Simcountry is a multiplayer Internet game in which you are the president, commander in chief, and industrial leader. You have to make the tough decisions about cutting or raising taxes, how to allocate the federal budget, what kind of infrastructure you want, etc..
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The Gift That Keeps on Giving (Little Upsilon)

Topics: General: The Gift That Keeps on Giving (Little Upsilon)

Psycho_Honey (Little Upsilon)

Monday, September 6, 2010 - 04:11 pm Click here to edit this post
When I first entered this game, Tattooed Priest was indeed a good friend and ally. He gave me war advice and assisted me in anything I wanted to accomplish in the game.

Once we became more than acquaintances, he gifted a country to me that he named himself "Queen of Battle" I held that country for two real years in his honor and to recognize his commitment to friends and allies in the game. I held that country until friends of the MOB on Golden Rainbow ambushed it. I successfully defended the "Queen of Battle" but she fell as new declarations gave way to new wars. She wasn't prepared for an extended battle.

I have wrapped up the securing of the remaining assets on LU of value that Tattooed Priest had on LU. I made the decision based on a few small factors. First and most important, TP was never selfish, he always enjoyed helping others and never abandoned a friend. He would have wanted to see his things go to a friend, not me in particular, yet fate has chosen me. Second, the region that these countries was in was basically bare until it was known that TP would not be returning. The Mob had surrounded these countries with a few countries posing a significant threat of invasion in my eyes. I KNOW TP would rather a friend have his countries than these boot licking bottom feeding scumbags that comprise the federation "The MOB LU" Third, I knew taking them would incite a riot and maybe, just maybe provoke these cowards out of WP.

I was wrong, they still sat in WP while I decd. The decd me a day later for looks but no substance, they knew it would take me a whole 15 minutes to take these countries. They do enjoy trying to 'look' good.

In the spirit of the game I have left 3 countries worthy of a new player , who is up and coming to take control of. TP would have wanted that too. He enjoyed building federations and developing new players.

But of course, more importantly, is that you have the "blessing' of the MOB. The fake gangsters that believe in their small peanut brains that they alone have jurisdiction over the game, and moral grounds. The problem isn't that anyone declared war on TP's countries. It is becuase it is "ME" that declared on TP's countries. In their Holy art Thou moral conclusion, they 'would have rather seen the countries go to some up and coming player' yet we didn't hear this opinion until I decd the countries. Furthermore, who in the hizzelle told the MOB that they have room to dictate any moral decree? They must have slipped and bumped their heads to assume that they have any jurisdiction over anything that is not under their accounts. I fear the shell shock of my past nuclear Campaigns have them a little confused. You see, their only authority rested on their ability to make good on the threats they issued to whoever should dec them. I deced them, and they failed. They chose to hide in WP as I executed a raid against their impotent authority. I even invited WB to make good, but, he remained locked away in his tank. Giving rise to the reality that the mob isn't really in any position to dictate anything to anyone on any world. The time of fear and cowardism of warmongering to geet your way is long gone. At least for me it is. We can fight until the last man, last dollar, last coin, I don't care it means nothing to me, as does the mob itself. NOTHING.

So with that "Blessing" (LMAO) any new and up and coming player has the MOB's permission to take what they have no permission to give away in the first place.

We Love you TP. There is a link to his website for anyone interested in visiting on my Blog.

Under the hyperlink 'We Love you Priest' in the sidebar to the right of the screen.

TO the geeks in the MOB if you don't like it, again, do something or stfu! OR not, I'm sure I'll have to feed MightyMouse his CHEEZE!!!!

whiteboy (Little Upsilon)

Monday, September 6, 2010 - 06:56 pm Click here to edit this post
You're a absolute giant piece of sh*t trying to justify your actions with your usual BS excuses for what amounts to nothing more than the raid of a dead man's account although no one is surprised as you had no issue raiding Tendo's account either, another man who was or is deathly ill, we don't really know at this point. Posting a link on your stupid blog to try to get people to look past the fact that you raided a DEAD man's account, what a joke you are.

There was no need to 'surround' TP's countries, if anyone wanted to take them it would have taken no time and no effort as you point out and it was also not new that there were countries in that region, EO's main and several slaves always WERE in that region, for 2 or 3 years now, idiot.

As far as not doing anything about it, not everyone watches the war decs ever 10 seconds or has memorized the names of everyone else's countries to know 'Oh, W just decd TP's countries'. There was a dec on your country as soon as it was noticed and you are fully aware of that. I was in San Diego for the weekend and wasn't aware of the situation until last night when your decs were already about to be live, there was no point in deccing at that time.

W, you are SUCH a GIANT piece of SH*T and you know it, you don't love TP, you love yourself and no one else which is why anyone who has ever been friends with your idiot ass has abandoned you. You are a 5 yr old child who throws a temper tantrum daily about not being able to have her toy and expects everyone else to say, 'Oh, poor baby, we feel so sorry for poor repressed W'. It isn't going to happen, there is no one at this point who doesn't know exactly who you are, a worthless coward. Calling us cowards because we are in WP is SUCH A F*CKIN IRONIC JOKE it's insane, you really are crazy, trying to 'bait us out', for what purpose? Because you are actually going to do something other than c3 dec OVER and OVER and OVER? YOU BRING ALL OF YOUR COUNTRIES OUT OF WP and I'll DO THE SAME, simple as that. We'll see who is left.

Once again, your time will come, how does it feel to be owned?

whiteboy (Little Upsilon)

Monday, September 6, 2010 - 06:59 pm Click here to edit this post
bump, going to make you stare at these posts for as long as possible and everyone else too, this one was just WAY too much

Psycho_Honey (Little Upsilon)

Monday, September 6, 2010 - 07:18 pm Click here to edit this post
Predictable as ever....

I have 27 countries. Too many of them are out of War Protection. Take your pick.

/me Throws Cinder Block of Cheeze at MinnieMouse and *Runs* AWAY.....

Yeah bump lolz

Orbiter (White Giant)

Monday, September 6, 2010 - 07:43 pm Click here to edit this post
i'm not wanting to get involved in anything regarding, TP, at least directly.

i bought a few countries from him back in the day, that made up the spine of my original lu empire, and i talked to him a couple times on msn, but that doesn't not mean i knew him well enough to talk for him. and regret not knowing him better.

however, the point that the mob suddenly surrounded him, is an out and out lie, designed to make the mob look like grave robbers, to justify wendy's actions, of the same...

as i understand it, the parent fed of the mob, was ebk... and i fought ebk, somewhere in the neighbor hood of a year and a half ago. i fought against eo, keto, gunner, and l3 on PM, with sj as my ally. it was allot of fun, and now we can all look back with fond memories of those days...

but, the point i'm making, a year and a half ago, eo and keto had well established countries in pm. meaning, at this point, i can testify, with sim country history backing me, that eo, has been where he's at, for at least 2 years. and many of the mob countries in pm, where once eo's, and have been sold to various mob members. the mobs presence around TP's countries, is not new, and it was not new at the time of his passing.

wendy's statement that the mob suddenly moved in to raid TP's empire is a bold faced lie. you can decide for yourself the degree of maliciousness.

beyond that, i am going to remain uninvolved in this matter. as i should not going to talk for man that i barely knew.

Psycho_Honey (Little Upsilon)

Monday, September 6, 2010 - 07:51 pm Click here to edit this post
It is more than true orbiter, and you've been caught changing your story and lying through your teeth how many times in the past month?

Yes we believe you. I understand that you are trying to puff up your friends and all, but be real, stop talkin outta yer arse just for kicks. When TP passed away, Kaymen was the first to try and raid him, there was hardly anyone in that region. I never said they built up on Pavoa suddenly, I said they suddenly built up in that region. So yeah, you can go back to minding your business now.

And again, I will repeat, if you don't like it, do something.

EC (White Giant)

Monday, September 6, 2010 - 08:10 pm Click here to edit this post
When Kaymen decd TP, The Mob immediately decd Kaymen and told him to stand down, which Kaymen respectfully did. TP's countries sat untouched until now. You on the other hand, are as low as they come. Maybe you can rename them as you always do.....maybe Gravedancer or something like that. Im sure you'll think of something clever.

and as far as your statement:

I KNOW TP would rather a friend have his countries than these boot licking bottom feeding scumbags that comprise the federation "The MOB LU"

Funny thing is that I was in TP's fed, LUA, which I started. He helped me set up a forum and get things organized. You WERENT in the picture, and WERENT in his good graces, as part of our discussion on defense included you and your pathetic C3's.

Once again, nice work loser. Keep telling yourself that you are a good friend of his. You are a friend of nobody.

As always....we look forward to your next daring round of C3 decs.

And quit posting your blog information on here. Nobody wants it.

Orbiter (White Giant)

Monday, September 6, 2010 - 08:11 pm Click here to edit this post
wendy, you are a piece of work, you are absolutely amazing, to bad its not in a good way. any ways, carry on, it seems to be working for ya.

Psycho_Honey (Little Upsilon)

Monday, September 6, 2010 - 08:20 pm Click here to edit this post
Thank You Orbiter, I will do.

EC, if you remember when you first started, you bought my main, which you still hold as your main. SO yeah, I'm aware of what you were up to when you first started.

TP left the game after starting SNA, and yeah, I didn't keep a bug up his ass, and I don't fed with many folks because I play my game. He was on a different path. Don't be disrespectful and presumptuously throw statements about me being in his good graces, because you are lying through your teeth. I play this game by myself, like when I entered into it, I'm not particularly taken back by not being in anyone's 'good graces' if that were the case anyway. I guess you think because you knew him and shared a fed with him now you speak for him. How does knowing him or sharing a fed with him make you any different than me? In so much that now you actually speak for him?

Your tone makes me think you have a problem with what I did. Now I will say t you again, if you don't like it, then do something about it. Your opinions are meaningless, and your presumptions about his feelings towards me are, well nothing but presumptions.

Maybe you need to wake up and realize this is a game. You might have more fun that way. Or keep crying with your panties in a bunch, I could care less. And I doubt anyone else does either.

EC (White Giant)

Monday, September 6, 2010 - 08:46 pm Click here to edit this post

whiteboy (Little Upsilon)

Monday, September 6, 2010 - 08:52 pm Click here to edit this post

Psycho_Honey (Little Upsilon)

Monday, September 6, 2010 - 09:05 pm Click here to edit this post
oh yeah bump!

whiteboy (White Giant)

Monday, September 6, 2010 - 10:35 pm Click here to edit this post

EC (Little Upsilon)

Monday, September 6, 2010 - 11:41 pm Click here to edit this post

whiteboy (Little Upsilon)

Monday, September 6, 2010 - 11:48 pm Click here to edit this post

Psycho_Honey (Little Upsilon)

Tuesday, September 7, 2010 - 12:03 am Click here to edit this post
Yeah Since we are bumping I may as well take the free advertising space...

Of Particular interest ...
Front Page Entry: Has The MOB peaked its� hypocrisy?

Thats some good ish right there...

Border C (Little Upsilon)

Tuesday, September 7, 2010 - 12:28 am Click here to edit this post
Hmm... based on the title, I thought we were going to have an insightful and instructive discussion of Chlamydia.

TuCulo EsMio

Tuesday, September 7, 2010 - 01:30 am Click here to edit this post
OK, chlamydia....

This disease, when left to run its course, will often infect in an ascending fashion. For females this may eventually result in Pelvic Inflammatory Disease and subsequent infertility or difficultly conceiving.

For males, the infection is often less severe. Discharge and what not.

For SC players I believe the STD most prevalent is syphilis. Of this I am certain, for the following reason.

Dementia and delirium exhibited by most players is likely directly related to Neurosyphilis dementia. This occurs in the late stage process of the disease.

You should NOT ignore that itch everyone.


Green Starfish

Tuesday, September 7, 2010 - 01:54 am Click here to edit this post
What if I only get the itch while reading the SC forum?

Psycho_Honey (Little Upsilon)

Tuesday, September 7, 2010 - 02:23 am Click here to edit this post
LMAO nasty but LMAO

whiteboy (Little Upsilon)

Tuesday, September 7, 2010 - 06:18 am Click here to edit this post

TuCulo EsMio (Little Upsilon)

Wednesday, September 8, 2010 - 04:46 am Click here to edit this post
ing uglies......leads to purulent discharge in this neck of the woods.

Zeba (Little Upsilon)

Thursday, September 9, 2010 - 01:04 am Click here to edit this post
Wendy I believe WB has called you out to war (hence the bumping)...all you got to do is come outa WP with more than a C3. C3 war is just harassment...not warring. WB is not fedded, so what do you have to lose except your's not like you have any self respect or dignity.

You really sink lower and lower everyday...TP was a good man...and you're just a scum sucking asset raider.

TP was being protected by the Mob out of respect for the man...and there is an old post that details this somewhere in forum...and you knew this as I am sure you posted on the thread...yet you continue to Psycho Spin your lies and BS to feed your need for coins so that you can keep all your empires in WP. When is you're asshattery going to reach rock bottom?!? At a certain point...even though this is a sim game...don't you have any know I get're a selfish asshat that does whatever she wants to do regardless of who she upsets, but taking the lasting tribute to a generous, kind man, that you claimed helped you so unbelievably low and despicable. Everyone in the SC community discussed this in the thread mentioned above and we all agreed that no one would touch any part of TP's empire and WB backed that up with a War threat.


Thursday, September 9, 2010 - 01:17 am Click here to edit this post


Thursday, September 9, 2010 - 01:19 am Click here to edit this post
Zeba you talk too much.

Psycho_Honey (Little Upsilon)

Thursday, September 9, 2010 - 01:31 am Click here to edit this post
Yeah WB backed that up with an empty threat. He sat in WP while I did it, and your point is. He didn't even stand up for his fedmate how could he be expected to stand up for an inactive. He left Ricky Harris hangin kinda like you did to your GREF fedmates.

Seems you have time to run your mouth but not much else, Zen00b!

whiteboy (Little Upsilon)

Thursday, September 9, 2010 - 05:28 am Click here to edit this post
Don't try to bullsh*t everyone even more idiot, I was out of town until Sunday when I got home I found out just how low you go, not surprised really, but still pretty shameful. Anyway, some of us actually go places, seriously, what are you putting into the game right now? 18 hrs a day? I don't say that joking, seriously, I think it's that much.

Ricky Harris never was in the Mob and you are fully aware of that, so stop with that BS too.

The Mob as a federation on LU and WG did not ever lose a country and that legacy will stand forever. You however, have lost about what, 10-15 in the last 3 days by the end of the night?

Psycho_Honey (Little Upsilon)

Thursday, September 9, 2010 - 05:32 am Click here to edit this post

You really need new material.

Psycho_Honey (Little Upsilon)

Thursday, September 9, 2010 - 05:35 am Click here to edit this post
"The Mob as a federation on LU and WG did not ever lose a country and that legacy will stand forever."

You're Right...

You lost one twice. Forever comes quick. Poor Ricky

Psycho_Honey (Little Upsilon)

Thursday, September 9, 2010 - 05:36 am Click here to edit this post
Ohhhh Oh Oh, twice, by "accident"


Thursday, September 9, 2010 - 06:21 am Click here to edit this post
For somebody that just lost ten 25M pop countries in just a few hours you yap alot!

You dec ONE country with 10?

Dont even try to say you didnt try, anyone can just go look at the newspapers in the country 'Darkest' and you see where you feebly attempted to fight, but as usual, to no avail. It must be very frustrating to continually get owned like that. How sad... How sad!!! :(

EO (Little Upsilon)

Thursday, September 9, 2010 - 06:41 am Click here to edit this post


Thursday, September 9, 2010 - 06:46 am Click here to edit this post
No, we never lost a single country. Ricky was never a member of the Mob, you know that, so does Ricky, so does everyone else.


Also, Serp is right, you did just get usual. You suck.

Psycho_Honey (Little Upsilon)

Thursday, September 9, 2010 - 06:54 am Click here to edit this post
Yeah Seprent there only prpose was to take down Air Defense. I did that.

How much do you wanna bet you all will have to dec on that country for EO to keep it, and hope you get the last shot, since you are running your mouth?

I liked the part where two days ago, EO renamed a country to 'Still got 80K' becuase I had to step off while I was taking some air down.

You still have 80K EO? I drained all of them and your fedded countries.

I lost count somewhere after 80K and then some.

And no I don't know that Ricky wasn't a member of the MOB when his country clearly has mob on it, You can spin whatever excuse you want, accident my azzzz.... everyone else knows it too, you all have admitted the country said MOB on it, in Serpents branch, so .... Now I would agree with you at this point that he is no longer in the MOB. If he is, he's pretty st00pid, cause ya'll won't lift a finger to help him. TWICE. Oh, right, that was Serpent EC and Ricky that decd me at the same time, but he wasn't the MOB, no way...

EO put up another 120K up, it was pretty fun snatching them away. Lets do it again, I have time. you got 2 days.

Psycho_Honey (Little Upsilon)

Thursday, September 9, 2010 - 06:56 am Click here to edit this post
OK, I'll bet you EO's country... deal. This way I won't have to chase you around for my money. I can get nasty about my muuney.

Serpent (Fearless Blue)

Thursday, September 9, 2010 - 07:00 am Click here to edit this post
How many countries did you lose? How many million pop did you have to use to take some air wings down? And you lost all that to prove what??? That you could lose 10 countries with approx 25M pop each, to destroy a few def wings. Well if that was your goal, then I suppose you succeeded. The WI never got below 80! I mean c'mon 80? Are you serious, you gonna yap all day about that?

I dunno, maybe for you thats a victory, but for anybody else one word describes it best. "Owned"

Psycho_Honey (Little Upsilon)

Thursday, September 9, 2010 - 08:40 am Click here to edit this post
I'll lose 100 if you want, they're worthless to me and you. I stripped em and they are shooters after that.

Are you not taking that bet?

I'd have to say the definition of Owned is 4 self proclaimed badasses in WP because of One Person.

I have Econ Slaves in WP, you have War SLaves in WP.

Who's getting Owned?

I suppose EO meant to lose 140K Interceptors.

Another Accident? The only reason he took the countries was because I went out to eat dinner.

whiteboy (Little Upsilon)

Thursday, September 9, 2010 - 09:32 am Click here to edit this post
Lol you're such a nub, you got owned, you know it and you have nothing to show for it. You were able to shoot at that country without any active defense for a day and you still have accomplished nothing. Because, as anyone who knows anything about war knows, you suck at it.

Don't pretend that the only reason your countries were taken was that you were out, first, everyone knows that you don't go out. Second, you had posted in the forums during the time that the countries were being taken.

Your whole new 'CEO Foundation' bullsh*t was wiped out in what, an hour? And after a year's worth of wars, what do you have to show for it? lost more in offense than EO lost in defense and you think taking down some air d makes you special? You lost 250 mil pop to bring down some, very impressive...borat>NOT/borat>.

Do you want to make a real bet b*tch? Step the f*ck up, bring everything you have out of WP and (as I've already offered multiple times before) I'll do the same, if you can take *one* of my countries (including any of my econ slaves or main) before I wipe out all of yours, then I'll leave LU and hand you all of my LU countries. If I wipe you off of LU then you leave the game,

Step up you piece of sh*t, stop blabbing and stand behind the BS you talk. 1 v 1. No excuses.

Also, as you already know, because a country was sold to another and not removed from a fed branch before it was sold does not make the player it was sold to a member of that fed. The fact that you are suggesting such shows just how much you are willing to reach to even *attempt* to claim a victory against any one of us, no one is buying it, you're a joke.


Thursday, September 9, 2010 - 09:42 am Click here to edit this post
WB I want all of you to drop protection.

I'll have my way with you all.

Enough about ricky, you've made a complete ass of yourselves with that one. Accident, Lmao...

rading ten inactives and stripping them down to 25 million and then using them as shooters is not losing anything.

Of course play it up like that if you like. Can you sell below 25 mil pop? No... worthless. But I did pull 100Trillion in SC cash out of them before I decd with them and a mil pop here and there. They were garbage, they served a very good purpose. 100Trillion in cash naw maybe more like 80Trillion lets be honest here, is not a loss. You can have 50 more like that if you want.

Again the 5 of you are in WP, EO was the only one out. So why are you acting like I'm dodging you? MmmmmmK ....

Back your weak arse shite up. Live out of WP and see what happens. Or keep WP up. I don't care, you can spend coins on WP or weapons. You will fight if you ever get the stones to drop protection.


Thursday, September 9, 2010 - 09:43 am Click here to edit this post
Wgurl.... I've been waiting for two weeks now.

You can come out, now.


Thursday, September 9, 2010 - 09:44 am Click here to edit this post
Come out come out wherever you are...


Thursday, September 9, 2010 - 09:48 am Click here to edit this post
I guess losing 140K interceptors and taking 20 trillion in debt you know 2 times 10 = 20 .... is cool?

Some Victory.... whats is that like -45 trillion?

That is a huge Win.

I barely dented my missiles... My 350TRillion is all ammo lol.

Edit: Well mostly all ammo...


Thursday, September 9, 2010 - 09:49 am Click here to edit this post
WGurl, where are you....

Looking for Butt Cheese?

You know you can remove WP from the War --> Turn on WP --> 'Remove WP now'

Psycho_Honey (Little Upsilon)

Thursday, September 9, 2010 - 09:54 am Click here to edit this post
Nite nite, Minnie Mouse

whiteboy (Little Upsilon)

Thursday, September 9, 2010 - 10:00 am Click here to edit this post
No matter how many times you post over and over a minute after yourself, doesn't make you any better. You suck, we all know it, you want me to risk something, make it worth my while, I want you out of the game and I gave you great odds. I have econ slaves and my main that LITERALLY have no weapons at all right now. Take the offer coward...don't be a...well you know.

Don't try to do math with me idiot, you lost more than the cost of whatever ints went down, there is no arguing that one. Simply arguing that someone else lost something is stupid, I could also say, 'oooh i did a sneak attack and you lost a 5B corp' but if I lost 400 LBCB and ammo, well, there is a winner and a loser in that equation. Hopefully your kindergarten math allows you to figure it out.

And 'The stones to drop protection'? Are you f*ckin kidding me? Really? You've been in war protection for over a year, I've been in for 2 weeks because I have other priorities, as in, real life at the moment, don't give me that BS, it's so ridiculous I would think even Cheney would feel ashamed to make that argument little miss neocon. I've been out of war protection for well, as long as you can remember. If you don't want to risk anything (which you continue to refuse to do which is why you can't win) then why should I? Your own logic used against you, piece of sh*t.

whiteboy (Little Upsilon)

Thursday, September 9, 2010 - 10:00 am Click here to edit this post
Nite nite my little slave b*tch.

Psycho_Honey (Little Upsilon)

Thursday, September 9, 2010 - 02:42 pm Click here to edit this post
I'm dreaming of a white Xmas.

The math worked out in my favor completely, and it will each and every time. I haven't even broke into the piggy bank WB.

You don't have a life, you play simcountry like the rest of us. You were in WP because you don't want to fight right now' as stated in other threads.

The name of this game isn't risk it is SimCountry. BC gave you some advice fight smarter not harder, I think you should take it. Then again you did. You bought WP.

Let me know when those stones start growing little one.

Funny you all found a life simultaneously. What are the odds of that. You, Serpent, EO(Though I know he actually goes to school), Keto and EC.

You all magically found lives. Humans live off of food for thought too.


Thursday, September 9, 2010 - 04:10 pm Click here to edit this post
*Humans live off of food for thought too!*--Windy
Thats why your no doubt starving.

Psycho_Honey (Little Upsilon)

Thursday, September 9, 2010 - 04:22 pm Click here to edit this post
Yeah maybe you didn't get it Serpent. Dense are we?

whiteboy (Little Upsilon)

Thursday, September 9, 2010 - 07:35 pm Click here to edit this post
Yeah, EO is the only one that goes to school idiot, my WP wouldn't have anything to do with starting at Marshall Business School at a little institution called The University of Southern California.

Once again, OWNED, idiot.

Fight On b*tch.

nix001 (Little Upsilon)

Thursday, September 9, 2010 - 09:22 pm Click here to edit this post
WB. I think Wendy could'nt bare to see TP's countries fade away. So she acted.

Psycho_Honey (Little Upsilon)

Thursday, September 9, 2010 - 09:36 pm Click here to edit this post
Oh, a sissy arse uni boy, noooo wonder. Explains everything...

Their heads are so far up their own asses at this stage of life. Uni Boys are my favorite.

You're soft WB just be honest. Drop your WP I'll dec you. That is what you want.... isn't it?

Psycho_Honey (Little Upsilon)

Thursday, September 9, 2010 - 09:37 pm Click here to edit this post
No, you didn't want that, that is why you're in WP, lol.

EO (Little Upsilon)

Thursday, September 9, 2010 - 09:56 pm Click here to edit this post

nix001 (Little Upsilon)

Thursday, September 9, 2010 - 10:00 pm Click here to edit this post
EO. With all due respect. I think you and WB are going a bit over board.

whiteboy (Little Upsilon)

Friday, September 10, 2010 - 02:55 am Click here to edit this post
You know what is overboard nix? Raiding a dead guy's empire that the community as a whole agreed should be left alone in memory of him and ALSO raiding another man who may also be dead now and was basically on his death bed when she did it (Tendo). ALSO overboard, naming a country that she decd EO with 'EO He Never Liked You' in regards to TP, her telling EO that TP never liked him...first of all classless, second of all, give me a f*ckin break.

This isn't new stuff, just the same old BS from the biggest coward in the game.

I'm soft? Are you kidding me? Is that why you've been hiding in WP for a year? Really? I mean REALLY? Give me a break W, not even Boehner would be buying the BS you're spewing. You've lost what? 20 countries to me at this point? I've lost???????????????????????? I don't know like 500k're so hard.


Psycho_Honey (Little Upsilon)

Friday, September 10, 2010 - 09:40 am Click here to edit this post
I'm about to put you back on a cheeze diet. Keep it up. Drop WP if you want to fight, uni boy.


Friday, September 10, 2010 - 07:35 pm Click here to edit this post
Wendy, please dont attempt to use 'uni boy' as an insult. I started my PhD in my late 40s and it is certainly no childish persuit of a whim.
Likewise, it is also completely wrong to try to smear someones character by mocking a disease, including an alledged case of pyschological imbalance, would you call a paraplegic a mutant cripple?
Thanks, Crafty.

Zeba (Little Upsilon)

Friday, September 10, 2010 - 08:49 pm Click here to edit this post
It's hard to sink below stealing a dead man's legacy, but your responses to this moral crime and your further antagonistic behavior throughout this thread shows us what kind of bottom feeding trash you have redefined low.

It really is hard to believe...that someone as unapologetic ally narcissistic as you exists.

To anyone reading this...Wendy claims that TP was her friend...and this is how she honors her friendship.

Zeba (Little Upsilon)

Friday, September 10, 2010 - 08:51 pm Click here to edit this post
Make a note of it if you ever have to deal with it/her.

Psycho_Honey (Little Upsilon)

Friday, September 10, 2010 - 10:35 pm Click here to edit this post
CC, I get it. Yes, if a the person was as dense and retarded and offensive I would call them a mutant cripple. Why? Becuase I don't care, as does no one else when becuase I am a woman and he cannot get his way, he says Bitch along with many others. So he is a dumb arse Uni boy. I don't care what you've done CC its completely irrelevant to me. I wasn't talking to you or about you, if you feel some kind of way about it, seek counseling. Take a look at Zeba, he's told me he teaches at university, look at how he acts, less than a child, and we wonder where the kid gets it from. The teacher and the student, refreshing to see the correlation in action.

Zeba (Little Upsilon)

Sunday, September 12, 2010 - 08:59 pm Click here to edit this post
Right..turn it around and deny that you have stolen the legacy of a dead man...a man that you claim was your friend. Its not your fault after was so and so...or the economic, or those crazy kids. Isn't it time you came out of denial wendy? Face the are the problem here in SC and you are setting a very low moral example.

And your logic, as usual, is so far off base I not even going to try and make sense of it.

Psycho_Honey (Little Upsilon)

Sunday, September 12, 2010 - 09:38 pm Click here to edit this post

Barrenregions (Fearless Blue)

Sunday, September 12, 2010 - 09:45 pm Click here to edit this post
What does bumb mean?

The Architect (Fearless Blue)

Sunday, September 12, 2010 - 11:45 pm Click here to edit this post
Why are you all feeding the little troll? This is how she gets her kicks in life, and you all just play right into her trap.

Psycho_Honey (Little Upsilon)

Monday, September 13, 2010 - 12:18 am Click here to edit this post
The same reason you posted here too. You aren't that bright to be an Architect, did you design building number 7?

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