Crafty (Little Upsilon) | Thursday, June 9, 2011 - 09:16 pm On LU: light tank ammo, 10 game months. $165,000 drop to $148,000 per grenade. Shortage 94,000,000 to 121,000,000. light artillery shells, 10 game months. $165,000 drop to $146,000 per shell. Shortage 80,000,000 to 93,600,000. Just two products I've been watching as they are the only two giving me supply problems. So here we are seeing prices decreasing as the shortage is increasing By why oh why in this new freer market (which I entire endorse) is this sort of price fixing going on. I really was under the impression Tom that a shortage would create a higher price with the higher demand. Maybe yourself or a better informed economist than me could explain why this is please? |