Saturday, January 10, 2009 - 08:01 pm Session Start: Sat Jan 10 13:34:58 2009 Session Ident: #jozichat [13:34] * Now talking in #jozichat [13:34] * Topic is 'Meeting at 15PM GMT. PM Laguna to be voiced.' [13:34] * Set by Laguna on Sat Jan 10 01:00:29 [13:34] * ChanServ sets mode: +qo Laguna Laguna [13:58] * ShcyzMattiCa (Wendy@ has joined #jozichat [14:33] [ShcyzMattiCa] I want a voice [14:33] [ShcyzMattiCa] muahhahaaa [14:36] * Jinson (jinsonxu@A0221325.D4CD361E.6052CB50.IP) has joined #jozichat [14:41] * iwin (pichettein@ has joined #jozichat [14:57] * SweetPea (webclient@ has joined #jozichat [14:57] * Jozi (jossi@ has joined #jozichat [14:57] [Laguna] I'm guessing everyone who's going to be in here, already is [14:58] [Laguna] Let me just get something to eat first... [14:58] [Jozi] give me 2 minutes [14:58] [iwin] I hope others will show up later. I thought loads of people would be here. [14:58] [ShcyzMattiCa] surprising considering the amount of controversy [14:59] [ShcyzMattiCa] and requests [14:59] [SweetPea] me too [15:01] [SweetPea] I thought sure Sam would be here [15:01] [Laguna] When you are ready, Jozi. [15:02] [Jozi] Iam ready now [15:03] * Retrieving #jozichat modes... [15:03] * Laguna sets mode: +m [15:03] [Laguna] Hello and welcome to everyone. [15:03] [Laguna] If you would like to make a question or comment on something, please PM to be voiced [15:04] [Laguna] As this is the first meeting of 2009, I would like to ask Jozi what are W3C's plans for this year. [15:04] * Laguna sets mode: +o Jozi [15:05] [Jozi] I di not prepare but no problem. [15:05] [Jozi] A big thing for us, coming Tuesday will be the release of citiy maps. [15:06] [Jozi] We have now created about 2.000.000 uniqe maps for all cities in all worlds and it is possible to place [15:06] [Jozi] all kinds of items on these maps. [15:06] [Jozi] We plan to continue this with more objects and probably create more and better info paGES FOR OTHER OBJECTS ON THE COUNTRY MAPS. [15:07] [Jozi] caps lock [15:07] [Jozi] sorry [15:07] [Jozi] we will also continue in our effort to make it easier to play, adding many more videos, showing the war game, and many other features. [15:08] [Jozi] people don't read but they watch the videos. we get hundreds of questions in mail, asking simple questions about features that are [15:08] [Jozi] documented. [15:09] [Jozi] Adding pictures and trying tio modernise and beatify the site remains important. [15:09] [Jozi] An then there are many many features and requests. many things to fix, and many things that are not clear, add info. [15:09] [Jozi] examples: [15:10] [Jozi] the comutation of cost in the country and in corporations. some people think it is wrong and in anycase magic. [15:10] [Jozi] they do not understand it so it must be wrong. same with many indexes. it is not clear how these indexes are computed. [15:11] [Jozi] And then, there are hundreds f good ideas in the voting system and many more on out lists. [15:11] [Jozi] Ok as a starter? [15:12] [Laguna] Yes... [15:13] [Laguna] You already know what I think about answering obvious questions, implementing features so I will spare you the sermon. [15:13] [Laguna] Regarding these maps, how will they look it and what is their purpose? [15:13] [Jozi] I don't [15:14] [Jozi] The maps look real and have schools, hospitals etc. on them. [15:14] [Laguna] Look real... like photos? 3d? [15:14] [Jozi] many people want to see their cities in more details and like to organize their country in more details. [15:14] [Jozi] just look at what people do with their country maps. [15:15] [Jozi] they look like a map of a citiy. streets, parks, roads, rivers etc. [15:15] [Laguna] What? Who are these people? Personally, I don't bother with my country maps. I've known no more than four players that bothered to turn them into something artistic. [15:16] [Laguna] https://sim04.simcountry.com/cgi-bin/cgi2nova?SN_ADDRESS=wwwCountry&SN_METHOD=countryhome&miRegionNumber=52&miCountryNumber=2856 [15:16] [Laguna] This, being one of them. [15:16] [Jozi] then don't do it. The maps does not exist until you click on the city. If the citiy grows, the maps grows too. Its done and will be part of the game coming Tuesday. [15:17] [Jozi] do not exist i mean [15:17] [Laguna] Time will tell how players will use this. [15:18] [Laguna] I'm done. [15:18] * SweetPea (webclient@ Quit (Quit: Today is a good day to chat.) [15:18] [Jozi] cute [15:19] * Laguna sets mode: +v iwin [15:20] [iwin] Thank you LG. Is the plan to use the city maps for some future advancement for the war engine? Urban warfare as it were. [15:20] * SimPlayer_3095 (webclient@ has joined #jozichat [15:21] [Jozi] It may led to many new developments. we had people who wanted to add a hospital game. when you zoom into a hospital you might end up in [15:21] * Dragoon (webclient@ has joined #jozichat [15:21] [Jozi] a set of features that will allow hospital simulation and sho details. urban war is possible too. [15:23] [Jozi] we have also done some work to allow googlebot find more pages on our site and want to increase our footprint [15:23] * SimPlayer_3095 is now known as SweetPea [15:24] [Laguna] The images of our countries still do not appear like they used to. [15:24] * Jozi changes topic to 'ures will be found by many people.Meeting at 15PM GMT. PM Laguna to be voiced.' [15:24] [iwin] So the idea behind the city maps is to make the game more expansive involve more parts make the structures built more interactive instead of just things we need in our countries to make them better. [15:24] * KevinHenry (hevinkenry@ has joined #jozichat [15:25] [iwin] I'll save the other bit I wanted to talk about for exclusive voting. Thank you Jozi. LG I'm good thanks. [15:26] [Jozi] You are moving fast. it is indeed a way to expand the game into new areas and we might allow others interface into it and add functionality in some specific areas. [15:27] * Laguna sets mode: -v iwin [15:28] [Laguna] Don'r forget to PM me, to speak. [15:28] [Laguna] I'll just make my stand regarding city map now... for future evaluation: [15:28] [Laguna] It's a waste of resources. [15:28] [Laguna] Moving on, [15:29] [Laguna] A player asked me to catch your attention to this post: [15:29] [Laguna] Do you remember of the possibility of replacing Secured Mode or adapt into [15:29] [Laguna] d'oh [15:29] [Laguna] https://www.simcountry.com/discus/messages/1/11835.html?1231598751 [15:30] [Jozi] Didn't i hear the same when we made it possible to move items on the country map? time will tell. [15:30] * ShcyzMattiCa is now known as WendyBot [15:31] [Laguna] I meant that. Her name is WildEyes and she proposes replacing Secured Mode and with a way to way to only allow war between players in a certain level (not necessarily Game Levels). [15:31] [Laguna] This level would be based mainly on assets. [15:31] [Laguna] Take your time to read and give us some feedback. [15:33] [Jozi] We also came to the conclusion that secured mode might be too protective but the main issue which is the protection of some of your assets by this mode remains important. [15:33] [Jozi] the way I see it, we could look more into the individual properties in a country. [15:34] * cfballer (webclient@ has joined #jozichat [15:34] [Jozi] each country has beteen 200 and 400 areas and we could allow limited wars in the border areas. [15:34] [Jozi] this will make it possible to occupy areas with factories and make them work for you [15:34] [Laguna] See, of all the approaches I've heard, the only one I like is Imperialism. [15:35] [Jozi] and you could permanently or for some time occupy some of these ares. [15:35] [Laguna] The country is occupied by the winner but remains the the property of the defender even when he loses. [15:35] [Jozi] it will remain impossible to destroy the complete country and conquer it. [15:35] [Jozi] In addition: [15:35] [Laguna] Yes, its something like that, but the unity of a country is salvaged. [15:35] [Jozi] in an empire, we could make it harder to have temporary war protection for a long period. [15:36] [Jozi] this will make the empire more volnerable. [15:36] [Jozi] done [15:37] [Laguna] [15:30] [Jozi] Didn't i hear the same when we made it possible to move items on the country map? time will tell. [15:37] [Laguna] I don't recalling hearing that, but if you did, it was probably during the old war engine. [15:37] [Laguna] [15:13] [Laguna] You already know what I think about answering obvious questions, implementing features so I will spare you the sermon. [15:37] [Laguna] [15:13] [Laguna] Regarding these maps, how will they look it and what is their purpose? [15:37] [Laguna] [15:13] [Jozi] I don't [15:37] [Laguna] If you don't, I will remind you: [15:37] [Laguna] This game isn't for idiots. [15:38] [Laguna] If a twelve year old doesn't know how to play it, to help him to learn how to do everything is pointless. [15:38] [Laguna] He will leave and that is the best solution. [15:38] [Jozi] no, not for idiots but should not be limited to people with a PhD in economy. [15:39] [Jozi] it should be easier to learn and examples will help. [15:39] [Laguna] Also, that duty is best rest in the hands of the players. [15:39] [Laguna] Yes, of course. But then the game should be intuitive. [15:39] [Jozi] the most frequent complain we get is that it is hard to learn. so now we decided to do something about it. [15:39] [Laguna] Considering how many players make and how to make a profit, there is nothing to complain about. [15:40] [Jozi] we know exactly what the bounce rate is on the site and we are determined to change it. many people leave within 10 seconds thay have no clue what to do. [15:40] [Jozi] not all of them are idiots. [15:40] [Jozi] done [15:40] [Laguna] If they leave after 10 seconds, they aren't worth the problem. [15:41] * Laguna sets mode: +v SweetPea [15:41] [Jozi] not treu. they are not 12 years old but peole jump to conclusions. if they do not see a way to continue quickly, they continue to other sites. [15:42] [Laguna] So? Is this game supposed to be like other games? [15:42] [Laguna] I'll get back to that issue later. [15:42] [Jozi] The first screen does not show what the game is about. it is hard to do with a game like simcountry. [15:43] [Jozi] it is not like other games but it will be possible to improve faster if the number of players becomes 5 times higher. [15:44] [SweetPea] Jozi , how are the players going to be able to manage with a 5T threshold and how much or what is the percentage break down on FS? [15:45] [Jozi] It is 20T now. [15:45] [Jozi] there will be no sudden and large decrease. [15:45] [Laguna] Financial Services are 0.2% of your cash above 20T. [15:45] [Laguna] http://simcountry.wikia.com/wiki/Fees [15:46] [SweetPea] 0.2% per? [15:46] [Laguna] per your whole thing [15:46] [Jozi] numbers are coming down in the game and 1T will become a huge amount. like 5 T now. [15:46] [Jozi] if this happens, then what 20T is now will become 4T. [15:47] [SweetPea] so your going to deflate the economy yes? [15:47] [Laguna] What? Wasn't it 5T just two secs ago? [15:47] [Jozi] don't worry about it. There is just no reason to have so many zeros in every aspect of the game. [15:48] [Laguna] Yeah, oil will fluctuate from 1 to 3 $SC soon enough. [15:48] [Jozi] The financial services are paid if you have cash ]20T. if you loan the money to others, it is not cash. [15:48] [Laguna] You know, there ARE easier ways to cut your zeros in a quick, painful and without substracting money [15:48] [Jozi] we would like to decrease ths limit in time. it will be gradual. [15:49] [Laguna] You divide everything by 1T and... bang! Porpotional everything. [15:49] [Laguna] Plus side: no need for FS and I keep my cash. [15:49] [Jozi] deflating: we are defplating for a year now. it is the same for income and cost and everything is going down gradually. changes of 1% at a time. [15:50] [Jozi] dividing by a factor is impossible. technically it means months of work. not worth it. [15:51] [Laguna] You were thinking of diving the assets and prices by the same factor, weren't you? [15:51] [Jozi] youcan now easily exchange your cash into gold coins and back. what seems to be the problem here? [15:51] [Laguna] Well, there is no need for that. [15:51] [SweetPea] so does that also mean if we are getting 600.0B for 1 GC now we will be getting and giving 150.0B for one when this is in effect? [15:52] [Laguna] The problem is that Financial Fees do nothing, but draining our assets. [15:52] [Jozi] I would like to remind you that in the past, two years or so ago, a gold coins was 2 to 4T depending on the world. [15:53] [Jozi] draining your resources will stop immediately if you exchange into gold coins. [15:53] [Jozi] in addition: [15:53] [Laguna] It is no good incentive to exchange our cash for GCs. We already did, we keep doing it and we will keep doing it. I saw no relevante change upon their introduction, I only see it now as if it is some kind of mass panic. [15:53] [Jozi] you could keep the cash, it might be reduced to 25% of what you have now but if the exchange rate is also going down, you have in fact lost nothing. [15:55] [Jozi] Gold coins have alot of value in simcountry. exchanging into gold coins gives you the possibily to receive game money when you need it in any of your countries or enterprises. [15:55] [Laguna] Yes, I recall that time. It was so nice to keep the cash in our countries. Not so nice after the loan market changed... We just keep it there, because it's too much of a pain to exchange into Gold Coins. [15:56] [Laguna] The problem is on the cash market and Financial Fees simply do not help. [15:57] [Laguna] Its changing between one pain or the other: the pain of the exchange process and the pain of having assets going into a virtual black hole. What kind of choice is that? [15:57] [Jozi] we were accused of stealing the money while it was impossible to exchange it on the cash market. [15:57] [Laguna] choising* [15:57] [Jozi] so we added many offers of 5 coins for cash and you can exchange 2T at a time and you can do it many many times. [15:58] [Jozi] the problem is very limited. we know how much cash there is and it is not so high. [15:58] [Laguna] My accusition is as follows: Financial Fees are worthless in their purpose and they send money into a magic black nowhere. [15:58] [Jozi] some is hidden in corporations for now but the idea is that it will continue to go down, exchange rates and amounts will have [15:59] [Jozi] a soft landing and the process will stop. [15:59] * Laguna sets mode: +v iwin [16:00] [Laguna] I get the less 000s thing, but Financial fees deserve a kick in the arse. [16:00] [Jozi] We are also not interested in the financial services but when we just encouraged people to exchange, they did not. [16:00] [Laguna] Because the Cash Market is a P A I N for buyers. [16:01] [Jozi] We can add offers for 50 gold coins at a time. this will reduce the effort by a factor of 10. [16:01] [Laguna] No, Jozi, no... [16:01] [Jozi] so this is not the reason at all. [16:02] [Jozi] you just do not want to exchange. you said that it is hard to do and I offer to make it 10 times easier. [16:02] [iwin] The fees do seem to have a point to just lessen the amount held. But then doesn't that go against the point of the game? MAKE MONEY? The Cash Market would be less of a pain if the coins were just offered up for a set price instead of bidding. I use eBay I like it for the prices I get for the items I want. Cash Market it backwards eBay in the sense that I pay more than they are supposed to be worth. [16:02] [Jozi] Youhave a very good point. [16:03] [Laguna] Lets see if we can reach common ground, Jozi. Try to point me out the main flaws of the Cash Market for buyers: [16:03] [Jozi] this is one of the options we plan shortly. [16:03] [Jozi] we promissed "Banks" that will exchange directly [16:04] * WildEyes (wild_eyes@ has joined #jozichat [16:05] [Laguna] [16:03] [Laguna] Lets see if we can reach common ground, Jozi. Try to point me out the main flaws of the Cash Market for buyers: [16:05] [Laguna] You know why this is important? First you find the problems, then you fix them. [16:05] [Laguna] I just want to be sure you know what they are, [16:05] [iwin] And until the 'Bank' is implemented the limits on cash should be taken away so that we can horde our cash instead of paying ever increasing levels for coins. Even the Gamemaster has raised their prices for coins. You guys are supposed to set the standard and yet you start to run away from the conversion you set in the first place. If one coin is supposed to be worth 470B then that's the price I expect to pay. [16:06] [Jozi] 470B is the bottom price. if the real price becomes too high, we will add more offers. [16:07] [Laguna] It's much like in video games, you buy from stores at one price and sell for another. [16:07] [Jozi] Last time I looked, there were in fact too many offers for gold coins. [16:08] [Laguna] And last time I looked there were too many offers of the GM for pop. [16:08] [Laguna] But that is beyond the point. Why is the cash market a pain for buyers? [16:08] [Jozi] We will be happy to quit that market. we avoided it for a long time and left it to the players to decide what the value was. [16:08] [Laguna] To make it short: we can be overbid easily by just one measily 1B. There is no buy now option. [16:09] [Jozi] we have now intervened on request and it is a temporary intervention. we will quit the gold coins market ASAP. [16:09] [SweetPea] one thing you might be seeing on the GC market is some ridiculuos asking prices from people trying to cash in on the FS scare. [16:09] [Jozi] don't bid if the ask for too much. there are up to 10 offers each hour from w3creative and they are reasonable. [16:10] [Jozi] we will add the buy now option as I said before. [16:10] [Laguna] [16:09] [Dragoon] lg would you point out that the price of coins is roughly 750B/coin [16:10] * Laguna sets mode: -v SweetPea [16:11] * Laguna sets mode: -v iwin [16:12] [Jozi] I just looked. There are 8 offers by w3creative. [16:12] [Laguna] I will try to summarize what has been said here: the financial fees are "agaisnt nature". There is a problem that lies in the Cash Market that keep a healthy flow of game money to GCs from occuring. [16:12] [Jozi] no reaction at all. [16:12] [Laguna] You know why players prefer the GM's offers? [16:13] [Jozi] they can offer now. much less than 750B [16:13] [Laguna] Two reasons: they are generally accepted before someone overbids them by 1B and they are cheaper. [16:13] [Laguna] Next person in line, please stand up. [16:14] [Jozi] no bidding at this point. They can get gold coins for a much lower rate than 750B [16:14] [Laguna] Fine. I'll bid on them. [16:15] [Laguna] There. Its done. [16:16] [Jozi] I have no idea why the cash market prebvents a healthy cash flow. please explain. [16:16] [Jozi] That's fast. [16:18] [Laguna] The amount of GCs would be the same, probably slighetr more. But the amount of cash would be more. [16:18] [Laguna] But it doesn't matter as long you upgrade the cash market like you said you will [16:18] [Laguna] But when will that be? [16:19] [Jozi] as you know we want to create a much larger market on the portal, exchanging money, products, and any other assets. the first stage will be money [16:19] [Laguna] I will suggest this: [16:19] [Jozi] we will do it quickly, probably late Janyary or first half of februari. [16:19] [Laguna] There are things some of like about that, there are others we don't. [16:20] [Laguna] We all agree on the "boy now" option and some others. [16:20] [Laguna] So, upgrade those now. And do the rest later. [16:20] [Jozi] I know but money exchange was never disputed. [16:20] [Laguna] The cash market doesn't need to be upgraded all in one go and I beleive it would be better in phases. [16:21] [Jozi] we need to setup the market optin. then start with money "products". we will see about other products later. [16:22] [Laguna] Done. [16:23] * Laguna sets mode: +v WendyBot [16:23] [WendyBot] hello Jozi [16:23] [Jozi] hi [16:23] [WendyBot] I have some questions regarding issues outside of gameplay [16:24] [WendyBot] wild and myself were coversating about, the opportunity to invest in the game, for example investment in the development of even a new world [16:24] [WendyBot] any thoughts? [16:25] [Jozi] that is a very friendly offer indeed. [16:25] [Jozi] w3creative is a corporaion developing the game and to keep afloat, we also do some consulting work. [16:26] * Laguna points says "notice the "money products". [16:26] [Jozi] I have been involved personally in managig consulting for about 50 hours amonth and we use the money to pay salaries and keep the game running. [16:27] [Jozi] others here are also involved in consulting. we hope that one day, income from simcountry will allow for everyone doing a full time job on the game. [16:27] [Jozi] we have considered and even published on the forum the possibility to invest in the game. [16:27] [WendyBot] indeed [16:28] [Jozi] we have thought about the possibility to purchase shares for gold coins. [16:28] [Jozi] this is easier said than done. [16:28] [WendyBot] so what is needed to enter into some kind of cooperation on this kind of scale? [16:28] [WendyBot] i was thinking more of a direct approach [16:29] [Jozi] you get into asome legalistic issues. i di not push it to date but we are interested in principle and other share holders in the company [16:29] [Jozi] think it is a good idea. [16:29] [Jozi] done [16:29] [WendyBot] kewl, i will email you to discuss it further if thats ok [16:29] [Jozi] fine. [16:30] [WendyBot] think numbers jozi, $$ numbers and we can figure something out hopefully, good products need investors [16:30] [WendyBot] I am willing to invest [16:30] [WendyBot] thx [16:30] [WendyBot] thats all [16:31] [Jozi] I will wait for you mail and as we always do, i will answer. [16:31] [WendyBot] ok thank you [16:31] [WendyBot] I will compose one shortly [16:31] [WendyBot] LG im gonna own ur arse LMAO [16:31] [WendyBot] just kiddin [16:31] [WendyBot] finito [16:31] * Laguna sets mode: -v WendyBot [16:32] * Laguna sets mode: +v WildEyes [16:32] [Laguna] My arse has been on the market for a long time now. [16:32] [WildEyes] Good morning, Jozi Laguna said he already brought up my other proposal, but I have two other unrelated questions. [16:32] [Jozi] go ahead [16:33] [WildEyes] The first one was actually spurred to memory by Wendy's question.... so, speaking of money, revenue, and new players, has any more thought been put into re-introducing a "free" world, with special limits in place, as well as occasional resets, for noobs to play and decide to join? [16:34] [WildEyes] additionally, I continue to see this as a chance for revenue for W3, not just from people joining, but since the "free" world wouldn't have registration fees, there could be ads, as well as a 1-way cash market allowing them to purchase stuff for their countries on that world, but no way to exchange it back into GC again [16:34] [Jozi] there were some discussion between Jonni and players on the live chat, about a new world with competitions. [16:34] [WildEyes] since we all know there are plenty of players who love their visa enough to do that [16:34] [WildEyes] (question 1, done) [16:35] [Jozi] we have discussed here and we like the idea. we have enought spare compuyers to start a new world and will purchase more servers if needed. [16:35] [Laguna] No. The competition world idea was a no go. [16:35] [Laguna] We be speaking Free World. [16:35] [Jozi] the problem is of course the time needed to set it up, some small developments and some admin time. [16:36] [Jozi] laguna, not so fast. [16:36] [Jozi] why not setup a last man standing competition for 3 weeks? or any other example? [16:36] * Laguna refrains from hurling a fast rock a Jozi [16:37] [Jozi] clearly you are not interested. there might however be some OTHERS who are interested. [16:37] [Laguna] Because some of the best players we may have gained, but lost, left because the game is pay-to-play. [16:38] [WildEyes] I think "free" should definately be scare-quoted, since the only thing free about it is there isn't a monthly fee. Plenty of players, if allowed, will still use visa on it, and ads could be in place for those who don't. It amazes me the people who refuse to 'pay-to-play' in other MMO games, but spend money in cash shops for in-game items (i'm thinking of WoW knock-off games) [16:38] * cfballer (webclient@ Quit (Quit: Today is a good day to chat.) [16:38] [Jozi] How is this an answer? no-pay-to-not-play and pay-to-play issues are long behind us i thought. we will keep paying salaries to our developers. [16:38] [Laguna] That problem is that those "others" is always a very large and undefinied group. Much like the others that supported Secured Mode, who I never saw, for the record, and most likely left, leaving us with this mess. [16:39] [Jozi] The mess is more players than ever before and growing. [16:40] [Laguna] Of course. WildEyes, if you may, continue. [16:40] [Jozi] advertizing can pay even more than $ 20 per month so for now we will leave it out. even if it were 1000 a month, we would leave it out. [16:41] * WildEyes just gestures to my above point, and also I'm thinking of ways to get players to really know what they're doing before joining. [16:41] [WildEyes] There are a lot of noobs who come into chat who havep aid, but can't figure anything out. Despite help, they often get frustrated and leave... never to be seen again [16:42] [WildEyes] free world would allow players like that to muck around and get help and learn the game, then become long-time paying members, but I digress. I didn't intend to make an arguement over the point, I jsut wanted to know if anything had been discusssed further about it :P [16:42] [WildEyes] laguna bring out the feisty in me [16:42] [Jozi] Laguna thinks they are idiots. I think that we should make an effort to make it easier to start. some will leave anyway, some will stay. [16:43] [Jozi] We did not discuss a free world for a long time. we did discuss a small world where people will subscribe to [16:43] [Jozi] participate in a special even or competition for a limited period. [16:44] [WildEyes] Alright then I can move on to my second question at your liesure. [16:44] [Jozi] ok [16:45] [WildEyes] I first want to thank yoru staff for prompty repling to me when I had an issue with weapons and ammo "disappearing." Fortunately, I was able to fix it myself. After talking to Laguna, I checked my supply units and found they were stuck inside... some supply units having up to 3000 or more weapons listed. I was able to return said weapons and ammo to the stockpile by manually dismantling my SUs. [16:46] * Treasurer (hillybilly@ has joined #jozichat [16:46] [WildEyes] I realize the new WE is centered on the supply system, and that supply takes up most of the server power used in the new WE, however, if the supply units don't work correctly, this greatly effects the war game [16:47] [Jozi] we do have an isuue we need to fix with the counting of weapons and ammo in units. [16:47] * Laguna believes in Quality over Quantity. Not for people, because he is egalitirist, but on the quality of their contribution. [16:47] * Laguna also thinks he should write that on a rock and hurl it to Jozi's head [16:48] [WildEyes] lol. So does that cover the issue with supply units not returning garrison weapons to bases/stockpiles? And, in the mean time, ought I refrain from recalling my garrisons/dismantling air wings? [16:48] [Jozi] we have recently added a feature that finds military units that are out of ammo. We now analize the reason, it could be lack of supplies or supply units. [16:49] [Jozi] if there is no good reason, it might be an error in the supply units and we are now able to find these cases and fix them. [16:49] * T_H_E_O (nunyabizne@ has joined #jozichat [16:49] [Laguna] Yes, it is an error. [16:49] [Laguna] Didn't you read my emails? [16:49] [WildEyes] They always read *my* emails [16:50] * WildEyes teases laguna [16:50] [Jozi] when we are satisfied that there are no problems in the software, we will turn this feature into a messaging feature that will warn [16:50] [Jozi] you if some of your units are out of supplies, stuck or anything else. [16:50] [WildEyes] awesome. [16:50] [Jozi] on performance: [16:50] [Laguna] Wait a sec there. [16:50] [WildEyes] does this count supply units out of supply? I find it ironic when supply units or air transport run out of gasoline/aircraft fuel [16:51] [Jozi] we have been able to reduce the processin of all military units movements and supply units, to 3 or 4% of the server capacity. (one processor that is). [16:51] [Laguna] Weapons do DISAPPEAR into somewhere. And it isn't always into the supply units. [16:52] * Laguna reminds Jozi the last time he asked him that he told him 10% [16:52] [Jozi] WildEyes: [16:53] [Jozi] the warnings will of course include all cases where the supply units are not moving for any reason. The feature is important because there are many reasons for lack of supplies and too few messages. people get confused. [16:53] [Jozi] Laguna: [16:53] [Jozi] the weapons do not disappear, they are just not counted in some cases. we know where the probem is and will fix it ASAP. [16:54] [Jozi] nobody really lost any weapons or ammunition. [16:54] [Jozi] 10% yes. [16:54] [Laguna] What I think is when they disappear and appear back in the same place when there are "orders" to the contrary [16:54] * Jozi changes topic to 'essing in countries where there was no need to process these movements in details.ures will be found by many people.Meeting at 15PM GMT. PM Laguna to be voiced.' [16:55] [Laguna] So, I will see the 160 000 Ints I lost in Alhea some months ago? [16:55] [Jozi] It is now much lower. we have optimized, [16:56] [Jozi] there we many movements of units, in countries that were not active or the user was not logging in so we have reduced the frequency. [16:56] [WildEyes] i lost about 40k ints in a country over the summer. Not my country anymore though so I can't complain, really XD [16:56] [Jozi] we will fix the counting ASAP. [16:57] [Jozi] you lost 40K interceptors? I would not know how. they are either in your bases, or in your units or in the reserves. there is no process that reduces numbers [16:57] [Jozi] for no reason. (fighting). [16:57] [WildEyes] i dismantled them and they were just... gone [16:57] [WildEyes] yeah, it was at peace, i was going an inventory [16:58] [WildEyes] doing* [16:58] [WildEyes] i figured it was an error reporting from my browser to the server or something... stuff happens. I was pissed at the time. [16:58] [Jozi] I would like to see a case like this. every place in the code, where numbers are reduced somewhere, we increase numbers in a different place, on the same line. [16:59] [WildEyes] The country's name at the time was "Xenocide" it's since been deregistered though. I'm sure it was just a glitch. Only happened that one time. Now I dismantle in stages to prevent losing half an interceptor force [16:59] [Jozi] if you have an example, please show me, we have detailed logs but we do not keep them for a very long time. [17:00] * Laguna attachs a rock to his emails and hurls it at Jozi [17:00] [WildEyes] anyways, I'm satisfied. If anything occurs again, I'll send you an email asap. For now, I need to forage for food. I woke up at the crack of noon to come talk to you! :P [17:00] [Laguna] They are titled: hall of fame and garissons [17:00] [Laguna] Garrisons* [17:01] [Jozi] Thanks for being here. have a nice luch? dinner? [17:01] [WildEyes] haha, brunch? breakfast + lunch :P [17:02] * Laguna changes topic to 'I've had better conversations with tuco' [17:02] * Laguna sets mode: -v WildEyes [17:02] * Laguna sets mode: -m [17:02] [Laguna] It has already been 2 hours since the meeting started. [17:03] [Laguna] I will I will end it now. [17:05] [Jozi] If there are more issues, keep shooting. [17:05] * WendyBot (Wendy@ has left #jozichat [17:05] [Laguna] What about rocks? [17:06] [Laguna] I have a few things to tell you, but I aneurisms don't suit me well. [17:06] [Laguna] I would like to hear you speaking and asking for a change. [17:06] [Jozi] aneurisms? [17:07] [Laguna] Here's a topic for you to think: target-public. If someone asked you what was the public-target of Simcountry, you would answer? [17:07] [Jozi] you mean a mission statement? [17:08] [Laguna] I'm out of rocks, so... [17:09] [Jozi] so ... [17:10] [Laguna] You are telling SImcountry has no public to appeal to? [17:11] [Jozi] I did not understand your question. now I do. [17:12] [Jozi] The target public is the more serious player, students, professionals, people who are intersted in economic or strategic processes [17:13] [Jozi] age is not important but we do not beleive that there are many [16 years old who are able to play this seriously. [17:13] * WildEyes is now known as Guacamole [17:13] * Guacamole is now known as WildEyes [17:14] [KevinHenry] Jozi, I would like to say that recently I think what has been tolarated on the forum is unbelievable....it really turn my off to the social aspect of the game, which is key [17:14] * josias (chatzilla@ has joined #jozichat [17:14] [Jozi] we are interested in people who are not looking only for shooting video games but are interested in a longer term process that they can influence,together with others, and enjoy building a virtual entity [17:14] [Jozi] that is and remains achallenge. [17:15] * WildEyes was making Tuco jokes in #simcountry, in case anyone was wondering about the guacamole thing... [17:15] [Jozi] Kevin: I know. we have agreed with Laguna on a process. messages will be placed today or latest tomorrow about this and I am sure that the style will change quickly. [17:16] [Laguna] By the way, Kevin isn't speaking about my monkeys and my specially perverted squirrel... [17:16] [Jozi] we will not tolerate it any more and ban people who do not stop. [17:16] [KevinHenry] thank you! [17:16] [KevinHenry] my next step was to start posting quotes here, some of which are disgusting...i'm glad i dont have to do that [17:17] [Jozi] I an mot personally a witness of this but Tom, Jonni, Laguna (very strongly) testified of this and we have receive quite some mails. [17:17] [KevinHenry] ic [17:18] [Laguna] I sent something like a email every week for the past few months... I'm persistant. [17:18] * SweetPea (webclient@ Quit (Quit: Today is a good day to chat.) [17:18] [WildEyes] thank god [17:19] [WildEyes] the forums were a contributing factor when i decided to up and leave... just... too much drama [17:19] [WildEyes] not enough llamas [17:19] [Treasurer] about time [17:20] [Jozi] I am sorry we are a little slow some times. As I said, it is quite busy here. some people where on vacation recently, consulting work etc. [17:20] [Treasurer] there should be an ignore feature on the forums to ignore entire posts from certain players that abuse the privelege of having their words read in public [17:20] [Laguna] That shouldn't be needed in anymore. [17:20] [Laguna] But speaking of which, why did you choose Jabber over IRC when choosing the chat system for SImcountry? [17:21] [Treasurer] well until other players are banned like myself [17:21] [Laguna] Some players haven't been able to chat, because the client keeps ejjecting them from the chatrooms. [17:21] [Jozi] Laguna, Tom will be able to do this on Monday. I can however do this when we are done. they all left me alone this evening. I have the time. [17:21] [Treasurer] im not sure how i joined, i was kinda new to it [17:22] [WildEyes] i still liked the old chat best. The only problem is it didn't have rooms. But until it started not letting people in, it was great. [17:22] [Laguna] I haven't experienced it, because I use a diferent client, but it has either to do with the client (JWChat) or the Site. [17:22] [Laguna] The old chatroom's window was too small too. [17:25] [WildEyes] and it was hard to scroll up and read [17:25] [WildEyes] but i just liked it better [17:25] [WildEyes] call me a sucker for a classic XD
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Saturday, January 10, 2009 - 08:33 pm Nice. So thats a no to decreasing the country cash limit before being charged to 5T And if I have offended anyone with my thoughts on the General Forum I apologize. Without someone giving me a slap every now and then to keep my mouth in check, I can get abit carried(especialy after a couple of beers )
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Saturday, January 10, 2009 - 08:35 pm Damn. I forgot about this. Thanks for posting anyway LG
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Saturday, January 10, 2009 - 08:42 pm Please see my "Jozi - Regarding..." thread.
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Sunday, January 11, 2009 - 03:04 am If you ask me, the solution to helping new players understand this game is *not* more videos cluttering up the screen for everyone. The real problem is that i dont think most new players have any clue that "Documentation" = "Help file for new players". I know i thought "Documentation" was just some meaningless copyright information.... that is the main issue, they have to label that and display it more prominently within the site for new people so they know what it actually is and click on it and read....
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Sunday, January 11, 2009 - 04:34 am I would like to get the video placeholders off of the screen like I was able to do will those awful tips.
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Sunday, January 11, 2009 - 06:08 am [15:58] [Laguna] My accusition is as follows: Financial Fees are worthless in their purpose and they send money into a magic black nowhere. What if W3C put the Financial Fee of 0.2% into the SC Fund?
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Sunday, January 11, 2009 - 07:23 am The security council would be overloaded with even more money it didn't know what to do with? Does the SC money at the moment come from anywhere, or is it seeming grabbed from out of a black hole?
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Sunday, January 11, 2009 - 07:36 am The money that the SC gets is proportionate to the amount of population you own. I have heard at times that it is $125,000 per million people. In essence the money that the SC has to give out is limitless.
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Sunday, January 11, 2009 - 01:11 pm When the Sec Cou was introduced, it was charging 100M per million. It was reduced to 20M some weeks after, and it now rests at 5M per million (I think).
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Sunday, January 11, 2009 - 03:06 pm the security council just has to dole out MUCH more aid thats all
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Sunday, January 11, 2009 - 07:35 pm I doubt its 5 Million, as the development aid would be growing MUCH more rapidly.
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Sunday, January 11, 2009 - 07:38 pm That's right. Replace the M's for K's.
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Sunday, January 11, 2009 - 07:56 pm Ok, so its $5,000 per million people. That sounds more like it.