always marked with the term "communist", or "nazi", or "marxist". Thou art not liberal in any sense. Otherwise thou would knowest better. Art thou a ditto head?
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Tuesday, January 3, 2012 - 04:24 am Very well then... This republicon will make room for any and all CEOs seeking a safe haven from the potential of nationalizations within Renegade's territories. Or from any other player that believes that the state can just take whatever it wants (while denying that's pretty much the definition communism). Don't stand for it. Stand up for your rights. ATHRETVARI and her dependencies on LU, FB, & KB - We understand: your business is your business!
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Tuesday, January 3, 2012 - 04:50 am Renegade lost the game. Godwin's law (also known as Godwin's Rule of Nazi Analogies or Godwin's Law of Nazi Analogies)[1][2] is a humorous observation made by Mike Godwin in 1990[2] that has become an Internet adage. It states: "As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches 1."[2][3] In other words, Godwin observed that, given enough time, in any online discussion—regardless of topic or scope—someone inevitably criticizes some point made in the discussion by comparing it to beliefs held by Hitler and the Nazis.
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Tuesday, January 3, 2012 - 07:54 am SuperSoldier, I hath not compared Gothamloki's opinion to that of being similar to Nazism. It be he who compared my opinion with communism. I only point out that republicons hath always labeled someone with whom they disagree as either a communist or a nazi. They seem not to understand the difference between the two. It was he who labeled not I. Thou should reread the post: Gothamloki:"Oh, and with a little proper management you should be able to avoid high skilled labor shortages. Nationalizing corps because you dont have enough workers is an aggressive act and indicative of extremely poor labor management skills. (Again, a president CEOs should avoid doing business with.) If you aren't going to extend respect to the CEO for the money they pay to build the corp, make upgrades, employ your workers (which would otherwise be on your unemployment rolls) then don't court or accept CEO requests. Nationalizing corps because you dont like it's performance (all the while, not fully appreciating why it's performing as it is) is not a liberal idea (as you imply, Renegade), it's a communist one." Here twas my reply: Renegade: Gothamloki, now I know that art a republicon. Anyone who disagreeth with a republicon is always marked with the term "communist", or "nazi", or "marxist". Thou art not liberal in any sense. Otherwise thou would knowest better. Art thou a ditto head? Supersoldier: As thou can seest I never offended him with the label of Nazi. However he referred to me as a communist.Perhaps thy friend Mr. Godwin unwittingly strayed upon online discussions involving mostly republicons before developing his strange law. Perhaps thou hast now fallen under this rule.
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Tuesday, January 3, 2012 - 08:24 am Overnight all this happened, what the fruck. lol
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Tuesday, January 3, 2012 - 12:43 pm From nationalising corps to Nazis in 30 posts- god I love the intelligent folk who post here :p
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Tuesday, January 3, 2012 - 01:52 pm Seriously can I have those missiles?
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Tuesday, January 3, 2012 - 03:06 pm The point is, in the previous form of this game I would have handed you your own ass back, nicely reamed out. At present I cant, but you have several nations, and you will want to increase your war level in time, to get game level increases, it is becoming harder to do it other ways. I will be here, I have been here years... An apology, an acceptance that you went about it wrong, was what you needed to provide Atlanta/Honda. Now I require complete compensation as Blueserpent has laid out. Dont mess with the veterans of the game you youngsters because you feel safe and secure in your war level 0 and two-bit federations, we can still make your time here completely miserable and totally unsuccessful. Believe me, you would rather have Psycho Honey, Blueserpent, myself and others on your side than pissed at you. And Azyren stop being a dick about those missiles, you're not doing yourself any favours by asking for them in this thread.
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Tuesday, January 3, 2012 - 04:50 pm Someone told me that LBC corp can't be built on LU? is that correct?
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Tuesday, January 3, 2012 - 11:08 pm Crafty why the hell didn't you just buy those missiles? Just take them out when he's nationalizing them you idiot. It's your fault. Just build another one and stop being a dick. At least he paid you. And Atlanta..just give the missiles back to him.
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Tuesday, January 3, 2012 - 11:11 pm are you for real, azyren?
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Tuesday, January 3, 2012 - 11:15 pm Yes
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Tuesday, January 3, 2012 - 11:19 pm how do you justify calling someone a dick, when all he did was to own a corp someone else bid on?
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Tuesday, January 3, 2012 - 11:27 pm He whined about it on the forums and didn't even try to stop the bidding. He's a frikin CEO. They print money. He makes as much as that corp is worth in one game month.
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Tuesday, January 3, 2012 - 11:38 pm and?
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Tuesday, January 3, 2012 - 11:38 pm If he wants to buy those missiles back, I will sell them all. Also, he can rebid that corp and move the hell out of my country. It is easy like that. I don't know why they keep telling bad things about other people. It is like in their blood
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Wednesday, January 4, 2012 - 12:25 am Noob Azyren, you cannot contract product from a corp when it is under process of bidding. Also you didnt see me starting any thread about it in public, whinging or otherwise. I messaged him privately, Atlanta didnt agree he had done anything wrong so asked for a general opinion in this thread. Fair enough. I think the general opinion has been given, but all I see now is you running your noob trap. Keep out of it. Listen Atlanta, I have millions, literally millions, of those missiles. I have quadrillions of cash to get more or build a thousand LBC corps, that is not the issue. If people ask me for money or GC help or any help, I give it freely. The issue I have is people trying to mug me off. If you didnt understand about hostile bidding you could have said, 'hey sorry I didnt know, what can I do...' or told me you tried to retract the bid but it was too late or anything. But no, you keep on swearing innocence. Anyways, the pair of you, just stand back from these comments for a minute and think. Hostile bidding is not acceptable, its almost impossible to stop nowadays, but as long as I play this game I will do what I can to keep the respect and manners people used to treat others with... capiche? No more on this. Learn your lesson.
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Wednesday, January 4, 2012 - 12:56 am Well, actually I did not know that players no longer can build LBC on LU. When I start nationalizing the corp, it stated that HOSITLE BID. Crafty sent me several messages to retract the bid. In some of his messages, unnecessary wolds were used. It was ok to me. However, I did not know how to retract the bid. I was mad at his meassage then I did not try to figure out how to retract the bid. Crafty, all you should do was asking me why I tried to nationlize your corp. That's all. FROM NOW, After 12 months, you can go head to bid that corp, and then move out of my main country. No more talking about this none-sense stuff which ruins our relationships.
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Wednesday, January 4, 2012 - 01:15 am I have kept out of this thread so far but, reading the recent comments, I cannot help but contribute. @ Atlanta: anyone can build an LBC missiles corp on any planet. It's only trading the missiles that is restricted. This is why people build missiles corps - so that they can trade directly with their own countries without needing to meet the costs of space travel. Yes, players have countries and CEOs and, if played well, the two work in harmony ... until some idiot comes along and steals (yes, I said 'steals', and I use that word deliberately) a corp from you. The corp belonged to Crafty. He spent time, effort and cash to build it. You may have repaid the cash, but not the time and effort. If you want an LBC missiles corp, build your own. If you don't want the corp in your country, ask the CEO to move it. But the corp was paying you good money to host it, irrespective of its profit, and you have now lost that income. More fool you! You asked the community to judge your actions. The first four posts on this thread were from people who have been playing this game for years, and they all agreed that there was a better alternative to the one you employed. I, too, have been playing this game for years and you can add me to the list of those who agree that your actions were misguided. I experienced a similar thing recently. I built an LBC missiles corp in a C3. Someone new registered the country and, not realising the advantage of private corps, nationalised it. I counter-bid with my other CEO, injected cash to raise the value and moved the corp to another C3 and the bid didn't go through, but not everyone has those options. I also messaged the President of the country with a (fairly) harsh message, outlining how I viewed his action. He replied with an apology and a request for advice on how to play the game. I responded with mentoring and moved another corp into his country to help him. Win-win! @ Renegade ... if thou wouldst embrace the language of thine ancestors, I prithee, ensure that thou understandeth and useth it in sooth. Mine ear is much discomforted by thy awkward tongue and, if thou canst not distinguish twixt subject and object, prithee employ the common parlance, lest mine anguish at thy grammatical errors overwhelm my reason. It has been said often, but not recently, so I'll say it again. When you play a community-oriented game, such as this one, how well you do is very dependent on how you interact with the rest of the community. You wouldn't walk into a bar full of regulars, stand on the pool table and demand that everyone buy you drinks. You go in, start a few conversations, find out what the general 'rules' are and then decide whether you want to go back or not. If you do, then it's in your interest to do your best to fit in and make friends. That way you have a good time which, after all, is why we all play this game. Hugs and respect Jo
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Wednesday, January 4, 2012 - 03:21 am Hostile bids are stupid. Learned something from this thread. /CLOSE
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Wednesday, January 4, 2012 - 04:00 am As I stated above, he could bid on the corp then move out. That's it. END IT HERE
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Wednesday, January 4, 2012 - 04:43 am @ Atlanta Sounds like someone mad that they just got text bombed on by Jo... All the time I've been here that's the first time i think I've seen Jo accully have a harsh tone in his comment.
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Wednesday, January 4, 2012 - 06:38 am Aha! Jo, thou failest to observe mine manner of speak tis not Shakespearean. I be but a commoner and not so elitist as thee. "Hugs and respect", But don't come too close! I would not want to pass the plaugue on to thee, who art so perfect.
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Wednesday, January 4, 2012 - 01:32 pm Ye hath spelleth "plague" wrong, for ye arth a simpleton.
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Thursday, January 5, 2012 - 06:09 am As I sayeth, I am but a commoner.
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Thursday, January 5, 2012 - 06:33 am @Supersoldier, all the time you have been here have you not learned Jo is a her?
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Thursday, January 5, 2012 - 07:01 am LOL
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Thursday, January 5, 2012 - 10:33 pm This thread has been very entertaining! I don't know of a faster way to get a CEO angry than to hostile bid our corps!
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Friday, January 6, 2012 - 12:55 am LOL. SC community has a good time. Thanks to the poster
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Friday, January 6, 2012 - 02:41 pm Be it known to all and sundry, both serf and gentlefolk, that I am hereby going nuclear. I, too, have suffered the from the treachery of hostile bidding, and whoso biddeth on my corps shall verily glow in the darkness, be it e'er so stygian. Get thine own corps, forsooth, lest thy lands be transmogrified into self-lighting deserts of glass. Thou hast e'en been warned!
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Friday, January 6, 2012 - 04:10 pm Oh the other side of the coin, CEOs that refuse to supply their corps to the point they have 0% production are screaming for nationalization. Come on people! There's no excuse for that.
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Friday, January 6, 2012 - 07:04 pm I have a bunch of 10% corporations in my country that need help. Their stocks are all around 5 cents, and the game won't allow me to buy them because my country can only buy stock in corporations I control, and my investment fund can only buy stock in corporations not in my nation. How weird and artificial is that??
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Saturday, January 7, 2012 - 03:08 pm Gothamloki: You have a point there. If these are from inactive players, there should be some provision for nationalizing after a certain period of time. I'm not talking with forked tongue, I'm just thinking about both sides of the issue; There should be a safety valve somewhere that also doesn't make it easy to hostile bid willy-nilly. Star: This situation is just another example of conspiracy. It seems to involve the sim-counterparts of the U.N., the Illuminati, the Bildebergers, and the Forest Grove folks, probably assisted by the MK Ultra boys and agents of the KGB working for the CIA, aided by Elvis, D.B.Cooper, and the Pope. Not that I'm paranoid or anything.
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Friday, December 21, 2012 - 12:25 am Wow, how currently relevant is this thread. I am having a tough time explaining the obvious message in this thread to DrewCakes. Will someone point him in the direction of the thread. I hope he reads from it and learns something from it.
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Friday, December 21, 2012 - 07:03 pm Indeed, I thought the same myself. Maybe there is a purpose in these bumped ancient threads... I smell a conspiracy.
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Friday, December 21, 2012 - 09:39 pm Hmm, I suppose there has been a theme in the threads being bumped by this authentication error, hasn't there?
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Saturday, December 22, 2012 - 04:22 am Well I read your post, and went back and got bored. I'm not trying to justify the nationalization actions against you. I just wanted that situation to disapear, a conversation with its roots in a disagreement is likely to fall back to the roots of disagreement making our relationship based on it. Weapon Corps are different you build them for resources not for profits. Supply corps are different you buy them for supplies to boost the profits of other corps. Space is different you build them for parts (I think). All else you buy for profits. EVERY CORP in this game has a twisted value, Supply corps don't become valued at what it saves your other corps, Weapon Corps aren't valued at what they are worth to the consumer if the owner is the consumer. And for profit corps are not valued at their instrinsic value or their value to the owner. Because of this people need to respect the rights of the owner of the corp. When I started Galactic Investment dude had 7 corps in my country and told me right away that I can nationalize them if I wanted before I ever contacted him. I had to pay trillions to get it accomplished. It is true that nationalization can overcompensate as well. After that the CEO's in countries 2-6 never ever responded to me. Country 7 and country 8 had a huge time difference in when I acquired them but Wendy your corp was in country 7, after long periods of attempted contact with no responses from every other CEO. I didn't want to do that again so I just took them. That decision was wrong. As I said the value to the owner does not equal the market value. Right now market value on profitable corps is overly high and any nationalization bid is probably a blessing in disguise, however my decision was dead wrong. I understand that! I think I've proven to the community by now that I'm not and idiot. But we are products of our environment and no one is immune to the human condition of learning from experience. In the case of nationalizing a weapon company or a supply company the Market Value has 0 bearing on it's actual value. I know your corp was not a weapon corp but I am uncertain if it was a supply corp. If it was a profit corp, that at least the profitability played a role in your compensation including a small boost to that effect. I'm not saying to justify my actions only to explain my actions my thoughts and my impatience, and more importantly the realization that I do understand the situation. At the same time though, if the CEO is not being cooperative with the ideals of the country, the CEO should not take hostility if the president wants to change the situation. But of course not without the consul of the CEO first
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Monday, January 7, 2013 - 10:25 am I want to thank you all for my education. I am still new to the game - because I am still learning - and expanded too quickly. However, I am with the sound advisement of JoSalkilld and Gothamloki. Jo, I totally understand why you had a "harsh" tone. I myself never touch Enterprise owned corporations because I always have monies coming in from them. I also do not call upon CEO's but am happy they take a chance on my empire. I also always (mostly) inform the CEO that taxes will be lowered once the economic situation improves. Thank you all again for the "tips."
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Thursday, January 10, 2013 - 01:37 pm From a9fc8yt3kd1: @ Atlanta: If someone builds a corporation in your country and it is a burden on your economy, tying up valuable workers and not contributing anything in taxes, it's fine to want that corporation gone. HOWEVER, you should warn the owner of that corporation ahead of time, to give them time to relocate that corporation to another country, before you nationalize it. A good rule of thumb is probably to give the CEO a minimum of two weeks notice before you nationalize. That way, the CEO can choose whether to keep his or her corporation, or to let you take it. It's more respectful that way, AND it will save your country money. This is because if the CEO relocates his or her corporation, the CEO's enterprise usually pays damages to your country, even if the corporation was bad for your country's economy anyway. In contrast, if you nationalize a corporation, you have to pay money to the CEO's enterprise, even if you didn't want the corporation and were merely going to close it anyway. So, in summary, you should always try to give a CEO enough time to relocate his or her corporation before you nationalize it. The only circumstance in which I would consider it acceptable to nationalize a CEO's corporation without warning is if the CEO's account hasn't shown any activity in ages. After all, I don't think there is really much point in given a CEO time to relocate his or her corporation, if that CEO hasn't been active in over a month anyway.
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Thursday, January 10, 2013 - 04:06 pm Very sound points of advice Simcountry CEO. On a lighter note, anybody seen Drew lately? I don't want to have to go through the worlds like I'm in a "Where's Waldo" book to say hello. Drewbie,Drewbie, Dreeeew... where are you!?!?!?