Dave (White Giant) | Friday, October 1, 2010 - 03:17 pm How to I spend real money for gold coins with extending membership |
Psycho_Honey (White Giant) | Friday, October 1, 2010 - 03:56 pm You need a credit card or paypal account to extend membership and you will extend membership and get gold coins. If you want just gold coins you need a paypal account and you send my paypal 25 USD and I send you 500 gold coins. Alternatively you can buy 360 gold coins from the gamemaster for 36 USD. |
Dave (White Giant) | Friday, October 1, 2010 - 04:24 pm but where is the link to do that from the game master |
Psycho_Honey (White Giant) | Friday, October 1, 2010 - 05:06 pm On the Portal Page, Look for "My Account" then "Membership Details" You will see all the options near the top of the screen. |
Dave (White Giant) | Friday, October 1, 2010 - 05:19 pm all I see is the extend membership and recieve gold gold nothing about just buying gold coins |
Psycho_Honey (White Giant) | Friday, October 1, 2010 - 05:22 pm Dave, I think that is the link, why not extend your membership if you pay for gold coins. You may be under the new system that will use the coins for your empire. I see how that may be a problem. I am in the chatroom right now. If you come into chat I will see to it that you get gold coins, and more than you will get from gamemaster. |
Psycho_Honey (White Giant) | Friday, October 1, 2010 - 05:23 pm You will see me as Star_Bear |
Scarlet (Golden Rainbow) | Saturday, October 2, 2010 - 07:49 am For simply buying GC without extending membership. Gold Coins >> Purchase Gold Coins |
Dave (White Giant) | Monday, October 4, 2010 - 06:11 am looked there there is no link that says that |
Psycho_Honey (White Giant) | Monday, October 4, 2010 - 08:50 am *SIGHS* Dave did you look for Star_Bear in Chat. Maybe you don't really want gold coins. I dunno? |
Dave (White Giant) | Monday, October 4, 2010 - 01:33 pm I don't have to have them what I want to know is how to get them if I need them in the future. I was reading the forums and I saw where Tom said you could buy gold coins without membership no limits and I was wondering where that link was is alll |
Psycho_Honey (Little Upsilon) | Monday, October 4, 2010 - 02:54 pm dAVE! iF yOU wANT gOLD cOINS.... yOU cAN bUY 360 GOLD COINS fROM gAMEMASTER aND aS A bONUS yOUR mEMBERSHIP wILL bE eXTENDED aLL fOR 36.00USD iF yOU wANT tO bUY cOINS wITHOUT lIMITS I wILL sELL yOU 500 gOLD cOINS FOR $25.00USD tHE lINK iS Communication/Live Chat/ Sc Cafe/ Star_Bear tHAT wILL oPEN A pM bOX aND wE cAN aRRANGE yOUR cOINS *OR* yOU cAN cLICK oN mY nAME aND sEND mE aN iN gAME mESSAGE tHAT iS tHE oNLY lINK yOU nEED bROTHA! |
Laguna | Monday, October 4, 2010 - 03:18 pm lET'S ALL START TYPPING LIKE THIS!!! hURRAY tO caps! |
Psycho_Honey (Little Upsilon) | Monday, October 4, 2010 - 03:22 pm LOL sorry LG. I forget how much that irritates you |
Psycho_Honey (Little Upsilon) | Monday, October 4, 2010 - 03:25 pm I would settle for a different font, and while we are reshaping the game can we just flip over to one of those awesome forum formats where you can do all the high tech stuff with images signatures and script and superscripts. And where the heck have Stuart and LH been!? |
Tom Willard | Monday, October 4, 2010 - 04:12 pm Dave There are two membership systems. the old one allows you to extend membership and get gold coins. then you use most of the gold coins to extend your empires. when you are extended for more than a year, the payment is in fact for gold coins only. this was very confusing for new players and they were asking us many questions about it. (many mails each week). older players were used to it and when we suggested a change, they were against it. we introduced a new system for newer players. It is in use for many months. you extend the membership and extend one empire automatically. You do not get gold coins except for the larger payments where you get 30 or 90 extra gold coins. Most gold coins are in fact used for the automatic extension. $ 36 pays for a membership extension of 9 months plus 9 * 30 gold coins for an empire plus 90 gold coins extra. you can also pay for gold coins only. in this system, you can also extend your membership by using gold coins and never pay in cash at all. when you look into the details, the membership cost and cost of gold coins is identical in both systems. the only difference is the automatic extension. We do not get any questions at all about the payment system. You are the first one in many months. |
Dave (White Giant) | Monday, October 4, 2010 - 04:48 pm Thanks tom thank clears it up Thant was the answer I was looking for I like my membership the way it is Thnks Dave |