Simcountry is a multiplayer Internet game in which you are the president, commander in chief, and industrial leader. You have to make the tough decisions about cutting or raising taxes, how to allocate the federal budget, what kind of infrastructure you want, etc..
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Everyone please read and sign if you agree. Then I'll shut up. (White Giant)

Topics: General: Everyone please read and sign if you agree. Then I'll shut up. (White Giant)

Disgruntled SC Player (White Giant)

Sunday, September 27, 2009 - 08:05 am Click here to edit this post
June 19, 2009

I attain level 7. It was at this point that I saw the nonexistent development index and started the poll to remove it. This poll passed unanimously but was never acknowledged in any way. Tom neither said it would or would not be removed.

Man of Peace (White Giant)
Friday, June 19, 2009 - 06:34 pm

Could you please ad the Developmental Index to the game, or remove it from the requirements to exceed level 7?

I have attained level 7 and since I have no clue what the Developmental Index is, I can't say what I would score in it. However All I need for level 8 is a few points on my FI and I am there.

If you want to keep players here you should really fix this. With out a goal what is the point?


Simcountry Game News
June 24, 2009

13. The Game level and Index popup windows [ top ]
The game level and index windows have been upgraded and include more info and also links to underlying pages.

It was right around this time, my vote to remove the developmental index passed unanimously. As I stated before, the vote was not acknowledged by Tom yea or nay.

It was also right around this time that, I noticed the developmental index was removed from the requirements for level 8 on my game level and index popup window.

I was not the only one to notice this.

Zeba (Golden Rainbow)
Sunday, August 30, 2009 - 12:18 am Click here to edit this post Level 8 exists! 150 FI, 1000 Corps, and the rest is the same as Level 7 = 300 GC's.

So seeing the devepomental index was gone. I thought wow they actually listened to my poll, and I started working nonstop towards level 8.

I was not easy!!! It took lots of time and effort. I had to purchase gold coins to buy all the extra population I needed, and by the way the more population you pack in, the faster they die off and the faster you have to buy more to replace them. It is a vicious and very expensive cycle.

This is also why I had not noticed that I was not recieveing my monthly coins for level 7

Sept 7, 2009

I meet all requirements listed for level 8 on my game level and index popup window.

I also get this message on my game level and index popup window.

"Congratulations. It seems like you meet the requirements for Game Level 8.
You will move to Level 8 within several hours."

So I check every month anxiously waiting...
Sept 12, 2009

I realize that I have never received my monthly gold coins for level 7, nor does it seem I will ever be rewarded for level 8.

So at that point, I posted on the forum as well as sent an email.

Man of Peace (White Giant)
Saturday, September 12, 2009 - 03:39 am Click here to edit this post

I have tried to email you, however I just get...

Sorry, the page you requested was not found.

So I guess I will have to discuss this with you on the forum.

1. I have been at level 7 since June 19th, and I have never received the 10gcs per month that comes with it.

2. I have met and exceeded all requirements for level 8 since Sept 7th. However all I get is this message.

Congratulations. It seems like you meet the requirements for Game Level 8.
You will move to Level 8 within several hours.

It's been 4 days now, and still no level 8. :(

So any information regarding this would be greatly appreciated.

I love this game and appreciate the improvements you are making. I really like the idea of interplanetary trading. :)

However the main thing that keeps me, as well as many others playing, is the challenge of making the next level.

Thank You for your attention to this matter.


Tom responds.

Tom Willard
Monday, September 14, 2009 - 07:03 pm Click here to edit this post

We got the email on the level 7 problem.

I don't understand the problem of mailing us. we get many mails and answer many. There are no complaints about it. The only problem we have from time to time is that when we mail, some of our messages go into some filter and people keep mailing us asking for an answer.

The mail is now with one of the engineers to look into it and we will answer it within several days.

if there is a problem we will fix it.

also, level 8 to 10 were not implemented yet.
I don't know about 7 and this is what we are now looking into.

I respond.

Man of Peace (White Giant)
Tuesday, September 15, 2009 - 12:46 am Click here to edit this post

When will levels 8-10 be implemented?

If it's not implemented, then why do you list the requirements for it, and why do I get this message?

Congratulations. It seems like you meet the requirements for Game Level 8.
You will move to Level 8 within several hours.

The Simcountry community passed a vote about levels 8-10, which was never acknowledged. However the nonexistent index has been removed and I now exceed all of the requirements.

With all due respect. The only part of level 8 that is not implemented, is the part where you pay us gold coins for it.:(

I was not alone in feeling this was wrong.

Daelin (Little Upsilon)
Wednesday, September 16, 2009 - 08:24 pm Click here to edit this post I voted. Sorry to hear about this MoP. Keep us informed if anything resolves, either about the monthly GC for lvl 7 or for the lvl 8 issue. I agree that if they have the requirements listed and you reoriented your entire strategy to fulfill them and you were able to do so (lvl 8 requirements do NOT look easy, especially with regards to the financial index), you should get the reward.


Now remember this post, it flies in the face of what Tom says several days later.

Factanonverba (Fearless Blue)
Tuesday, September 22, 2009 - 10:30 pm Click here to edit this post

what are the rewards for each level? the docx are not specific and dont cover all levels.

It is now almost 2 weeks after I was told it would be taken care of within several days.

Tom Willard
Friday, September 25, 2009 - 02:17 pm Click here to edit this post

We promised an answer but it took some time to get into it.

We have looked into the account and the situation around the game levels and the requirements:

Game level 7 was reached on June 19 and 300 gold coins were added correctly.
10 gold coins per month, on August 19 and September 19 were not added to the account due to an error.
We have now added 20 gold coins to the account for these two months.

As to level 8:

According to the documentation you need a development index at 75 for level 8.
The development index is not implemented yet and level 8,9 and 10 are currently impossible to reach.

The message on the level window is wrong as it does not specify the requirement of the development index.

This error will be fixed ASAP.

When the development index is implemented, these game levels will become available.

Once again I was not alone in feeling this was BS.

Daelin (Little Upsilon)
Friday, September 25, 2009 - 05:12 pm Click here to edit this post
Wow. I didn't realize we're supposed to take the game documentation's word over what in-game play tells us. This will be interesting.

Tom also shorted me 10gcs. Which he did rectify when I emailed him.

On Sep 25, 2009, Gamemaster wrote:

We added ten gold coins.

The documentations "advertised" the need for a 75 development index. It

is very clear about it.

There is no development index so there are no levels 8 to 10.

I am sorry about the error it will be fixed.

Accusing us of nonsense will not help much.

The gamemaster

My response.


I ask you again, how many other things in the game docs are correct?

Further more. I would have to say that something that pops up right on my country page, that I use on a daily basis to check level requirements. That "advertised" very clearly, no need for the nonexistent development index, along with a message clearly stating "I meet the requirements". Would supersede what is buried in the seriously outdated game docs.

Now maybe this is all just a mistake on your part.

However, you provide a service here. It is a very common practice in the service industry, that you have to pay for your mistakes.

As I have stated before. I spent a considerable amount of time and gold coins, to achieve what was "advertised" , right on my country page. As an attainable level.

I feel I should be compensated, in some way for your mistake.

Also I have not accused you of any "nonsense".

I have only been stating the facts.


On Sep 25, 2009, Gamemaster wrote:

"The documentations "advertised" the need for a 75 development index. It

is very clear about it."

Now remember this post?

Factanonverba (Fearless Blue)
Tuesday, September 22, 2009 - 10:30 pm Click here to edit this post

what are the rewards for each level? the docx are not specific and dont cover all levels.

Maybe the reason it took so long for Tom to respond about levels 8-10, is because they had to update the game docs, to cover their tracks and make their case better first???


We all know how capable of stealth changes they are.

I'm very sorry for having annoyed some of you with my ranting.

However. Can anyone read exactly how this all went down, and honestly say, if they were in my shoes they would not deserve to be compensated in some way.

This has cost me literally hundreds of gold coins.

I'm not asking for level 8.

I'm just asking for some sort of compensation.

Remember if he can do this sort of thing to me, he can do it to all of us.

He already has done things like this, and worse to others. :(

I promise this is the last you will hear from me on the forums on this subject.

Everyone please sign this thread if you agree.



Sunday, September 27, 2009 - 08:56 am Click here to edit this post
I agree.

MoP Spent time and money and was informed that he had reached level 8. He should get the reward the game told him he would.


Solomon Grundy (Fearless Blue)

Sunday, September 27, 2009 - 09:02 am Click here to edit this post
I see no reason for extra compensation beyond that which was due for level 7, arrears have been paid. The proper thing to do is sit on your investment for level 8, Player, until it's implemented, it should be soon. (that's what you need to be on GM about, WHEN!) It's proper to wait, what if there is/were more than one person waiting? I see nothing wrong with paying you when everyone can get paid, if they happen to qualify.

I apologize to the GM for my rant on not answering emails in a timely manner, my mistake.

Also GM:
This is another example of the clean up that has to be done on this game, why was he told that he had hit level 8 when he couldn't. Why doesn't that agree with what you claim about the documentation? There are mixed messages Tom. I've ranted about this before... can we FINALLY, please clean it up? FIRST? before you add more stuff that needs fixing?


Sunday, September 27, 2009 - 12:21 pm Click here to edit this post
Come on GM. It's like buying a pair of shoes, getting home and theres only one in the box.

Green Starfish (Kebir Blue)

Sunday, September 27, 2009 - 03:20 pm Click here to edit this post
MoP --

I just want to say that despite the GM decision in this case, you should be extremely proud of your accomplishment. Just reaching level 6 myself, I can't imagine the dedication it must have took to reach level 8 requirements.

Also, how long has it been since the developmental index was promised? Weeks? Months? Years? If they aren't going to add it within a reasonable time span they should put in place an alternative way to reach those levels.


Disgruntled SC Player

Sunday, September 27, 2009 - 05:46 pm Click here to edit this post

"The proper thing to do is sit on your investment for level 8"

The problem with that is it cost lots of gold coins to maintain it. With no reward in sight there is no point.


Congrats on level 6. That is no easy feat either. :)

"Also, how long has it been since the developmental index was promised? Weeks? Months? Years? If they aren't going to add it within a reasonable time span they should put in place an alternative way to reach those levels."


Everyone please only post if you agree or disagree.

I am done arguing and have exhausted all alternatives.

I simply want to take a poll here.


Solomon Grundy

Sunday, September 27, 2009 - 06:18 pm Click here to edit this post



"The problem with that is it cost lots of gold coins to maintain it. With no reward in sight there is no point."

Thank you for the perspective adjustment Player. It appears that it should be retroactive.



Monday, September 28, 2009 - 04:27 am Click here to edit this post

First, I think the fact that you and so many others can get so upset about a delay in the implementation of a game feature, shows what a quality game sim country is.

Second, your achievement is momentious. I think you are the first to meet the stated requirements (except the non existant developmental index) for level 8. For that, you should feel honored.

These things said, While I do hope the GM works to implement levels 8-10, and fixes the bug for those maintaining at level 7; I would rather this be done correctly than quickly.

Sim country is a complex game and I can see why new features need to be tested, debugged, prioritized, and worked out before they are implemented.

Frankly, you are the only person to reach this level, so (in practice) this is a new issue and I can see that it takes time to work out all the kinks.

What I would like for the GM to do is announce his priority list. In other words, what are the changes we should expect soon, and which will take longer.

Specifically, I'd like the GM to put out a list every 3 months listing:

1. the features/changes he thinks will more likely than not be implemented in the next 3 months

2. The features/changes he thinks may be implemented in the next year

3. The features/changes that he plans to implement, but at a later date

4. The features/changes that he is seriousily considering implementing, but is unsure of

This will give players a heads-up about future changes and be able to plan for them.

Inanna (Little Upsilon)

Monday, September 28, 2009 - 04:46 am Click here to edit this post
Agreed, seems like a happy medium.

Plato (Little Upsilon)

Monday, September 28, 2009 - 05:40 am Click here to edit this post
I have said before that in many ways SC is a beta. As players we need to understand that we are playing a beta version. This is a work in progress. I believe that they have fairly strong ideas on where the want to get to but that they are feeling their way along.

Some of the ideas were simply not workable, such as cashing out an empire. With limited resources that would be a huge drain on future development and simply suicide for the game in the long view.

We also need to be thankful that such a game even exists. Most of the other games that exist out there are simplistic silliness for the Nintendo/Wii crowd with short attention spans.

However, I understand the player frustrations. They bring out new features (space stations) before they fully implement features that already exist (levels) and this can be very frustrating to current players who feel betrayed at times.

Economically, their methods do make some sense though. There are not that many Level hounds playing the game, BUT there are a lot of players that use the new war engine and air drops, and will build space stations. It appears to me that they are developing features (or not fully implementing them) in an effort to maximize current cash flow.

This game is huge and its resources are very limited. The game, even when fully implemented will never have a large player base because of all of its intricacies. However, those who do play enjoy the game.

The code for this game is probably a confusing mess because of the way it has been implemented, but I doubt that they have the money to hire a full development team.

Unlessthey get an infusion of cash or change the development model (open source?), it seems to me that SC will limp along and be something of a work of love at the hobyist level.

I think that you may be expecting too much for the level of investment that exists.


Monday, September 28, 2009 - 01:12 pm Click here to edit this post
'Level hounds' :)


Monday, September 28, 2009 - 06:14 pm Click here to edit this post
"Some of the ideas were simply not workable, such as cashing out an empire."

I think you couldn't be further off the mark. W3c may not be able to cash out all the empires. But this is where a player community comes in. It is our(Active Players') duty to continue providing a cozy place for new players to settle down and get into loving this game. This will bring in the needed cash for cash outs. New players aspiring to be great presidents will most certainly invest in this game and more directly from buying coins and country along with their assets from players. Or at least that is how it should be.

It seems we are far away from the days of n00b crushing, and now I see alot more new players with bagillions of questions and plenty of motivation. I have also noticed efforts by a few presidents who are active in being available to answer questions in chat.

Another thing I have seen and am guilty of myself is ignoring these questions and requests from new players. This is proly the single most dangerous threat to player growth. Ignoring these folks often leads to them not going to full membership. It can be tiring to cater to retard question after question. I used to be one of the retards, and am arguably yet still a retard in that aspect.

If we follow the model of the world, it is that nothing is free, give some to get some back. A collective effort on the whole part of the active player base should encourage enough growth and sustain it so that new investment will come along.

Cash out is still a huge reason many stay to play this game. Including myself. That just isn't my goal atm. The cash market is the best thing towards moving in a more realistic cash out possibility, even if it is in phases or to multiple buyers over time. It has been a great help aside from destroying GC value. The gold coins are not moving off the cash market in huge amounts, and not for a fair price. This is a result of the destruction of the value of the simdollar. And restrictions that were put in place to curb cash in the game have worked, maybe too well. Maybe it is time those provisions were scaled back or curbed a bit.

SimCountry Rocks Fewls

Solomon Grundy (Fearless Blue)

Monday, September 28, 2009 - 11:17 pm Click here to edit this post
Now I know why they call you Plato, Plato. lol

I agree, it behaves like a beta. I never thought about the evolution of the game and how that could be hindering it.

I never liked the idea of attempting to harness the 'love of money' attribute in the player base. Ask any reputable game company, money should flow one way. Ideally the players are left to ebay to profit from selling accounts and what other 'e-property' might apply to a particular game.

I do like being able to reduce our game cost to zero, but I do not agree with cash out what so ever. (I'll shut up now, I don't want to start a riot!)

Solomon Grundy (Fearless Blue)

Monday, September 28, 2009 - 11:30 pm Click here to edit this post


Everyone please only post if you agree or disagree.

Your poll might be better in the public voting. Since I know you just set one up and it won't let you I will do it for you. There's no way we're going to be able to only post our "yes" & "no" here with out this breaking out into conversation.

Disgruntled SC Player (White Giant)

Monday, September 28, 2009 - 11:44 pm Click here to edit this post
Thanks Solomon. :)

I just posted a new poll before I read this.

We can continue to use this thread to debate.

Please limit the new thread to agree or disagree.


Solomon Grundy (Fearless Blue)

Monday, September 28, 2009 - 11:48 pm Click here to edit this post
There's no way that much information is going to fit, I got rid of every double [enter] only left 3 dash dividers between posts(---), to no avail. If you would like to leave a shorter version here I'll copy and paste it in the Public Voting for you. Leave me a title for it too!


Disgruntled SC Player (White Giant)

Monday, September 28, 2009 - 11:52 pm Click here to edit this post
This is what I just posted on the new thread.

Once again this is only meant to be a poll. If you have any comments or ideas please post them on the other thread.

I have streamlined it to only include what I am really asking. Which is, to make a long story short.

1. If you started a poll in the public voting and it passed unanimously. Then several days afterward...

2. You notice that the nonexistent index that your poll asked to have removed. Was in fact removed.

3. So then you think wow they actually listened to my poll.

4. You work very hard towards attaining the next level which is now very clearly advertised as being attainable.

5. You spend lots of gold coins in the process. Which you would not have otherwise.

6. You attain this very clearly advertised level.
You even receive a message stating that you meet all requirements.

7. You do not receive the very clearly advertised level, which you also received a message very clearly stating that you meet all requirements for.

8. You notify the GM about the issue, only to be told that it was simply a mistake on their part, that it doesn't matter what was very clearly advertised on my country page for several months, because buried in the very outdated and almost worthless game docs it very clearly states the need for the nonexistent developmental index.

The very index that a poll was passed unanimously to remove and was removed several days afterward. Not to mention that I have evidence stating that the game docs were not very clear, or even complete, 3 days prior to him making that statement.

Factanonverba (Fearless Blue)
Tuesday, September 22, 2009 - 10:30 pm Click here to edit this post

what are the rewards for each level? the docx are not specific and dont cover all levels.

I no longer care if levels 8-10 are ever implemented.

I still love this game.

Just not the way some things are handled by the management.

So the question I am asking here is...

If you invested time and money, that you would not have otherwise, to attain a level that was very clearly advertised as attainable.

Only to be told by the gamemaster. Sorry it was a just mistake, and then use subterfuge to make their case better.

Wouldn't you feel that you should be compensated, in some way, for your wasted time and money?

If the answer to this question is yes. please sign, I agree.


Solomon Grundy (Fearless Blue)

Tuesday, September 29, 2009 - 12:15 am Click here to edit this post
Cool it's there. Everyone go vote!

Plato (Little Upsilon)

Tuesday, September 29, 2009 - 04:35 am Click here to edit this post
@ Inanna

Cash out is unworkable because, according to the home page the "Fair Market Value" of all assets is about $350,000 US. If they carry that on their balance sheet as a liability, in SC terms salaries would drop to 30, debt would go up and you would have a red box warning about closure.

Right now there are 214 players online (with a minimum cash flow to SC of just over $1000). Even if there are a 1000 players, the income is only about $5000. Development and cash out simply cannot co-exist.

Just compare the off-balance sheet liability to cash people out with the real monthly income possibilities. They do not match. Look at the monthly income and take from it server expenses to see your max development budget.

The point is W3C probably has a tight budget. Just some thoughts.

Inanna (Little Upsilon)

Tuesday, September 29, 2009 - 05:51 am Click here to edit this post
Well lets try and get it higher than 214, help players protect their investment. And sell them assets in real cash. Coins are sold in RL all the time, and it should continue. I agree with you w3c has a tall order, but seriously, why would anyone who wants to play cash out the game in its' entirety. This isn't realistic. So it may not be the best example. If I could sell 100$ worth of coins to a new player, why would I want to cash out anyway? LoL I'd more than likely rinse and repeat. Wouldn't you? I'm just not hurting for cash in RL so i don't do it. I like the exciting part of the game, like war. Funny, it wasn't always that way.

LoL, it isn't a challenge Plato, no offence, you make a good point.

Matt W (White Giant)

Friday, October 2, 2009 - 04:06 am Click here to edit this post
I agree. If the gamemaster can't keep his word when it comes to fulfilling the promises made within the game then there is really no reason for all of us to continue to pay to play this game.

Inanna (Little Upsilon)

Friday, October 2, 2009 - 05:59 am Click here to edit this post
No. . . !!!

The Levels were clearly not implemented. This was more than clear at the time MOP went for level 8. I am positive he has enough smarts to realize that there was one index missing at the time he went for level 8. I am equally sure he knows that W3c is busy, doing work on other parts of the game, has limited staff, etc etc.

MoP should get level 8 compensation WHEN level 8 is implememnted. Not Level 8 should be implemented as soon as MoP decides he wants to achieve a level that is nonexistant. Gimme a break.

Cut this whiny crap out already. MoP, I could pop up on WG and bring you down to level seven if you'd like. At least this whiny crap could be over with. WAIT until they put the level in.

Matt if you really feel that way, why haven't you quit yet?

I have 6 days left on my membership, so it is time to renew. Another 360 gcs. How should I use them? I know Im going to flip my lid if this kind of crap doesn't quit already. The last time we demonized the GM's over lack of moving on someone elses timetable, a bunch of players left. This kind of selfish behavior disturbs me and seems self centered. If it continues, I will take that as a threat to my own enjoyment of this game and shove that 360 right up your arses.

MoP you admitted yourself that you are short one index. You have no idea what it even will require of you. So clearly you are mistaken to think you already deserve some compensation. Give it a rest already please. Talk to Tom or Jozi through Email.

Solomon Grundy (Fearless Blue)

Friday, October 2, 2009 - 10:46 am Click here to edit this post
Player, Nanna can be beat, here's how!


Friday, October 2, 2009 - 06:04 pm Click here to edit this post
LoL LoL LoL Solomon. . . Phunny Vid


Friday, October 2, 2009 - 06:04 pm Click here to edit this post


nix001 (White Giant)

Friday, October 2, 2009 - 06:26 pm Click here to edit this post
MoP started by going through Email.
This game can also be about investment of time. Which is worth alot more than money. We all play it for different reasons, but the feeling of getting to a level and being rewarded for it (whether it be in athletics, poker or SC) is what it's all about at the end of the day. What level are you at?
Are you the mole?

Win the pot and don't get the pot then chat your molish chit chat.

Man of Peace

Friday, October 2, 2009 - 07:23 pm Click here to edit this post
Funny video, but I don't think that will be necessary.

I didn't know you were on WG. Welcome to the party.

Inanna (Little Upsilon)

Friday, October 2, 2009 - 08:18 pm Click here to edit this post
I am at level one. At once I can drop all my lesser countries or reduce most of them and command level 5 if I chose to. I have concluded that i would waste more GC maintaining a ceo just to achieve level 5, or maintain any other level. So, I dropped a CEO with almost 750 corps in it. It was wasting alot of my time. I have been up to level 3 on all five worlds and higher on LU.

Why does it not matter? I'll tell you why, because no one is gonna want to quit, becuase I cant get paid for levels I haven't achieved except by my own narrow assumptions. No one will want to quit the game and spread idiotic rumours on the net about it, while I sit here and continue playing. I won't try to dmamage the image of a game over some GC I technically have no right to.

Speak clearly so I can understand Nix, I really didn't understand your molish chat thing.

I know what MoP did, I was a supporter, but when it comes to this, I'm upset because it will do more damage than good. Being self destructive is always dangerous. Destroying confidence in the game of weaker minded players who read the forums is destructive.

When my 2 year old really wants something she deserves i give it to her. But if she throws a fit because I am not getting it fast enough, she may not get it at all. If she throws a fit that gets out of control, corrective action is what she'll get. What this has or is about to become, is no different.

Inanna hands out spankings

nix001 (White Giant)

Friday, October 2, 2009 - 08:19 pm Click here to edit this post
Always up for a party.

Inanna (Little Upsilon)

Friday, October 2, 2009 - 08:29 pm Click here to edit this post
MoP, was your comment a challenge?

I'm not trying to bully you, nor could I.

It might just be a wakeup call. I take supporting this game seriously.

Inanna (Little Upsilon)

Friday, October 2, 2009 - 08:30 pm Click here to edit this post
Nix i know you are, Im glad your back, but I would rather target people who intend to destroy this gaming environment.

And if you are thinking of joining or defending him, you can start recruiting now, you'll need more people. This you of all people should know. You've been around long enough.

nix001 (White Giant)

Friday, October 2, 2009 - 10:30 pm Click here to edit this post
I know what you are saying and I'm glad to be back. Thanks. But whats a fella to do when his words fall on deaf ears?

Solomon Grundy (Fearless Blue)

Friday, October 2, 2009 - 11:06 pm Click here to edit this post


Inanna hands out spankings

Nanna, I'm the guy in the supermarket cheering you on as you're whooping ass!

I had a friends wife tell me when she first got pregnant "I don't care what you say, I'll never hit my kid and yes that means spank".

Guess what? She spanks now. lol

What did it take you might wonder...

Well, one day while doing laundry her(then) 4 year old daughter hit her year and a half year old little brother on the forehead to thrust his head back into the door he was standing in front of. Yeah, she got a spanking, it took all day because it was "come here for your spanking and if you can't come here go to your room until you can come here for your spanking".

She received the well deserved spanking and it locked it in her mind for all time that hitting is wrong.

We must do what we can to correct as much as we can. Children come out somewhat broken. As Nanna will tell you, It's not long before the 'me me me- mine mine mine!' comes out and it is an injustice to let a child carry that into adulthood to the detriment of their marriage and other relationships. You sure can tell the self centered people who didn't get the spanking they NEEDED at the age of 2.

Some folks will even tell the older children...
"Oh! Just give them what they want so they'll stop crying!" WRONG! (that will make them hold you up against the ropes by making your world miserable until you break and they get what they want, they're just as smart as you(smarter) just without any compounded knowledge.)

Man of Peace

Friday, October 2, 2009 - 11:13 pm Click here to edit this post

First off. I'm glad to see you renewed. This game needs to keep it's player base.

Secondly. You clearly either didn't read the whole story or you have selective memory of what you read. So I will fill in the blanks for you.

"The Levels were clearly not implemented. This was more than clear at the time MOP went for level 8."

When I attained level 7, I saw the nonexistent development index and started the poll to remove it. This poll passed unanimously.


Simcountry Game News
June 24, 2009

13. The Game level and Index popup windows [ top ]
The game level and index windows have been upgraded and include more info and also links to underlying pages.


I noticed the developmental index was removed from the requirements for level 8 on my game level and index popup window. The developmental index was listed before with a zero beside it, and since Zeba made level 7 he noticed it was now removed as well.

So seeing the devepomental index was removed. I thought wow, they actually listened to my poll and removed it. So I started working nonstop towards level 8.

It was very clearly advertised as an available level. I even received a message stating that I meet all requirements.

So it was "more than clear at the time MOP went for level 8." that it was available.

"I am equally sure he knows that W3c is busy, doing work on other parts of the game, has limited staff, etc etc."

Which is all the more reason to think they listened to my poll. They announced the development index 3yrs ago and still haven't done anything with it. So why not just scrap it and concentrate their limited resources on other things?

"MoP should get level 8 compensation WHEN level 8 is implememnted."

I'm not asking for level 8 compensation. I was asking to be compensated for the gold coins I wasted due to their error/false advertising.

"Not Level 8 should be implemented as soon as MoP decides he wants to achieve a level that is nonexistant. Gimme a break."

I said 6 days ago "I no longer care if levels 8-10 ever get implemented."

"The last time we demonized the GM's over lack of moving on someone elses timetable, a bunch of players left. This kind of selfish behavior disturbs me and seems self centered."

I didn't demonize anyone. I simply stated facts. Facts which I have evidence to support. If they look like demons. They only have their own actions, or lack there of, to blame.

This has nothing to do with working on my time table. I stated 6 days ago that "I no longer care if levels 8-10 ever get implemented. I still love this game. Just not the way the management handles some things"

Selfish? not really. This is not the first time the GMs have screwed people over. It won't be the last. I hope next time its not you.

As far as people leaving. I'm not telling anyone to leave nor do I plan on leaving. However maybe the GMs should learn from their mistakes and not screw their customers, if they want them to stay.

"MoP you admitted yourself that you are short one index. You have no idea what it even will require of you. So clearly you are mistaken to think you already deserve some compensation. Give it a rest already please. Talk to Tom or Jozi through Email."

Yes. I did say that I was short one index. I have no idea what it even will require of me. However that was before, as well as, why I started the poll to remove said index. Which passed unanimously, And the index was removed.

"Talk to Tom or Jozi through Email."

I have they stopped responding. So this poll was my last resort. It was their choice not mine.

"Give it a rest already please."

I did 6 days ago. Until you popped up and personally attacked and threatened me. So now I'm back to respond to you. Then I will shut up again

"MoP, I could pop up on WG and bring you down to level seven if you'd like. At least this whiny crap could be over with. WAIT until they put the level in."

Thank you for the kind offer to assist me in leveling down. However I already have shrunk down below level 8 and will continue to shrink to just above level 7. As I stated before "I no longer care about levels 8-10"

You are welcome to come to WG, as is anyone. It is a great place with lots of good people. :)

However if you come to cause me trouble. Be forewarned. You are not the only one who knows how to wage war with debt ridden c3s and I could "pop up" on LU and GR and return the favor. :(

This is not a threat and I'm not looking to pick a fight. I'm just letting you know what the consequences could be if you attack me.

That being said I have never had a problem with you and I'm not sure why you seem to have such a problem with me right now. As I stated before I was done With this "whiny crap" 6 days before you posted.

Now I will shut up again. :)


Man of Peace

Friday, October 2, 2009 - 11:20 pm Click here to edit this post

A challenge?

Welcoming Nix to WG? No I just never realized he was here before. Nor was my post above.

It sounded like your comment was a threat though. :(

Solomon Grundy (Fearless Blue)

Friday, October 2, 2009 - 11:30 pm Click here to edit this post
Well, honestly Player, it's killin me dude, I don't even want to read the whole post :/

If you are still maintaining level 8, the damages that you are currently incurring should not be covered. The situation is now well known.

Do you have a gold coin figure on your damages?

Figure them out, make a list to honestly show what is due you and submit it to the GM.

:) bada boom- bada bing

Man of Peace

Friday, October 2, 2009 - 11:35 pm Click here to edit this post
Maintaining level 8 no way.

I started shrinking back right after the GM stopped responding to my emails.

I haven't figured it out. What's the point they aren't listening.

Solomon Grundy (Fearless Blue)

Friday, October 2, 2009 - 11:37 pm Click here to edit this post
Well give it a try, I'll back you more if you come up with listed concrete damages and the GM ignores you or wrongfully denies you. First give GM a chance in private to work this out, the damages that is, level 8 may never work.

Man of Peace

Saturday, October 3, 2009 - 12:02 am Click here to edit this post
I do not wish to harm this game in any way. However if the GM continues to just say oops my bad, and just ignore us and expect us to accept it. That will do more damage than the players can ever do.


Saturday, October 3, 2009 - 01:39 am Click here to edit this post
MoP. . .

It is the fallout that concerns me. Comments like, "If we can't get what we want RIGHT NOW I dont see why I am paying to play the game."

That is what concerns me. MoP, I will not go to WG to start trouble. The game needs correction but it will be done when time permits.

As far as you coming to GR, I am not there. Feel like coming to LU, I await you.

If the comments continue depressing the game field, then I will come to WG. Not as a troublemaker, but as a defender of what I know to be right in this instance. I hope it doesn't get that far.

nix001 (White Giant)

Saturday, October 3, 2009 - 01:44 am Click here to edit this post
I for one would like to continue having updates on whats happening with the levels. Especially a level that is meant to pay you GC's per month to help keep you at that level and ultimately keep your grand plan of world domination alive :)

iki ryo (Fearless Blue)

Saturday, October 3, 2009 - 04:22 am Click here to edit this post
The secrets to happiness in simc....

1) is to ~not~ read the game documentation ~at all~

why? Because then you are constantly on your toes and prepared for anything. Likewise, when 100gc pop up in your account, it's a nice surprise, like Christmas. ^___^

2) next, don't work towards anything that you can't afford to throw into the garbage should you fail.

3) so basically, "everything" is made of make-believe; assets and gc are like monopoly money and if you lose some..its ~ok~ because it never existed in the first place (unless you havent figured out econ aspect of game and have to pump lots of rl cash into game..which isn't technically made of make-believe...which moves us to nextpoint:

4) learn econ game so you can fund side projects, like getting levels.

5) lastly, assume that the "Everything" in point #3 includes the GM.

chrysostom (White Giant)

Saturday, October 3, 2009 - 04:59 am Click here to edit this post
1- I find the game documentation, though not fully correct -- helpful. There is no "game documentation" to running a real-life country that is any more accurate than the one on simcountry. Just as your consultants and experts in real life are wrong some times, so is the game documentation. That is a FEATURE, not a fault.

2. Good point.

3. Good point. Think of it like a $4 a month subscription to a game, not as an investment, as that is what it is.

4. good point.

5. Good point, the GM doesn't spend his full time on this game. Perhaps, he has a life, and can't spend 100% of his time fixing, correcting, and upgrading every feature to meet everyone's needs. Enjoy the game, and be happy for what does work (which is alot).

Man of Peace

Saturday, October 3, 2009 - 09:02 pm Click here to edit this post

I never said, nor have I seen anyone else say. "If we can't get what we want RIGHT NOW I dont see why I am paying to play the game."

I understand the GM is busy. I don't expect or even want him to drop everything and do what I want.

I know he does a lot of work. I do appreciate it. I still love this game. At the very beginning of all this, I acknowledged all of that.

My one and only point is. They need to understand that something that they deem a simple mistake. Can cause people to spend, and in my case waste RL money.

They need to work on their customer service skills. Sometimes sorry just doesn't cut it.

Offering me even a couple of gold coins for my troubles would have prevented all of this. Hell I might not have even accepted them.

Its the fact that they just blew me off that upset me.

That is all I have to say about this situation. Now can we please move on.

When did you leave GR?

No need to worry about me coming to LU. I've been there hit level 5 and sold off. The only reason I would return, would be if you attacked me. Neither one of us really want that. :)


Your post is accurate. You can't look at this game as an investment.

I do know the Econ game. However I was impatient.

Also. I thought that buying gcs to build my pop up as quickly as possible. To meet the requirements, without having an empire full of MIBs for a military. Would actually save me gcs in the long run. (The longer it took me to get there the more pop would die off and need to be replaced)

Once I got to level 8. I would get 10 more gcs a month to offset the losses. Not to mention the 300gcs up front.

So much for that idea. :)

iki ryo (Fearless Blue)

Saturday, October 3, 2009 - 10:57 pm Click here to edit this post
the warmongering business can be quite lucrative as well

(of long as you ignore that those you pillage tend to quit after losing their countries...which might be problematic in the long run...but that's something that can be argued elsewhere. So for the purpose of this thread, warmongering is made of win)

Jo Salkilld (White Giant)

Saturday, October 3, 2009 - 11:59 pm Click here to edit this post
Wendy, I think you're being a little harsh on MoP.

One of the glorious things about this game is that you can choose to play it so many different ways. Here on WG, there is a large community of friendly players who choose to play by testing themselves. The competition is based, not on who can destroy each other, but on who can excel. We measure it by who claims the number one spot, the top Finance or War rank, the Hall of Fame, the highest level. We play war games to hone our fighting skill and to see who wins without needlessly destroying each other. Going to war and staying at a high level takes even more skill ...

MoP is one of only a few players in the history of the game who have made it to level seven. Even fewer have made it and maintained it as he has. It takes a great deal of skill and time, and he deserves credit. I am still working for level 7 and have been for half a year or more. Every point gained gives me huge pleasure. Every point lost makes me more determined. But I am very aware that, when I get there, the journey will be over.

The issue of level 8 has come up time and time again over the three years I have been playing. The GMs have acknowledged it every time but they are too busy to do anything about it. I'm not knocking them - this game is not their main source of income and they have used their limited time to implement some great updates which affect far more players than the few who make level 7.

But I was as pleased as MoP when they apparently removed the one thing that is keeping level 8 closed. It was obviously the easiest way to do it. However, to be told that the level is open, only to find when you get there (congratulations, MoP, that is a first as far as I know) it is actually still closed is very disappointing. I don't blame him for letting off steam on the forum.

Wendy, I assume you play for different reasons to MoP but please be aware that, for his game, level 8 is a lot more crucial to his enjoyment. I hope the GMs do something about it soon ... it looks like there is simply an award processing subroutine that hasn't been updated and it should be easy to fix.

Hugs and respect


Man of Peace

Sunday, October 4, 2009 - 12:19 am Click here to edit this post
Thanks Jo. :)

I think you stated in one post, what I was trying to convey this whole time. :(

Inanna (Little Upsilon)

Sunday, October 4, 2009 - 05:17 am Click here to edit this post
Hi Jo, I agree with MoP. I think he has A POINT. Please understand, I just don't want it to lead to a terrible attitude towards the game and cause another semi exodus. This will hurt us all.

MoP Don't get me wrong, I have always been a silent advocate for your cause. I just gave up awhile ago. Don't think I am going at you personally becuase I am not. This is targeted as a broader issue. If you don't remember 16 months ago, when you and I were in Valde I actually wanted to kick Kain the Clown for attacking your eco empire. I was a lil' b00b then and couldn't have helped you if I wanted to. In case you haven't noticed I remain peaceful towards past fed members. I think you fall under that category. Please forgive me if you feel threatened. I just want a nice balance of complaint vs silliness. You probably won't agree, but the several threads and multiple posts of the same material is consistant with SPAM. I know some really decent people get wiped off the game for that.

Everyone don't try to kill me now, I just want to protect my investment.

And Jo, I realize how WG is run. I've been there on two seperate occassions. And you have no idea of the atrocities I am aware of. WG isn't as Sim Soft Town as you would like me to believe. Although it has calmed down alot.

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