Simcountry is a multiplayer Internet game in which you are the president, commander in chief, and industrial leader. You have to make the tough decisions about cutting or raising taxes, how to allocate the federal budget, what kind of infrastructure you want, etc..
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Farewell (Fearless Blue)

Topics: General: Farewell (Fearless Blue)

Cfballer (Fearless Blue)

Friday, July 24, 2009 - 08:27 am Click here to edit this post
I've had a great time while playing Simcountry, but after GM failures and the game losing interest to me I have decided to leave. All of my countries and ceos are for sale, as well as my gold coins. It's been fun getting to know everybody and lets keep in contact on MSN. To message me with offers you can do it through here... Or email me at or msn at Thanks

BorderC (Little Upsilon)

Friday, July 24, 2009 - 02:40 pm Click here to edit this post
Good luck.

Noproblem (Fearless Blue)

Monday, July 27, 2009 - 06:45 am Click here to edit this post
Damn. Another good player leaving

Solomon Grundy (Little Upsilon)

Tuesday, July 28, 2009 - 11:09 pm Click here to edit this post
Um, guys? This is about our community and not about how many perceived gamemaster failures we saw this month. Understand that even though some believe they are punishing the gamemaster by leaving, what they are really doing is punishing the community. (This is bigger than you Cfballer so don't think it's necessarily aimed in your direction)

I am here for the community of human players. If this game was only C3 I would NEVER play. Is it the same for you, Whom ever may be reading this?

I am not saying any specific player has decided to leave as an "I'll show you" to the GM even though the rest of the forum may prove otherwise. Who is not the point. What I am saying is that even if I build a close relationship with someone, they will still get social scorn for doing what is bad for the community.

So... y'all take your toys and go home, but expect to be called on the carpet when you're doing it for the wrong reason(s).

King Xenu (Kebir Blue)

Wednesday, July 29, 2009 - 07:17 am Click here to edit this post
It's unfortunate that the GM seems to be stuck on Epic Fail mode. The truth is that there are some major problems with SC. The root of the problem is that the GM has tried to turn SC into some kind of socialist reality. The GM tried to make things "more fair" but so far has succeeded only in sucking the life out SC.

Socialist Reality = Boring Game Play = Epic Fail

There are way too many limits on interesting and exciting game play in effect at the current time. It seems that the GM became worried at some point that a few out of control players could wreck the game. It seems that the GM may have been acting out of fear. This would be perfectly normal since the GM has no doubt spent a large part of his existence in creating and improving SC. The GM had a perfectly normal human reaction when he felt his creation was in jeopardy.

Unfortunately, the decisions the GM has made are causing SC to become less and less interesting to many of us. I won't list them here, as I would only be repeating what has already been stated in many other threads. However, in my short time here, I have found that the most out of control players made the game much more interesting, especially when they were completely nuts. It's too bad the GM decided to curb such insanity.

Aaron Doolavay (White Giant)

Wednesday, July 29, 2009 - 08:13 am Click here to edit this post
Why would someone else keep playing a game that's not fun anymore just because YOU still find fun in it? Not finding this fun or a lack of interest is a perfectly acceptable reason to leave no matter why it is fun and interest are no longer found.

Solomon Grundy (Little Upsilon)

Thursday, July 30, 2009 - 12:52 am Click here to edit this post
The "wrong reason" would be to leave in order to punish the Gamemaster rather than leaving the community because of boredom or lack of interest. I'll try to be more clear next time. It's just a bummer watching folks go, and I don't want to see a mild exodus turn into a mass exodus. :/

There are things that I've been informed of that this simulation does that I don't care for also. The market for example. Why, once the game is established, would the simulation be padding or adding products to the market that are in short supply? Why aren't prices allowed to skyrocket, factories shut down? If it's going to be a simulation of Earth countries, then it should work the same way.

If country 'A' gains control of 90% of the widget production world wide and they completely stop production then the simulation should simulate in the realest way possible what would really happen. Yes there would be barons in the world taking advantage of the widget situation and it was probably an evil conspiracy to begin with that production was cut to skyrocket the price but isn't that what happens in the real world? (within reason, I don't support this for FMUs for example, they represent a broad range of factory maintenance services, window washers to robot repairmen)

The real world, that IS what we are simulating here is it not?

Also, I got dominated when I got here a while back. It was easy to get dominated! lol Chat was a lot more brutal then, I was the guy that would inform you (no mater how much military you had) of things like: Respect is not earned unless you count being born a human being 'earning'. That kind of attitude in the old chat could get you bombed real quick especially of it was someone who believed they deserved 'extra' respect because they had the ability to clean your clock-

BUT IT WAS FUN!! I got bombed, I learned, I gained respect for players (war enemies) that did the right thing by the end of the war. I also ended up with goals in the game because I swore to myself a secret cold war against one of those dominating me who didn't gain my respect in the situation.

Gamemaster, (if you read this) we are simulating a very ugly thing here- let it be ugly! lol Let them jack the widget market, see how it unfolds. After I suffer a widget shortage and my painters stop working and my economy sufferes damage (which is what you're trying to avoid right?) I'll get with my federation and propose that we inform the one(s) responsible that they'll be bombed into oblivion if they jack the market again or without warning. When we realize that we're not big enough to do that then we'll get together with 2 other feds and then approach the situation. See? it adds richness to the game. We need that FUN drama, it's what makes a sim world go 'round!

Lets take a look at hostile bidding. I believe that was part of the game to actually function viably. It has become a breach of social morality on every planet to hostile bid a human controlled corp. My point is, there is a natural tendency toward order. There would be crusading federations protecting new players from the out of control thugs, but once again, the real world has thugs and for a proper simulation shouldn't they be allowed to be thugs? At this point I'm just going to refer you back up a couple of posts to King Xenu (he hasn't been gone for countless months like I have) and ask you when you consider what he has to say you not focus on any reasons hey may have given on why we are where we are, that's not important, he may be right, he may be wrong with his reasoning, no explaination is required, but what's important is that you realize the problem he presents and willingness to address the problem itself. I'd like to hear from you, I hope you take the time to read these posts there's just no way to handle this with the exclusive voting ~it would be like dropping the issue into limbo! :)

Lawerance (Kebir Blue)

Thursday, July 30, 2009 - 02:17 am Click here to edit this post
bye baller......(salutes baller)

Solomon Grundy (Little Upsilon)

Thursday, July 30, 2009 - 11:36 pm Click here to edit this post
Opps this is already being discussed in another thread that I discovered today (there's alot there) guess I'll take the discussion there.

Cfballer (Little Upsilon)

Friday, July 31, 2009 - 04:46 am Click here to edit this post
Solomon you were not even here to know of the problems that have caused us to leave... Before you decide why or why not I should leave, please explain to me what you know of the situation! You are new to the game and your opinion is honored but don't speak out of ignorance, but out of knowledge. This game has dwindled down to a very small community compared to what it once was. Most of this can be explained by the GM's and there toy Laguna. Whats left of that community i will keep in touch with! If anybody is interested in my account, empires, or countries please let me know!!! It will give you the chance to come out on top of this game. Especially since most vets are already gone :(

Solomon Grundy (Little Upsilon)

Friday, July 31, 2009 - 05:27 am Click here to edit this post
This is what I know of the situation:

With what's presented so far, we have whiners trying to hold the GM hostage with their measly couple of bucks a month and/or lack of their charismatic presence. Calling it from the roof tops in order to incite more people to join them (why not keep it in private chat where y'all do the chatting with your close friends that you're keeping in contact with after you leave and primarily communicated with OFF of this medium?) It's negative drama and though it's a bummer to lose people I'd most likely enjoy getting to know it's best if y'all just shut up and go if you're going to. (and Yes, I find it offensive to try to incite others to go with you)

You were getting the mild version before :)

Solomon Grundy (Little Upsilon)

Friday, July 31, 2009 - 05:10 pm Click here to edit this post
No hard feelings there Cfballer, just a let down to see LDI go out like this. Taking the low road and quitting. -sucks I wanted to join 'em when I got back.

Ares (Little Upsilon)

Saturday, August 1, 2009 - 12:22 am Click here to edit this post
Or maybe they just have played for several RL years and grew tired of the game... seeing as how you quit for no apparent reason this spring, I would not be one to criticize.

Revival (Little Upsilon)

Saturday, August 1, 2009 - 02:03 am Click here to edit this post
It's quite upsetting to see great players leave Sim country. Those following players that left have myself inspired to keep going and become great players like them, however i do not know if the reason was because of the GM's decision or because they got bored of game, however still, what the Game masters did was unacceptable and was wrongful. Laguna was even worse amongst all of them.

Cfballer, you were one of the few greatest player i look amongst on, take care.

Solomon Grundy (Little Upsilon)

Saturday, August 1, 2009 - 02:04 am Click here to edit this post
You wouldn't be one to criticize but you just did, funny how that works lol As a matter of fact you're making a judgment call with lack of knowledge, maybe if I posted a reason (like what I'm commenting on) you would have something to base a judgment call on. So, I'm glad you've decided not to be one to criticize.

Ares (Little Upsilon)

Saturday, August 1, 2009 - 02:59 am Click here to edit this post
I was suggesting YOU not be one to criticize. You spend no money on the game compared to what many of these players have spent, you do not know them personally, and do not spend the amount of time that they have spent. My point is you have not earned the right to judge them yet. While none of the things I've listed will change what you think, I'd ask that you hold your tongue until something you say will actually benefit others instead of criticizing some of the best players the game has seen.

Solomon Grundy (Little Upsilon)

Saturday, August 1, 2009 - 04:49 am Click here to edit this post
Maybe you could point out what you think is so critical. Instead of being so general that nothing can be worked out here.

Ares (Fearless Blue)

Saturday, August 1, 2009 - 08:34 am Click here to edit this post
I fail to see any motivation behind criticizing players who contributed much to the game and left after playing several real life years. Find something better to do.

Solomon Grundy

Saturday, August 1, 2009 - 02:53 pm Click here to edit this post
Maybe you could point out what you think is so critical. Instead of being so general that nothing can be worked out here.

(oh that's right that would make your position too weak, I guess it just wouldn't look critical enough for you to express your opinions in the pompous way in which you do. I get it lol)

Solomon Grundy

Saturday, August 1, 2009 - 03:11 pm Click here to edit this post
Also, what you comprehend when you read is going to be called into question soon as my first paragraph started out:

"Um, guys? This is about our community and not about how many perceived gamemaster failures we saw this month. Understand that even though some believe they are punishing the gamemaster by leaving, what they are really doing is punishing the community. (This is bigger than you Cfballer so don't think it's necessarily aimed in your direction)"

Stop trying to turn this into me brow-beating Cfballer. Unless he's more than one person he can't be the "whiners" I had referred to.

Comprehend this:

"I am not saying any specific player has decided to leave as an "I'll show you" to the GM even though the rest of the forum may prove otherwise. Who is not the point. What I am saying is that even if I build a close relationship with someone, they will still get social scorn for doing what is bad for the community."

Finally, you will not control my free speech. No, I will not find something better to do, I suggest you read the forum less often if it troubles you that much.

Solomon Grundy (Little Upsilon)

Saturday, August 1, 2009 - 07:31 pm Click here to edit this post
This has turned negative so lets change the tone of the thread :)

Lawerance (Kebir Blue)

Saturday, August 1, 2009 - 08:16 pm Click here to edit this post
Solomon i have been here for a long time despite the half year long absence and i have made my self on the first experiance on simcountry the most hated guy other than LH and i come to find that most of those who were there when i was around are gone for instance:


and so onl.....while we all may have been the bitterst of enemies i know that bnone of them would quit without good reason. you cannot judge people until you have played long enough to get to know them


Sunday, August 2, 2009 - 12:05 am Click here to edit this post
Yes, yes. Laguna is the source of all evil and the Devil is only a cover-up. The Bible got it wrong. Tell me a conspiracy theory I haven't heard yet. Maybe one that involves Pictionary and strip would be nice.

You are several months behind, Solomon. Things began to go down in the beginning of the year and hit rock bottom around May.

Solomon Grundy (Little Upsilon)

Sunday, August 2, 2009 - 03:26 am Click here to edit this post
Group hug! :)

BorderC (Little Upsilon)

Sunday, August 2, 2009 - 03:53 am Click here to edit this post
Have things hit rock bottom yet??

Cfballer (Little Upsilon)

Sunday, August 2, 2009 - 03:55 am Click here to edit this post
Solomon after reading what you know of the situation... The reasons you gave are not why I and most of LDI are leaving! Lets just say someone is too scared to fight fair, but must depend on the GM's to keep him safe.

Revival (Little Upsilon)

Sunday, August 2, 2009 - 05:46 am Click here to edit this post
That video makes me wonder if Animals can secretly talk!

CraftyCockney (Little Upsilon)

Sunday, August 2, 2009 - 10:32 am Click here to edit this post
BC, no, no they haven't. Not until August 4th. ;)

Solomon Grundy (Little Upsilon)

Sunday, August 2, 2009 - 01:08 pm Click here to edit this post
Yeah, I know Cfballer, I got that scoop right away when I tried to join LDI. I just wish folks would humble themselves enough to just admit their error and say they are sorry.(LG) Nobody needs a lecture on how far an apology goes and I doubt anyone would kick anyone in the teeth for apologizing.

Know who I respect the most on this game? Dub. Why? Because he had the guts to admit when he was wrong and apologize to me over some messed up situation a couple years back. He just did it when he realized he was wrong. That says a lot about character. I bet he can't place me or put his finger on the situation anymore, we don't hang out, but you know what? that respect is still there. The situation is long gone and forgotten but the result of that apology remains.

Ares (Fearless Blue)

Sunday, August 2, 2009 - 09:29 pm Click here to edit this post


Wednesday, August 5, 2009 - 05:46 am Click here to edit this post
I'm glad you understand the scoop now, but weren't you just calling us all out for leaving the game? Dub was a good guy...

Solomon Grundy (Little Upsilon)

Thursday, August 6, 2009 - 11:21 am Click here to edit this post
You mean LDI, yeah if they ALL left to punish the gamemaster they can consider themselves ALL socially scorned. lol We can continue playing false reality like there is a lack of information but as everyone can read for themselves the folks leaving post their reason(s) plainly. This is what I commented on even though it gets painted a little different. If one isn't leaving because of Gamemaster short comings then maybe the error is with posting that one is. I mean that IS what was posted so no need to for me to make a judgment call.

...and yeah, as far as leaving to punish the gamemaster, it's still bull crap.


Thursday, August 13, 2009 - 10:29 am Click here to edit this post
Communists! I knew Solomon was a communist!

Solomon Grundy (Little Upsilon)

Thursday, August 13, 2009 - 09:53 pm Click here to edit this post
Actually, joining a commune doesn't sound like such a bad idea these days!

I'm going to have to tell my Russian immigrant friend (actually he'd remind me that he's Armenian lol) that y'all called me a communist!


Friday, August 14, 2009 - 04:59 pm Click here to edit this post
Oh my lord! He's a frenchy trotskist at that!

Did you know... that Armenia was the first country to adopt Christianity?

Solomon Grundy (Little Upsilon)

Friday, August 14, 2009 - 11:24 pm Click here to edit this post
Before Emperor Constantine of Rome?
What's a frenchy trotskist?

The High Profitess (Little Upsilon)

Sunday, August 16, 2009 - 03:24 am Click here to edit this post
I plan a massive takeover, possibly of W3C first, then simcountry in general, leading myself to change all the rules to favor myself, ban everyone who whines, then sell it.

Of course, I had no reason for saying this other than, I am bored, and this was the only thread worth reading.

Hello Laggy, long time . . .

Solomon Grundy (Little Upsilon)

Sunday, August 16, 2009 - 12:15 pm Click here to edit this post

I'm going to start the Sim Masons... then I'll morph it into the Simluminati, The Simlateral Commission and The Bilderburg Sims.

Then I'm going to start a central bank in your country, this means that every month you get paid you will have to borrow that money from my bank to put it into circulation for your sim people, at 30% interest of course. THEN, I'm going to subvert your politicians and law makers so that they will pass laws favorable to us and burdensome to your people. (Don't worry we'll make your country profitable yet!) THEN, we're going to take over your news and entertainment industry and provide repeated brainwashing for your sims, complimentary and free of charge of course.


We're going to raise (with the new laws) the corporation taxes so high in your country that all the companies move to be profitable again and take all the jobs with them all the while we'll be asking for your sim people to elect our members on the platform of creating lots and lots of jobs!

Oh, AND THAT'S NOT ALL!! If you order now!

...You'll receive 2 free false flag attacks! This means that you'll have excuses to start wars and imprison people who don't agree with you politically! Intolerant of Gypsies in the market place? Turn them to terrorists instantly at no additional charge! Don't forget the profits generated by your cluster bomb factories kicking at full tilt also!

(lol I'm starting to feel like the 'Sham-wow' Guy!)

Solomon Grundy (Little Upsilon)

Sunday, August 16, 2009 - 12:28 pm Click here to edit this post
I looked for a link to post to show anyone who doesn't know who the Sham-Wow guy is, who he is... and came across this:


The High Profitess (Little Upsilon)

Sunday, August 16, 2009 - 06:12 pm Click here to edit this post
"Everyone Knows The Germans Make Great Stuff" LMAO

Ares (Fearless Blue)

Monday, August 17, 2009 - 12:13 am Click here to edit this post
"...and yeah, as far as leaving to punish the gamemaster, it's still bull crap."

Dude. Enough. lol, how long has this been going on for?

Solomon Grundy (Little Upsilon)

Monday, August 17, 2009 - 01:15 am Click here to edit this post
how often are you reading these EO?

The last post that had anything to do with that was ELEVEN days ago lol :D

Ares (Fearless Blue)

Monday, August 17, 2009 - 03:02 am Click here to edit this post
lol didnt look at the date. just scanned and thought it was still going on. was about to cry.


Tuesday, August 18, 2009 - 07:10 pm Click here to edit this post


Before Emperor Constantine of Rome?
What's a frenchy trotskist?

1. Yes.

2. How the hell am I supposed to know? I'm just making up words now. Well, maybe 'frenchy' means french and trotskyist is someone who follows trotskyism, a form/view of communism. In administrative division, France uses the term comune, as Italy and other countries, instead of county, as in the US.

It kinda kills the buzz when you have to explain jokes, Sir Buzzkillington.
/me strikes Solomon with a lake trout

I see what you did there, Wendy.

/me locks Solomon and Wendy in a french comune.

You two won't be coming out until you've built a Communist Utopia. And breed little communist children. Can't forget the breeding. You may ask the Smurfs for help.

Inanna (Little Upsilon)

Tuesday, August 18, 2009 - 09:55 pm Click here to edit this post
. . . .

Solomon Grundy (Little Upsilon)

Tuesday, August 18, 2009 - 10:31 pm Click here to edit this post
Sorry Wendy, I don't 'French' commune, that's just gross!


Oh, and if the smurfs can help in this situation then why do they ALL have blue balls?

Jo Salkilld (White Giant)

Wednesday, August 19, 2009 - 12:36 am Click here to edit this post
"Can't forget the breeding. You may ask the Smurfs for help"

/me raises eyebrow

I thought the last breeding experience had put you off it for life, Laguna ... :)

Hugs and respect


Inanna (Little Upsilon)

Wednesday, August 19, 2009 - 04:09 am Click here to edit this post
Silly Wabbits


Wednesday, August 19, 2009 - 11:04 pm Click here to edit this post
The trick is to rotate sexual partners and keep it all a secret. Open air and public spaces might have something, but that I'll leave that for someone else to figure out.

/me slaps Solomon
You will french her like I will tell you to french her!

Solomon Grundy (Fearless Blue)

Thursday, August 20, 2009 - 06:19 am Click here to edit this post

[ponders which is worse, the frenching or another slap]

Inanna (Little Upsilon)

Thursday, August 20, 2009 - 03:48 pm Click here to edit this post
I french only Laguna . . . LG, shame on you, how dare you present me as a harlot.

Mr grundy, you'd never desire another, after an encounter with Inanna . . .

/me slaps you both

Solomon Grundy (Little Upsilon)

Thursday, August 20, 2009 - 10:43 pm Click here to edit this post
I don't like you Mommy-


Thursday, August 20, 2009 - 11:16 pm Click here to edit this post

Saint Augustine (Kebir Blue)

Friday, September 4, 2009 - 10:00 am Click here to edit this post
Oh Sam is gone, "Oh" the World Stage is looking Nice, So many of my Old Rival's Are Vanish, As I said in statement few year's ago In the forum's after John G, an Laguna Deleted it, I'm trying To Remember how i said it,
U Pig's Will fall in the time of despair of my on going talents as i orchestrated my plain's of the on going possess of molding my foundation in Sim Country, or u would just vanish your Allie could be your enemies, An as with the same seasonal wild as u come in with would be same force as u go out with as u vanish your present from my mighty graceful present u would fall to waist side an be left with no ghost to leave your foot prints of your history in SimCountry I As roll the scrolls of The Book of life in Simcountry i bleeped u from the very pages of sc book of life, an bleeped u into outer darkness , An that the underworld would never die or be defeated an the underworld god would have eternal life for Infinity, as long as Sim Country is plug to the wall of Tom Willard office or home, I Will never be Vanished I be here till light's go out, An as I once formerly know As LH now know as Saint Augustine Will live forever in the game of SimCountry, An my enemies Have vanish from the very life of sc beware to all of u who are new Pilgrims of Simcountry, Be on my side of Grace or face my wrath, My Empire Will now annihilate everything that stand's in Sim Country, An their not much Veterans To stop my progress, Ill brake out me Plastic An Build Dynasty That Will Stand for the Test of the time of the life of the site my rival's have mostly vanish,

Sincerely Saint Augustine,
Formerly Know As Little Hitler
The UnderWorld God


Friday, September 4, 2009 - 07:51 pm Click here to edit this post

Eddy Pizzo (Fearless Blue)

Thursday, October 22, 2009 - 05:17 am Click here to edit this post

Aaron Doolavay (White Giant)

Thursday, October 22, 2009 - 08:40 am Click here to edit this post
C D E F...YOU PIGS WILL FALL, the underworld is bubbling to the surface....G H I J K...

Solomon Grundy (Fearless Blue)

Thursday, October 22, 2009 - 10:41 am Click here to edit this post
L-O-L! wait, do we use 'L' twice?

Mussolini (White Giant)

Tuesday, November 17, 2009 - 03:27 pm Click here to edit this post
hello what hapened to the subject

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