Simcountry is a multiplayer Internet game in which you are the president, commander in chief, and industrial leader. You have to make the tough decisions about cutting or raising taxes, how to allocate the federal budget, what kind of infrastructure you want, etc..
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Set up SUPPLY UNITS - need advice

Topics: General: Set up SUPPLY UNITS - need advice


Sunday, April 11, 2010 - 03:51 am Click here to edit this post
Setting up my 1st supply units - I see they can carry AA & def missles. Does this mean they defend the country? or these weapons defend the Supply UNIT?, or the missles, tanks etc are merely there to supply the garrisons? Not sure if I should use just jeeps to build supplys. Also - how is the Aircraft Fuel supplied? I see only Gasoline & Military supplies? Thanks in advance

CraftyCockney (Fearless Blue)

Sunday, April 11, 2010 - 11:01 am Click here to edit this post
Bunny, when you set up supply units the missiles, fuel etc you set them up with are for the defence and running of the unit. The units will then take whatever is needed to supply your garrisons or units. The more the merrier, that is, the quicker your things will be re-supplied.
Use jeeps only for these supply units if you are not concerned about them being attacked, otherwise set them up with a defense as you would any other land unit.
Go to Documentation > game documentation > more game features - war, item 27, for more reading.

BunnyFace (Little Upsilon)

Sunday, April 11, 2010 - 12:37 pm Click here to edit this post
thanks CraftyCockney - where does the aircraft fuel get supplied from? Or is that automatic?

Jack Jones (Golden Rainbow)

Friday, April 16, 2010 - 05:55 pm Click here to edit this post
All you need for supply units are jeeps and trucks. Everything else is a waste.

CraftyCockney (Fearless Blue)

Saturday, April 17, 2010 - 01:32 pm Click here to edit this post
Please try not to mis-inform new players asking genuine questions by stating your opinions and preferences as opposed to the options they could take.
Supply units generally seem to be set up with jeeps only but in that case I can pwn them easily with very little cost and time, so preventing or hindering the re-supply of your defensive airwings, land units and garrisons.
However, 100 supply units with a few missile batteries in them will maybe make me think twice about the expense and time of taking them out, so helping your defense.
Of course this is down to the individuals choice of strategy, just saying is all...

Jack Jones (Golden Rainbow)

Monday, April 19, 2010 - 03:24 pm Click here to edit this post
So what I said is an opinion (and wrong) and what you said is fact (and therefore correct)?

Crossdale (Little Upsilon)

Monday, April 19, 2010 - 05:13 pm Click here to edit this post
No. Jack Jones is correct. Noone in thier right mind builds up a supply unit.. EVER. Use jeeps or Heavy Armored to make these and put no ammo into the units to leave room for the resupply. Cockney might have a strategy of his own but on the battlefield you will see that it's a waste of time to even try to destroy the supply unit. Just saying is all....

CraftyCockney (Kebir Blue)

Monday, April 19, 2010 - 07:03 pm Click here to edit this post
Jack, apologies if I was mis-understood. I didn't say you were wrong, I merely stated that you were passing on your opinion. I dont think it is helpful to make statements like that to newbs, give them the options, explain them, and let them make up their own mind.

Dizzy, I am in my right mind thank you. Again, you have your strategy, but others do exist.

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