Sunday, August 8, 2010 - 03:40 pm This has been mentioned by others but I wanted to place it in a titled post. It seems to me that a simple solution for those of us who just want to play the econ game and not even have a military is to have a type of war protection than the one that exists now. It would have to be less costly and set up so that it could not be exploited by the military players. I would be happy to just place my countries in permanent war protection and be done with the military side of the game, but it is too costly. There should be a price for this, possibly about half what it is now as SuperSoldierRCP just said in another post. I personally don't care much about scoring, leveling or coin awards but I suppose you would need separate categories for the econ only players and military players.
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Sunday, August 8, 2010 - 04:14 pm As an Econ only player (Since I joined last September) I fully agree. Maestro
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Sunday, August 8, 2010 - 04:25 pm WP is already in place. Pay for it out of the extra cash u make from having no military. You guys cant have it all ways
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Sunday, August 8, 2010 - 04:51 pm The gamemaker promised discounted WP back in February. Perhaps nows the time to deliver on that promise. Maestro
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Sunday, August 8, 2010 - 05:07 pm Meastro you can easily pay for war protection. You make no sense other than you are greedy. Why do you want cheaper war protection than the easily affordable war protection that is available. If an econ player doesn't want to build a decent enough economy to make 120B a month, you probably shouldn't be playing simcountry. If you want discounted war protection, I guess you could call that secure mode. You have a country main that can make a vast amount of coins for only 30 gold coins a month, you can literally have all your slaves making double that without much work. I don't get why you need even more of an incentive.
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Sunday, August 8, 2010 - 05:07 pm I think this is actually a part of a bigger problem... Think back 6 months, a year, 2 years...when you where a new player. Your world was thriving. C3 raiding was commonplace. Upon becoming a member, or expanding your new empire, you received a recruiting message or two from federations. You were invited into a system with a training academy with the hope that one day you would move up to a parent federation. But soon a decision came your way. Econ or war? So you decided to be an econ player. You may have moved into a different "branch" of your fed. Your fed mates looked to you to represent them well on the rankings and to provide them with sound advice. After all, the econ game is really a game all of its own. Or maybe you decided to be a war player. You almost certainly moved to a special branch federation. You participated in drills and looked to a private forum for insightful discussions with your more experienced fedmates. You knew you had a lot to loose, but it was worth it. Your federation was fighting for what they believed in. You couldn't let the world's bad federations control world influence. But most of all, you wanted to protect the members of your fed. Snap back to today. The level of inactivity on all the worlds is so low, that there are very few "active" feds. There is no protection for the econ players, no motivation to learn the war game, and no challenges for the hard-core war players. Having all the econ players (which I bet about 90% would consider themselves econ players at the moment) sit in war protection isn't a solution. And neither is ambushing one of the last remaining real feds (that surely is suffering from the same inactivity as the rest of the game). I'm not sure of the solution. I don't know if the game could countine if they dropped the pay-to-play standard. I worry that yet another world, isn't the solution, unless that world is somehow incredibly unique. Maybe one solution would be an economic incentive of some kind to interact with other players. Something more meaningful and more obvious than the common market. Player interaction is what will revitalize this game for everyone. GS ps. Please don't attack me.
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Sunday, August 8, 2010 - 05:07 pm Blueserpent, Yes there is war protection in place but it is somewhat too costly to be very practical to stay in on a permanent basis.
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Sunday, August 8, 2010 - 05:12 pm Wendy, It takes a pretty fair amount of time to build a countries economy to 120B a month.
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Sunday, August 8, 2010 - 05:13 pm You couldn't be more wrong Joe. 120B a month on fast worlds? My main at one point was making 100 gold coins per month before I went for levels to get HOF induction. I am hardly in top 30 finance player category. There are many many players that can do better finance than me. Anyone can make enough to pay for war protection despite the cost. There are several threads outlining the actual cost per month for war protection. If you would like advice I would be glad to share anything you need to know.
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Sunday, August 8, 2010 - 05:19 pm To repeat myself, the gamemaster promised a discounted WP back in February. Now is the time to make good on that promise. Maestro
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Sunday, August 8, 2010 - 05:25 pm It was not a promise, it was being considered.
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Sunday, August 8, 2010 - 05:29 pm OK I'll change one of my statements. It takes a pretty fair amount of time for those of us who are of average or below average intelligence and/or cannot spend a lot of time online to build a countries economy to 120B a month.
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Sunday, August 8, 2010 - 05:31 pm Not really Joe, it does take time, but not as much as you think. It also takes much more time to become a target too. I can take a 25 million inactive country, add pop and in the span of two or three days see the country begin to offset the cost of war protection. In fact, I can make enough in my main to ensure than I am paying for my empire and the total cost of wp for at least one other country. That would cover the cost of building a second country to sustain it's own war protection. I'm in chat most of the day Joe, I'd be glad to help you do it if you think you need to have war protection. My slaves make more than 200Billion a month without a real effort on my part Joe, I am saying this from experience. Daelin a player from LU has almost 8 countries I think in Permanent war protection. His countries are self sustaining, and make a surplus.
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Sunday, August 8, 2010 - 05:34 pm I'm hands down the dumbest player in history of the game to play. If I can do it, anyone can. But I have a good start for you if you can't get with me in chat follow the link and enjoy, Econ For Dummiez
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Sunday, August 8, 2010 - 05:42 pm LG....Promise/consider Now is the time for the gamemaster to make good. For the Joe Green's of the world and others like him. Maestro
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Sunday, August 8, 2010 - 05:45 pm Again, pay for it from the cash you already make, stop being so greedy.
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Sunday, August 8, 2010 - 05:53 pm Blue You play the full game... War and Econ. There are many that only wish to play the econ side of the game. Let the econ only players have their discounted WP. Maestro
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Sunday, August 8, 2010 - 06:00 pm You make an issue like a stink Bomb Meastro. Greed is Ugly.
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Sunday, August 8, 2010 - 06:11 pm Wendy, You are a War player that hides in WP. If there is a stink bomb in the room....it's you. Maestro
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Sunday, August 8, 2010 - 06:21 pm LMAO, Hides in WP? Listen here buddy, I stay in WP because I have fought enough fights, and lost countries I have spent time building from scratch and buying with GC. I have fought more wars than days you have played the game. I have earned the right to keep what I have left in WP protection. I speak freely and pay the cost for what I say and do. You just run your mouth like you are a victim because you actually have to put a 10 minute effort into countries you have purchased at a discount. You think everyone should sell you anything of value at a discount. You make snide remarks while HIDING in WP since you arrived here. Who's shite stinks and who is hiding. Honestly you wouldn't last half as long as me if you had the stones to play the game I've played. You would have quit long ago crying like the little fairy you pretend you aren't. If you ever come out of war protection I'll show you this isn't your favorite karaoke bar, I'll tax that azzzz silly rabbit. I'm hiding? Statements like that are why real wars are fought. I have beefs with the majority of asshats in the game. You are afraid of taking a fresh breath of free air, but I am hiding? Don't insult me you couldn't walk ten feet much less a mile in these shoes. Oh, you don't want to play the war game, Cuz you ain't and never will be built like me.
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Sunday, August 8, 2010 - 06:26 pm This guy gets cooler and cooler everyday. I wonder, what else do you want for free? Membership fees? You only play half the game, shouldn't that entitle you to half the membership fees? Since you have to pay 48$ a year like everyone else, shouldn't that entitle you to some special benefit? Like maybe the gamemasters will log into your countries and tweak your economy so you can quit your incessant itching and whining. You are an above average intelligence because you have the sense to have WP from day one, what is keeping you from making 120billion a month on your slaves? Spending too much time running your trap?
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Sunday, August 8, 2010 - 07:03 pm Wendy, Enjoy the wargame. Maestro
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Sunday, August 8, 2010 - 07:07 pm Interesting points, Joe Green and Green Starfish. Joe Green Starfish, haha. Different planets should have different rules. Who would deny one world, out of five (five!) where there is just no war. Maybe players would flock there. Or maybe it would be dead. I'd like to find out. Likewise, who would deny the diehard fighters a world which was truly a war world, a Sparta, where fighting is not a crime. I don't know if I or many would spend much time there, but I'd like to see how it is. For me the great attraction, promised more than realized, perhaps, is the interplay between econ and war. I've only been playing three years but I think I'm on safe ground saying that's a fundamental philosophy guiding the game's development. I'd like to play in a world where econ skills and war skills would both be of value. To Starfish's point, where a fed would benefit from having both kinds of players. A balance. Three worlds: one conducive to heavy duty war, one promoting (necessitating) a balance of econ and war, and one devoted solely to econ. Yeah, we have five. Two others intermediate, one skewed more to war, one skewed more toward econ. Or something like that. And once again, amidst the flailing and bravado, Wendy has a good point: the game DOES have to be paid for, by we, the player base. It IS possible for econ empires to pay for themselves, but it can't be so easy that everyone can do it, otherwise there are no revenues to pay for W3C to run the game.
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Sunday, August 8, 2010 - 07:14 pm Wendy, On WG, my core 9 counties were all build from scratch. I did buy a 10th several months later. No interest on starting from scratch on other worlds. Maestro
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Tuesday, August 10, 2010 - 01:38 am I just realized that I am one of the few truly "econ" players in this game. Go, team Keynes! Go! Smack those animal spirits on those mathemafuckers!
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Tuesday, August 10, 2010 - 02:30 am I'm going to form team Friedman and take you Keynesians out for good!
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Tuesday, August 10, 2010 - 03:09 am Go team Friedman!
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Tuesday, August 10, 2010 - 03:13 am Lmao