Simcountry is a multiplayer Internet game in which you are the president, commander in chief, and industrial leader. You have to make the tough decisions about cutting or raising taxes, how to allocate the federal budget, what kind of infrastructure you want, etc..
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W3C - Disappearing Cash - not disappearing at all (Little Upsilon)

Topics: General: W3C - Disappearing Cash - not disappearing at all (Little Upsilon)

Tom Willard (Little Upsilon)

Saturday, February 28, 2009 - 03:30 pm Click here to edit this post
We had a major problem in the cash market 10 days or so ago that caused a problem for between 100 and 200 countries. It was solved automatically for most of them.

Each email complaint we received was answered immediately and fully corrected. Two engineers were doing this non stop.
We have given out more than 1000T in cash and at least 400 millions in population to countries involved in that problem.

Most was needed to correct the error and some to make sure we over compensate them. Some countries remained with some excessive cash or even bought gold coins quickly, with this erroneously obtained cash. We left them alone.

Ever since this happened, we get complaints about "disappearing cash" from countries where nothing happened. Some players are trying to have us fix everything. We get messages like: "All my countries are losing a lot of cash. Please look into them and fix them".
These countries were not involved in any of the cash market problem. We have exact and detailed logs, and we can see the exact transactions, countries and results.

You can of course publish here anything you want, including crap. We have looked into each and every mail that was sent to us about any losses. There is nothing wrong in any of the countries we have seen.

There is no money disappearing anywhere and all these countries showed huge amounts spent on weapons and ammunition. Some ammunition has become available recently on all worlds, countries with shortages bought large quantities.

We look at one case of "20T disappearing".
It was 2T not 20T and it was spent on ammunition and there were transactions between cash and debt as countries with a lot of money and a lot of cash are paying their debt. We answered all the mails immediately and clarified what happened.

Give me one case of well documented, proven "Loss of cash" I will give you 10 times that amount. There are none.


Saturday, February 28, 2009 - 07:56 pm Click here to edit this post
:( Shame mine were fixed. 65T x 10 (for one of my Enterprises) would have been nice.

Keith Allaire (Little Upsilon)

Saturday, February 28, 2009 - 08:36 pm Click here to edit this post
Tom, when I said 20T I said it was across my entire EMPIRE, not in one country; you failed to look at my entire EMPIRE.

I demand the ability to SEE EXACTLY where my money goes in the form of transaction logs. I want to know EXACTLY where the money from automatic transactions goes; I want to see what I buy, what quality, and at what price.

If such logs existed (like existing logs for contract purchases), such questions never would have arisen. We could not only audit such cash disappearances ourselves without bugging you, we could correct them by selling back some of the excess orders.


Of course after you gave me this same explanation I asked you for logs of what I had spent the money on and you COMPLETELY EVADED THE QUESTION.

Moreover, my countries were NOT experiencing ammo shortages, no reason for them to buy more at a time than what my order strategies were set to--yet apparently they did.

Maybe I need to just take over every active nonfed player I can find to drive more customers away at this rate.

In the real world, when we buy something, we get something called a RECEIPT. Not so in simcountry, but it's especially important when the game orders stuff while we're asleep.

Interestingly, this data already exists for corporation supplies, why not for countries (or even enterprises that manually stockpile product)?

Lolosaurus (Kebir Blue)

Saturday, February 28, 2009 - 09:34 pm Click here to edit this post

Keeping a log of automated transactions would prevent such confusion in the future. I'd personally also like the ability to see what kind, amount, and quality of ammunition is in my garrisons without having to take them apart, for the same reason (keeping track of what goes where).

Pathetic Sheep (White Giant)

Sunday, March 1, 2009 - 06:48 am Click here to edit this post
If W3C has the logs why can't we see what we bought?

Zentrino (Little Upsilon)

Monday, March 2, 2009 - 06:18 am Click here to edit this post
I have not had a response to my request. And I did not email the GM asking you to "fix" anything. I just asked if you could tell where the money went because from my inspection, I was unable to determine it. I saw nothing in the recent purchases. The pending deliveries were standard contracts that I have had. It is now near 18T and is continuing to climb. I'll wait for that email I suppose.

Edward (Little Upsilon)

Sunday, March 8, 2009 - 03:27 pm Click here to edit this post
Give me one case of well documented, proven "Loss of cash" I will give you 10 times that amount.

Why not give us one case of well documented proven "Updated Game documentation" and I will rethink of paying more money to play this game.

Tom Willard (Golden Rainbow)

Sunday, March 8, 2009 - 03:49 pm Click here to edit this post
I understand your concern on the documentation of Simcountry.

we are working on improvements in the documentation and we will add many more short videos explaining more functions.

we are expecting a big change to the home page and many other pages on our portal and will wait with the production of such videos until these changes are done or we will have to do these videos twice.

more videos on the countries and enterprises are due and are not blocked by any major change.

we have chosen for more video info because many players just do not read.

we get many questions on game details that are well documented but not read.

In the mean time, we never had any example of lost cash. simply because there is no loss of cash.

Tom Willard (Golden Rainbow)

Sunday, March 8, 2009 - 03:56 pm Click here to edit this post
We have explained elsewhere that during a short period one to two weeks ago, there were wide spread large shortages of ammunition.
(This is a common condition most of the time).

we have seen sudden offers of very large quantities of ammunition offered and shortages temporarily declined.

these large deliveries went to countries with shortages. The large deliveries came at once and were paid for at once.

this happened in some countries at a very large scale and caused a lot of cash to go into the payment of these orders.

A lot of the ammunition went into military units that had much of the shortages.

Keith Allaire (Little Upsilon)

Sunday, March 8, 2009 - 07:53 pm Click here to edit this post
And of course we will never ever have transaction logs of that which was automatically ordered. Oh no no, that would be too easy. GM doesn't want players knowing what their money gets spent on.

(Hey, if cash isn't disappearing, why don't we have logs of automatic transactions? In real life, there's something called a receipt, or in business, a bill of sale. In simcountry...nothing.)

Tom Willard (Golden Rainbow)

Sunday, March 8, 2009 - 08:27 pm Click here to edit this post
cash is not disappearing and you know it.

we would love to add a complete log. the software is in fact ready. it would cut many discussions short and we have nothing to hide.

the problem is that there are about two millions such transactions on a "slow world" per day and double that on LU. Each transaction is a multiple-table update.

This will double the trading transactions that are already responsible for many processing hours per day and we have servers with 8 processors each.

The log we already have is a fraction of that and is extremely time consuming in creation and maintenance of these huge tables and performing the searches.

Our previous generation of servers could not handle it.

the current generation is fine but adding the complete log will kill them.

If there is time, we would like to increase the pace of WG, FB and GR rather than use it for such a log.

moving army units and frequent repainting of maps are also a major user of processing time.

In time, we will replace our servers again and I hope that a next generation will be able to run 6 game months a day and process all the logs.

ikiryo Alexiel (Fearless Blue)

Sunday, March 8, 2009 - 08:55 pm Click here to edit this post
i knew it! i knew my population vanished from cash market and i never got them!

see laguna! something was up >.>

is ok though, i'm content with my 2million invisible little lagunas.


Sunday, March 8, 2009 - 11:25 pm Click here to edit this post
Another satisfied client... muahahah

Keith Allaire (Little Upsilon)

Monday, March 9, 2009 - 12:09 am Click here to edit this post
No, I do not know it until there are such logs...

Those logs are already there for corps. You've been able to see last price paid for corp supplies and quality of corp supplies for years.

As in years, before server upgrade years.

It would take up HD space to do the same thing for countries but the fact of the matter is players no longer trust you, and I would imagine that regaining some of that trust back by adding the durn logs is probably slightly more important than increasing game speed on the slower worlds.

Zentrino (Golden Rainbow)

Monday, March 9, 2009 - 03:01 pm Click here to edit this post
If it was all bought up on ammo, why can't I find it? If my country really bought almost 25 TRILLION in ammo over a week, why don't I see bullets lying around somewhere?
I am perfectly willing to accept that it is ammo. In fact, I believe that is what caused the loss of funds. I searched for the purchased ammo. I cant find it.
I don't get on here and bad mouth the GM or go around saying my money was stolen. I just can't find the purchased items and would like to know where to find them. I already transferred in T's only to have to sucked up and gone. I emailed you in private, not asking for my money but asking if you knew where it went.
Where can I go to see the "back log" orders that are waiting to be filled? I can place a regular order for them and stop paying the worst price for the items then.

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