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W3C - Profits and costs (Little Upsilon)

Topics: General: W3C - Profits and costs (Little Upsilon)

Tom Willard (Little Upsilon)

Saturday, February 28, 2009 - 02:47 pm Click here to edit this post
As we have expected and published some time ago, numbers continue to decline and mainly cost is decreasing.
We have looked at the total income for all countries with a president in all the worlds and the same totals for cost.
Income is stable or slightly lower. Cost declined and all countries combined, make much more profit each month.
There are of course countries making more profit or more loss but there are of course many more parameters influencing the balance.
Despite some messages to the contrary, this trend is showing clearly, it was expected and it will continue.
The cost of defense, has come down strongly recently and the trend will consolidate. The reasons for the long term change in defense costs are:
1. An increase in the output of ammunition corporations and a slight decline in the price of most types of ammunition. This trend will continue. Next increase in production will follow coming Tuesday.
2. A reduction in the use of ammunition by the army that will reduce the need for ammunition but will increase the use of military services by the army. The cost will not change as a result of this change, but as the use of ammunition declines, we might one day see more balance on the market. This change in some types of ammunition is also due coming Tuesday.
3. Decline in salaries including the army. It reduces all cost.

Some of the changes in cost and income are small, week by week, and fluctuations in pricing on the market can be much larger.
You may see all kinds of movements in the coming weeks. Such changes are controlled by the market as the army depends on products and mainly on the products already purchased and the price that was paid for them.
Sometimes, we expect a decline and see an increase but long term, as the market keeps fluctuating, the long term trend is down. Graphs in most countries, over a period of 18 game months, show a decline in the cost of defense and in the total cost.

AlexandeRtheGreaT007 (Golden Rainbow)

Saturday, February 28, 2009 - 05:44 pm Click here to edit this post

How many weeks should we expect fluctuations?

This info may help us to hold tight while we see these changes.


Tom Willard (White Giant)

Sunday, March 1, 2009 - 12:26 am Click here to edit this post
Fluctuations have always occurred and will continue.
This is not because of what we do.

It comes from price fluctuations on the market, based on supply and demand. Product pricing is changing and the cost of everything else, including the army, education and health, depends on the price of products.

Nute Gunray

Sunday, March 1, 2009 - 01:21 am Click here to edit this post
With all due Respect Mr. Willard this is the Wrong answer for me. I want more game money and I am not happy with the current trend of devaluing our assets. There are so many players who are very fustrated over this issue. I must assert it is not bringing the game closer to reality but is in fact taking the game in the opposite direction. I will include a short quote from the following Web Page about real world ideas on
Economic Growth
that tells much more about Economic Growth. In the real world the leaders are pushing for higher profits and greater amounts of wealth. This is the exact oppisite of what WC3 is pushing for but I suppose you will continue to tell me your image of reality is better than the facts found in the real world, but I found out the hard way, nothing is what it seems!


The long-run path of economic growth is one of the central questions of economics; in spite of the problems of measurement, an increase in GDP of a country is generally taken as an increase in the standard of living of its inhabitants. Over long periods of time, even small rates of annual growth can have large effects through compounding (see exponential growth). A growth rate o 2.5% per annum will lead to a doubling of GDP within 28 years, whilst a growth rate of 8% per annum (experienced by some Four Asian Tigers) will lead to a doubling of GDP within 9 years. This exponential characteristic can exacerbate differences across nations. For example, the difference in the annual growth from country A to country B will multiply up over the years. A growth rate of 5% seems similar to 3%, but over two decades, the first economy would have grown by 165%, the second only by 80%.

In the early 20th century, it became the policy of most nations to encourage growth of this kind. To do this required enacting policies, and being able to measure the results of those policies. This gave rise to the importance of econometrics, or the field of creating measurements for underlying conditions. Terms such as "unemployment rate", "Gross Domestic Product" and "rate of inflation" are part of the measuring of the changes in an economy.

In mainstream economics, the purpose of government policy is to encourage economic activity without encouraging the rise in the general level of prices (in other words, increase GDP without creating inflation). This combination is seen as, at the macro-scale (see macroeconomics) to be indicative of an increasing stock of capital. The argument runs that if more money is changing hands, but the prices of individual goods are relatively stable, then it is proof that there is more productive capacity, and therefore more capital, because it is capital that is allowing more to be made at a lower cost per unit. See Economies of scale, Inflation, Hyperinflation, Price, Supply and demand.

Now it seems that you may want to ignore so much of what has been said here in this forum concerning players being upset. I am a little bit of loneliness a, little bit of disregard
Handful of complaints, but I can't help the fact that everybody can see these scars.
I am what I want you to want, what I want you to feel. But it's like no matter what I do, I can't convince you, to just believe this is real
So I let go, watching you, turn your back like you always do. Face away and pretend that I'm not But I'll be here cause I am all that you've got. I can' faint the way I did before. Don't turn your back on me. I won't be ignored. I won't take this damage anymore. Now Hear me out. You're gonna listen to me, like it or not. Right now. Hear me out now. You're gonna listen to me, like it or not.
High Profits to all.
Nute Gunray the Viceroy

Emperor of UNITED STAR TRADE FEDERATION on Golden Rainbow
Kanzler of Chain Gang on Little Upsilon
Chairman of the United Confederation on Golden Rainbow
Chairman of THE BLUE TEAM FEDERATION ON Little Upsilon
Security Council Member on Little Upsilon, and Golden Rainbow

TuCulo EsMio (Little Upsilon)

Sunday, March 1, 2009 - 01:50 am Click here to edit this post
Joy, salary changes! Poor poor tom, prepare yourself.

\falls to knees and prays for stable hiring, prays for stable MLM manning of my army and prays that my teachers and profs and healthcare workers dont decide to scamper off to greener pastures like weed cultivation.

"Dear lord, please, please keep my civil servants content! Allow not a single automated salary "improvement" to turn my servants into pot smokin hippies!"

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