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W3C - Explaining "Buy Old" (Kebir Blue)

Topics: General: W3C - Explaining "Buy Old" (Kebir Blue)

Tom Willard (Kebir Blue)

Friday, September 9, 2011 - 04:54 pm Click here to edit this post
The "Buy Old" Procedure is used in trading to prevent the orders database from being jammed with very old offers that cannot be processed because the requested price is too high.

The buy old procedure was in the past triggered to purchase such products after 6 months and paid about 15% of the market price.

There were two problems with this procedure:

1. In some cases it makes sense to wait longer.
2. The procedure forced the game master to purchase products and subsequently, turn them into thin air.

We have now changed the parameters of the procedure.

1. Products are only removed after 24 months.
2. The products are discarded. The game master pays a symbolic 1%.

The new procedure will keep your products in existence for a longer period.
Make sure you set the trading strategy to reduce their value each month by several percentage points so that the price will decline sufficiently for the product to be sold before the 24 game months period is completed.

We expect the updated procedure to handle very small number of products and probably none at all.

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