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Who [7:15:07 AM] <zebcarter> afk a bit setting up pp another Theif (Kebir Blue)

Topics: General: Who [7:15:07 AM] <zebcarter> afk a bit setting up pp another Theif (Kebir Blue)

Jehovah Messiah (Kebir Blue)

Tuesday, October 27, 2009 - 01:31 pm Click here to edit this post
<jehovah> u stay ok,
[7:14:27 AM] <gunnysgt7> ok zeb
[7:14:45 AM] <gunnysgt7> no lh kb needs you
[7:15:03 AM] <gunnysgt7> a strong & powerful leader
[7:15:07 AM] <zebcarter> afk a bit setting up pp sale
[7:32:30 AM] melno379462 has become available
[7:32:44 AM] melno379462 has left
[7:35:32 AM] tie592 has become available
[7:35:57 AM] <tie592> ey
[7:37:30 AM] <zebcarter> Hi ... so anyone have a creative idea on how to get people to leave my country? I overdid pop purchase, now my indexes are in the toilet ... would tax increase make them leave?
[7:38:03 AM] <tie592> wat country
[7:38:10 AM] <tie592> name
[7:38:35 AM] <zebcarter> LU republic of chiawa
[7:39:09 AM] <tie592> ok hold on so i can look
[7:40:12 AM] <tie592> wat region/ continent
[7:41:46 AM] <zebcarter> virgina bella
[7:41:48 AM] <zebcarter> concorda
[7:42:41 AM] <zebcarter> Way too much pop, I know the problem. And I can't trade/sell pop as I have 13mill and you need 20 mill min to sell
[7:43:53 AM] <tie592> i dont think u can make them leave
[7:44:01 AM] <zebcarter> :((
[7:44:26 AM] <tie592> ur education and defensive index is good
[7:44:41 AM] <jehovah> READ NEW FORUM POST
[7:44:47 AM] <zebcarter> and transpo
[7:44:51 AM] <jehovah> =
[7:44:52 AM] <jehovah> =
[7:44:52 AM] <jehovah> =
[7:44:53 AM] <jehovah> =
[7:44:54 AM] <jehovah> ==
[7:45:00 AM] <jehovah> zebcarter has become available
[7:30:01 AM] jehovah has become available
Another Atrocity after 6-4 years ago with the ameche Identity Theft i LH Went threw years ago, is my SC Acount going to be taken way from I Tom Wilard
[7:45:06 AM] <zebcarter> if you are talking to me, J could you link?
[7:45:19 AM] <tie592> =
[7:45:20 AM] <jehovah>
[7:46:15 AM] <zebcarter> which category
[7:46:16 AM] * tie592 thinks jehovah is gonna be a workaholic
[7:46:33 AM] <tie592> r u jewish
[7:46:49 AM] <jehovah> ATHEIST
[7:46:55 AM] <tie592> wtf
[7:47:00 AM] <zebcarter> please drop that
[7:47:00 AM] <tie592> ?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!!??!?!
[7:47:07 AM] <zebcarter> stop being rude
[7:47:23 AM] <jehovah> he asked for my ideology
[7:47:25 AM] <zebcarter> let's talk about the game
[7:47:39 AM] <jehovah> of faith
[7:48:09 AM] <tie592> aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh (TAKES DEEP BREATH) AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH AAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH AH AHH7:48:35 AM] <jehovah> i want my money 4-6 years ago
[7:49:59 AM] <jehovah> an im not believer that sweet little jesus for giving me after stabing an killing an ask for forgiveness an goes heaven with hitler
[7:51:20 AM] <jehovah> Christians an Islam is the same danm thing
[7:52:03 AM] <jehovah> an im not believer that ask's sweet little jesus for giving me for stabing an killing an ask for forgiveness an goes heaven with hitler
[7:53:04 AM] <jehovah> im not for the scaping goating theory lie
[7:54:25 AM] <jehovah> im atheist an never kill human or animial never stolen anything
[7:54:54 AM] <jehovah> an Christians say ill burn in hell
[7:55:32 AM] <jehovah> an their forgiven of their Atrocity to human race

nix001 (Golden Rainbow)

Tuesday, October 27, 2009 - 03:11 pm Click here to edit this post
I know. This forgiveness thing don't make no sense to me either. I think that's why Islam was created. YOU F&%K UP IN THE EYES OF GOD, YOU PAY FOR IT ON EARTH AS IT IS IN HELL.
This forgiveness, I feel, is why Christianity is so weak. You see, the Bad man wants us to forgive him so he doesn't have to stop or pay for his wrong doings. He can denounce God's will for righteousness and get away with it.

But soon the righteous will rise through despair of what the bad man is getting away with and Good will be all powerful again.

What do you think to Robbie Williams's new song Bodies?

Parsifal (Kebir Blue)

Wednesday, October 28, 2009 - 02:15 pm Click here to edit this post
much destructive behavior has been done in the name of religion. this is paradoxical in that the worlds great religions espouse love, compassion, and reconcilation. in spite of this i believe that the message is still relevant. just as science has shed new light on the universe, so Christian theology has shed new light on our relationship with ourselves, others and God. many of the beliefs still hanging around professed are ideas from medieval times that have not changed. this includes the idea that God is like some capricious grandfather, who resides up in the clouds somewhere and parcels out love and punishment on a whim. and there are great differences in interpretation of scripture.
Some things to consider, but not to be taken as dogma:
1. the Bible is both metaphorical and historical.
2. the Judeo Christian Bible is about humanities' relationship with God as both struggle a to find loving devotion to one another and God.
3. for Christians this reconciliation is made in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus.
4. the resurrection is not necessarily factual. it may be metaphorical. it is about victory over the death of alienation from one another, and God.
5. it's not about scape goating. it's about showing God's love for humanity. all humans are responsible for the act of crucifixion (not just Jews). God didn't sacrifice his only son.
6. all humanity is subject to grace (undeserved acceptance that all persons are loved/lovable children of God)
7. our hope is in the idea that we can not only reconnect to God but also with one another and find peace within.
8. as to the hereafter--if God loves us in the now, God also loves us in death.

it would seem that in the world we live in today,it is most important for us to learn ways to live with one another. we can turn our back on the reality of war, poverty, addictions, and greed and say "well that's just human nature". in the 20th century over 250million people were killed in wars and uprisings. what will it be in the 21st century with our ability to kill one another with such efficiency. i don't think God will intervene. God has given us God's answer to living together through the words of the prophets and messiahs in the worlds great religions. it is through love, compassion, and reconciliation that we will survive as the human race. it's our choice what road we will take.

Solomon Grundy (Fearless Blue)

Thursday, October 29, 2009 - 10:44 am Click here to edit this post
1. The bible is Non-metaphorical, metaphorical and historical.

2.The Judeo Christian Bible is about humanities reconciliation to God, by God. (The Beatles were wrong Love isn't all we need)

3.Amen Preach it brother!

4. Uh... You're totally off base with this one. There were HUNDREDS of witnesses who PHYSICALLY saw Him raised from the dead.
If it were in a court of law it would be weeks and weeks of witness testimony. :) Don't you think that with all the people who hated
Him at least one of them would have taken this approach when the claims were initially being made? I wonder why there were none.
(because it was obvious... There He is!)

5. "God didn't sacrifice his only son." Huh?
First I would have you start with the understanding that Jesus Christ is in fact God the Father and the Spirit. Jesus IS God,
He claimed it and he proved it.

6.Any member of humanity who rejects the gift of salvation is not subject to grace but to wrath AND Jesus is the ONLY way to escape
the wrath as He is the gift:


John 10:1 "I tell you the truth, the man who does not enter the sheep pen by the gate, but climbs in by some other way,
is a thief and a robber."

John 10:9 "I am the gate; whoever enters through me will be saved. He will come in and go out, and find pasture."

Jhn 10:6 Jesus used this figure of speech, but they did not understand what he was telling them.

Jhn 10:9 I am the gate; whoever enters through me will be saved. He will come in and go out, and find pasture.

7. A Christians hope is not an idea, it's in a person.

8. "God hates the sin and loves the sinner" Who said that? It's not in the Bible. Rather this clue: "Mal 1:3 but Esau I have hated,
and I have turned his mountains into a wasteland and left his inheritance to the desert jackals." God loved Jacob and HATED Esau.


God has given us God's answer to living together through the words of the prophets and messiahs in the worlds great religions.

That's not the truth, -according to God anyway, I refer you back up to #6.

As an American I'm good with you worshiping what ever you want, Just don't go around believing that you have the Gospel
of Jesus Christ because it in fact you have presented us with a different gospel.

Plato (Little Upsilon)

Thursday, October 29, 2009 - 02:23 pm Click here to edit this post
It does my heart good to see historical, orthodox Christianity defended.

Many "Christians", uncomfortable with the God who has revealed Himself in Scripture, have been reinventing "Christianity" along more acceptable lines, such as "God loves the sinner, and hates the sin." Such useless platitudes separate the sinner from the sin so that sin becomes an exterior problem rather than a deep, inner brokeness.

I wish that people who want to reinvent Christianity and abandon historic orthodoxy would just go ahead and admit that it is a different faith.

I would also like to say to all Christians out there that the Lord, in books like Amos is speaking to the Church about the coming judgment on the people of God for their own personal sin. TOO often we want to apply Scripture to the world and people who do not know the Lord in an hypocritical way that makes us feel better.

If Christians would stop focusing on how evil non-Christians are and get busy with our own personal repentance and cleaning up our lives and hypocrisy, the World might be more inclined to listen to us. However, when we tell people how great we are because we love the Lord, and live like the devil, it is no wonder that they find Christianity irrelevant.

Sorry to preach, but we Christians need to examine ourselves before we get all judgmental on people who don't profess a need to live a Godly life.

Parsifal (Kebir Blue)

Thursday, October 29, 2009 - 02:24 pm Click here to edit this post
well, we continue. i imagine we both have had conversations with others concerning the issues herein. because of that my intent is not to convince but to develop a better understanding of one another and possibly involve others in the conversation.
1. my concern with trying to view much of the bible as non-metaphorical is that it requires that one suspend logic and reason. much of the post Christian world views the Bible and the dogma of the Church as irrelevant and superstition. to me metaphor and myth are not about scientific truth, but the deeper messages contained in those stories. Nietzsche and Bonhoffer stated that man has come of age and no longer needs to explain things by calling upon/relying on a prime mover. but to me the opposite is true. in killing God we put ourselves or something else in God's place. Tillich calls god, anything that is "the ground of our being". for you and me, even though we may disagree about the way that takes place, humanity can only survive if we accept that we're not God and need to accept our frail humanity and turn to reconciling ourselves to God, self and others.
2. but humanity has to accept both God's love and God's judgment. we must be responsible and accountable remembering that we're not in charge. when we can do this we can live with joy.
4. i didn't say it wasn't factual. for me it's only plausable if i can understand it as metaphorical and mythical. it holds meaning for me as i embrace God's message through the event and its personal importance in my life. i see the resurrection every day in my life and the lives of others. the resurrection is a living event with God always present and a part of the what takes place. God either grieves with us or shares joy with us. in these moments God gives us the possibility of salvation and resurrection.
6,7,8 i believe all are entitled to grace. it is for our taking. it's already been given in the life, death and resurrection. it may not be accepted in this lifetime but maybe in another.
also, how does one come to Christ? by joining your's or my church? by professing Jesus Christ as lord and savior? or by opening oneself to reconcilliation with neighbor, thus God. all of these may be valid ways, but God may giving persons other ways of coming to God.

two of my favorite movies are Grand Canyon (seeing God in LA in the metaphor of Grand Canyon) and Dancer Texas, Pop 18 about quiet moments of reconciliation.

Grace and peace be with you friend.

Serpent (Fearless Blue)

Friday, October 30, 2009 - 01:30 am Click here to edit this post
Beware of what you call a Christian. All because you claim it... does not in any way mean you actually are!

Parsifal (Kebir Blue)

Friday, October 30, 2009 - 03:32 am Click here to edit this post
since the beginning of the Church there has been disagreement about the dogma of the Church, what books were worthy of being canonized and what factions were to be considered orthodox. that's one reason why today in the US we have thousands of splinter denominations. even within denominations there is dissent about scripture, dogma, and social issues. i believe we see God through different lenses based on our experience of God. if i were to summarize what i believe the kernal of Christianity is, it would be Love God, Love Neighbor. that's what Judaism and Islam also hold to be true. that same theme is also expressed in the other major religions of the world. God reveals God self to me, but my revelation is not the only way, and over time i have come to know God in a deeper more personal way than when i was young. since we are constantly in God's presence a journey of faith can be dynamic, as well as grounded in scripture, tradition, reason, and experience.

Grace and peace be with you friends.

Serpent (Fearless Blue)

Friday, October 30, 2009 - 05:29 pm Click here to edit this post
God can be seen thru many different lenses. Just like you can see the world thru many different prescription lenses. Altho, you may not be able to see clearly. The bible is a big book, and it requires study to understand it. Just like anything else. But what I wonder is, does God, the author of this book, agree that it's ok to have so many denominations that disagree about what he has written? Gods word is pretty clear, so is simply humans that confuse the matter?

Sure love of God and neighbor are important to Christianity, but obviously there is more to it than that! Otherwise why is the bible so thick? Those two teaching could be summed up in a short paragraph.

Parsifal (Kebir Blue)

Friday, October 30, 2009 - 06:45 pm Click here to edit this post
@Serpent. it's thick because it is the unfolding story of the relationship between God and humanity. in the process even God seems to change from being capricious fearful God to a loving graceful God. both humanity and God change as they struggle to maintain and grow that relationship. i would suggest that it was not written by God. it was written by men who interpreted and put down their revelation of God. the fact that humanity has struggled so much with this relationship would indicate our tendency to interpret these events based on our own human inperfection. when the canization of the bible was made in the 2nd through the 4th century there was much disagreement over what books to accept. and through the centuries the scribners, the theologians and the Church interpreted and copied the bible manuscripts in different ways. there are at least 5 interpretations of the atonement and the trinity is a construction by the early church. that doesn't mean that the trinity isn't true, it's just that there was a lot of infighting about the meanings and that goes on today.
much of our pain over the faith has occurred when the Church or factions have infatically stated that they had the truth and everyone who didn't agree were heratics or non-believers.
having free will allows us to interpret God's revelation as we want or through our lens of experience. it may be a wrong interpretation but none the less we can make our own judgments. i'm sure that and many more characteristics of humanity have often made God wonder if he made a mistake.

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